Chapter 23

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Lauren's POV

It's like 5:30 now and i was looking for Y/N since i wanted to ask her if she wants to go to that lake. So here i am walking around, i went to the bus and saw the girls "Hey girls where's Y/N?" i ask them "Maybe your bunk" Ally said i nodded and went to the bunk area and there she is standing up looking up at her phone. I wrap my arms around her waist "Hey cutie" i greeted and kissed her cheek "Hi" she said and hugged me "Hey, wanna go on a date?" i said smiling "Yeah sure, where?" she asked as she pulled away and fixed her hair. "Just near the lake" i said she nodded "Alright, let's go" she said i smiled and held her hand "Girls we're going out! We'll back after an hour or two" i said as i got the picnic basket. I smiled and then we went out of the bus and walked to where the lake is, the sun is going to set minutes later! We arrived and then i placed the blanket on the grass and then we sat on it, "So i brought food" i said and opened the basket showing her the pizzas, strawberries and Nutella. 

"Oooh!!" she then cuddled to my side "i'm sorry if this isn't romantic enough" i said frowning she looked at me and frown "Baby, it is romantic and cute" she said giggling she kissed my cheeks multiple times and it made me smile. I got my phone out and played some soothing music, as we talk about our life, we then talked about my family and my life when i was young. Then i asked about her family, "My parents... they've been busy with things and never really cared about me. It all started when i was 15, they're just crap." she said i frown "That's just mean, they need to care for their beautiful daughter" i said caressing her cheek. She blushed and just ate pizza "What happens when we told them about us?" i ask she sighed "i have no idea, but i'm pretty sure they might get mad? Since they want me to date boys but like... no. When i saw you, i didn't look at anybody! Like my eyes are just literally on you" i blushed "Aw baby" she laughed she then shrugged "They don't control my love life, these are my own decisions" i nodded "That's right" i said smiling.

"Have you seen them?" she shake her head "Not really, i don't really know what happened to them because they don't contact me anymore but when i try it always goes straight to voicemail so i kinda just stopped" i nodded "Do you miss them?" she bit her lip "Well, i miss the caring parents that i used to have. But i'm okay, i've got you and the girls" i nodded and hugged her "I love you" i told her softly she lift her head up and our lips met "I love you too" she mumbled. "Mmm... look! Sunset!" she pull away and smiled widely when she saw the beautiful sunset, "omg this is so beautiful" she said dreamily i smiled and took a polaroid picture of her and the sunset. "Not as beautiful as you are darling" i said she looked back to me and then straddled my lap, i smile and wrap my arms around her "Want some strawberries?" she asked i nodded and then she got a strawberry and placed some Nutella on top. She then placed it near my mouth, i bit on it and smiled "Thank you" she giggled and nodded and put more Nutella and ate the rest. 

She continued to feed me until it was all gone, she rest her head on my chest and i like wrap my arms around her body, we were in a comfortable silence well except for the music playing. I just love that we are together, i love her she's like the death of me. I would marry her in the future i know that, too early to think about but you know? sometimes you just gotta think about it. I bet she'll be a fun mom! I'll be happy to see her all motherly to our children and i'll be just teaching them how to do stuff. I sighed and then soon i felt her lips on my neck making me shiver, she continued to kiss my neck until she reached my sweet spot i bit my lip and moaned a bit, she then kissed my lips. Again, things got heated really quick and i really want to make love to her right now but like we're in public and i don't want any paparazzi people sneakily filming us when we're doing it. Also, i want to make love again when we're in a hotel or somewhere romantic and private. 

She was about to take my shirt off but i stopped her, i look at her and she was pouting "I wanna make love to you" she said in a baby voice i awed "i'm sorry baby, but not here in public. There might be paparazzi people hiding and i wanna make love to you somewhere private and romantic" i said she sighed "but you didn't get pleasured yesterday" she said frowning i smiled "It's okay baby, you can do me soon" i said she sighed "fine, i'll keep that in mind" i chuckled and nodded. "Oh shit, we have to go" i said looking at the time she groan "But i like it here with you" i smiled "Come on, let's just go cuddle in the bus" she nodded and then helped me pack up the stuff and we walked back to the bus. 

Your POV

"Hey Lauren! We're going to do a Q&A video for the fans so come and join us" Dinah said Lauren nodded "yeah just let me clean this up first" the girls nodded, i walk to them and gave each girl a hug. "Hey girlie, how was the date?" Normani asked as she pat my back "It was fun and cute" i said smiling "Lauren can be romantic huh?" Dinah said i nodded "She's always romantic and so adorable even though people see her as the bad ass or the scary one in the group" i said they chuckled. "Did you guys do it?!" Camila asked i looked at her weirdly "Um? You mean like... sex?" they nodded i laughed "No we didn't" they pout and i look at them confused. "You guys are weird" i said laughing "DONE" Lauren shout then sat between Dinah and Camila, i sat on the other couch and just watched them. 

It's been minutes later and they still continued to answer questions "What is your favorite country and who will you bring if you would ever go to that country and stay there for a month?" Ally read from her phone. Then we answered it individually, then it was Lauren's turn "Well... i would want to go maybe... France. Yeah, Paris!" then the girls cheered she chuckled and looked at the camera "Aaaand... i will of course bring my girlfriend... Y/N and probably my two monkeys at home which are Chris and Tay" she said smiling cutely at the camera. They nodded, i smiled at her and she winked at me before turning to her phone "This is a Kiss, Date or Marry game!" Normani said cheering. Then they started off with Camila, then when it came to Lauren she prepared herself and nodded. "So your choices are....according to our fans they were Lana Del Rey..." Lauren gasped "Angelina Jolie" Lauren gasped again "And Y/N" Lauren then sighed "Alright, it's pretty obvious. So Marry, Y/N...duh so i would kiss her all day! Aaaaand.... Kiss... Angelina? Then Date Lana" they giggled "of course Y/N" Dinah said laughing. 

"If you were a guy what gift will you give your girl crush?" Dinah read then i laughed when they all did that thinking face. "Lauren! You go first since you have a girlfriend" Lauren chuckled "Um... let me think first..." she then looked at me and squint her eyes, i just smiled at her and shrugged. "If i was a guy... i'd be hot- NOPE KIDDING! But if i was a guy i would give Y/N probably....a lot" she then laughed while the girls awed. I looked at her weirdly and she just shrugged "I don't know!" "You don't know what your girlfriend likes?" Camila asked her "It's just... she likes a lot of things. Maybe a plane ticket to her favorite country, or i would just bring her to Disney Land and just buy a lot of stuff she wants" she said shrugging the girls awed and kept saying that they're jealous of our relationship, i smiled widely "yes!" i said quietly she laughed when she saw me. "I know, you love Disney babe" she said pointing to me "By the way, Y/N's right in the corner" she said to the camera. 

Then the rest of the girls answered the question. "Oh! Yes, so this question isn't for us but for Y/N" Camila said making me confused "What?" i asked they gestured me to come to them so i did. Lauren of course got my hand and made me sat on her lap which i don't mind, i intertwined our fingers and wrap her arms around my waist. "So Y/N, would you rather date a boyfriend Lauren Jauregui or a girlfriend Lauren Jauregui" i chuckled "Um... what do you mean boyfriend?" they shrug "Like if Lauren looks like a dude? Or is a dude?" i then thought about it. "I mean, they'll be both hot. Well i want both! It's hard to choose, cause like boyfriend Lauren will be super hot since he might have abs and like deep voice and tattoos! But like girlfriend Lauren which i have..." i said while squishing Lauren's cheeks "Is so adorable and hot at the same time so i don't know" i said chuckling they awed and teased me at how my cheeks were red. "One more, what would you give me on my birthday since it's coming up" Lauren read smiling widely.

I smirked "I won't say, it's a secret baby" i said she pout "But i wanna know!" i laughed and hugged her "You'll find out soon anyway, since it'll be your birthday soon cutie" i said kissing her cheek. "Fine" she mumble and then squeezed me making me groan "Alright so that's all for today! See yah soon guys!" then the girls waved and finally ended the video. "I wanna go to Disney Land with you guys!" Camila said pouting at Lauren who chuckled "When we it's Y/N's birthday Camz" i gasped "Really?! Are we going to Disney Land?!" she nodded "Yeah sure, why not?" i squeal and hugged her tight. "I'm too excited for my birthday" she laughed and peck my lips "You're too cute! Now i want some cuddles" she said i nodded and went to our bunk and cuddled. 

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