Chapter 31

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- Next Morning -

Your POV

I woke up the next morning and saw Lauren was still asleep, i smile and kissed her cheek softly before getting up to make breakfast. I walk to the bathroom and brushed my teeth first then i washed my face, then i walk downstairs. When i arrived at the kitchen i saw Camila and Olivia talking when they noticed my presence Camila smiled and then hugged me tight "Good morning!" i smile "Morning!" she giggle "Oh! Can we try your pool?!" Camila asked excitedly i chuckle "Yeah sure if you have your bikinis?" she nodded "Yeah i have some! Can Olivia swim too?" she asked i nodded hesitantly then Camila squeal "Let's go girl! Let's change!" she said dragging Olivia with her. I sigh and then started making eggs, bacon and waffles, when i was almost done with the last waffle i saw Lauren came in the kitchen. She cutely rubbed her sleepy eyes and she had a small pout on her lips "Well good morning cutie" i said finished the last waffle. She looked at me and i gave her a smile she blushed and then she walk to me and wrap her arms around my waist from behind "I didn't see you when i woke up" she mumble cutely i chuckle "I'm sorry Laur i was making breakfast" i said she nodded and just continued to hug me.

"Where are Camz and Olivia?" she ask "Well they wanted to try the swimming pool so they're getting changed" i felt her nod and then kissed my cheek "Where's my good morning kiss?" she asked while pouting i smile and lean towards her giving her good morning kiss. She smiled widely and then excitedly sat on the table as i gave her her breakfast, "mmmm.... this is so good! i love you so much Y/N" she mumble as she stuff food inside her mouth. I laughed and sat beside her "Careful babe you might choke" i said placing her hair behind her ear she nodded cutely and then chewed her food. "OOOH I KNEW I SMELL BACON" Camila squeal we laughed "Who made them?!" i raised my hand and Camila squeal "Bless yo soul!" i smile and laugh she got her plate and then sat across me followed by Olivia. As we ate i noticed that Olivia kept looking at Lauren's....chest? I look towards Lauren and her shirt was like showing her cleavage! DAMN IT LAUREN! I fixed Lauren's shirt so that it won't show much cleavage Lauren blush "Oh sorry" she told me i rolled my eyes and just kept eating.

I saw Olivia roll her eyes too making me sigh, i already hate her. "Okay, i'm done! Now can i swim?" Camila asked us "Camz, you should at least wait for 5 minutes cause you just ate" Lauren said Camila pouted "Fine! but i will go put my legs on the water come on Olivia!" Camila said then dragged Olivia with her. I sigh and then collected the dirty plates "I'll clean up this time baby" i heard Lauren say "No it's okay" i said smiling at her "Go swim with them" i said as i walk to the sink. "I will but after i wash the dishes and you're swimming us right?" she asked as she helped me bring the dirty plates and glasses on the sink. "No Lauren, remember? I have my period" i said she pout "But, i wanna see you in your bikini!" i laughed "Soon babe, i'm almost done with my period anyway" she smiled and nodded "Go change" I told her she shake her head "No! I'm washing!" she then started washing making me sigh. "I'll dry them then" I said she nodded "Okay" i smile and then she passed me the clean plate and then i wiped it with a clean rag, and then she continued to pass me the clean plates and glasses and i dried them all.

When we were done Lauren went upstairs to change and i was walking to the backyard and then i saw Camila and Olivia having a conversation while swimming "Come join us" Camila said swimming to me "Nah, i have my period sorry" i said chuckling she pout "But i wanted to do the chicken fight thing" i laughed and pat her head "Next time Mila" i said then suddenly i saw Lauren walked to us and my jaw dropped as i saw her in her bikini. Okay, she's hot! And i think i wasn't the only one checking her out, i glared at Olivia who shamelessly checked Lauren out, then her eyes were glued to my girlfriend's beautiful ass. I cleared my throat and walk to Lauren she looked at me confused and i covered her butt "You okay baby?" she asked "No i'm not, cause you're in a fucking bikini and you look so sexy as fuck-" "Aw thanks Y/N" i rolled my eyes "No! She's checking you out and i don't like it" i said through my gritted teeth. She cupped my cheeks and made me stare into her eyes "Y/N, you don't have to be jealous okay?" i groan and pull away from her. I marched to my chair then sat down crossing my arms then glared at Lauren, she gave me a look and i just continued glaring at her. She sigh and just went inside the pool then they started playing games on the pool, i stood up and then walk to Lauren's work out room and just started working out. After i did the push ups i went to the treadmill and began running. 

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