Chapter 11

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˚˚˚ 3 Months later ˚˚˚

Your POV

It's been three months now and Lauren and i went to a lot of dates and fans have been shipping us and rumors are spreading in social media, some fans are now following me in my social media which is weird because i'm just a fan like them. Receiving hate comments makes me feel uncomfortable but Lauren kept telling me they're not real and i should just keep looking at the positive ones. Right now, i'm in a building with Fifth Harmony and their crew. "So Fifth Harmony, we're going on tour with Ariana Grande!" the girls squealed then started cheering "WIFEY IS GONNA BE THERE" Camila cheered "Who else are gonna be on tour?" Dinah asked "The Vamps and Bea Miller" they nodded and still smiling widely. So they're going on a tour? Great, which means i'll be just in my apartment looking for a job and shit. I went out of the room and just went to the balcony, the wind hit my face causing me to close my eyes and sigh, suddenly i felt arms wrapped around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.

"Baby?" i heard Lauren say i intertwine our fingers and kissed her cheek "Yeah?" she smile "Aren't you excited for tour?" i look at her confused "Lauren, it's you guys are going on tour" i said turning around inside her arms. "No, you're coming with us... well if you want to. I asked our manager and he said sure. You can come....right?" she then did her puppy face, i smile "Do you want me to come?" she nodded "Of course!" i giggle and nodded "Okay then, i thought i'll be staying at home and wait for how many months" she smile and hugged me tight. "I can't live without you, you know that" she said i chuckle and then cuddle my face to her neck, "Shall we eat burgers?" she asked i smirked "YES! I'M HUNGRY" she laughed and nodded we walk to the others and i excitedly asked them if they wanted to eat burgers with Lauren and i. "Sure!" we then went out of the building and went to a restaurant, as we were seated we were ordering. There were a lot of fans in this restaurant and some of them are like flirting with the girls.

I'm just a bit uncomfortable when they flirt with Lauren and when Lauren flirts back, like for example right now there's a beautiful brunette flirting with her and i feel uncomfortable. "You really have beautiful eyes Lolo" the girl told Lauren as they hugged each other, i look at them with a frown but turn away and went on my phone. I don't mind if they flirt with the other girls it's just Lauren... i have feelings for her and we're dating... we're not together... yet but we're dating. The girls looked over to Lauren and then to me then they smirked, "you jealous?" Camila whispered on my ear, i roll my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her she giggled and wink at me. "Look! They actually look happy together" she teased i frown and look at them, they were in a deep conversation and laughing and shit. "Stop" i whine pouting at Camila "Aw Y/N" Ally cooed Camila giggled "Don't worry, CAMILA'S HERE" i smile and cuddle to her side. "Thanks Cammie" i said in a baby voice and kissed her cheek, she smiled widely and fed me some of her fries.

Camila and i continued to get to know each other more and kept getting food from each other's plate, the girls were giggling i got confused at first until i turned around and saw Lauren glaring at Camila who was just eating my cheese fries and smiling back at Lauren. "No" Lauren said wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me towards her then she got my food and placed it in front of me and is now far away from Camila. Camila pout "I want cheese fries!" Lauren continued to glare at her "No, get your own!" i look at her and chuckle "You okay there?" i ask her she was glaring at her food. "Hey?" she didn't answer "Aw wittle Lauwen was jeawous" Dinah teased Lauren gave her a death glare and i chuckle, i kissed her cheek "were you jealous babe?" she blushed making me smile since i knew she loved being called baby or babe. "Yes" she whispered i smile and cuddle to her side "you were talking to the brunette girl so i just talked with Cammie" i said shrugging she whine.

"Were you jealous of her?" she asked me, i bit my lip "hmm... well i felt uncomfortable?" she laughed "so you were jealous" i shrug "yeah a bit" she smile "That's cute!" she then peck my lips making the girls 'oh'ed. "No but you're cute, you like get jealous of Camila" she rolled her eyes and hugged me tight "i know, now shut up" i laughed and fed her some fries she smiled cutely and opened her mouth. "I actually like Y/N, Lauren can i borrow her for a week?" Lauren immediately wrapped her arms around me "NO" the girls and i laughed "STOP it's not funny! and you guys can't have Y/N, i met her first" she said wrapping an arm around my waist while pouting. They smiled at Lauren and i, and they squeal "Don't worry Laur, Y/N's all yours" Normani said Lauren nodded and kissed my cheek then she start eating her burger. I sigh "So girls when do we start tour?" i ask them "Next next week" i nodded then they started to talk about random things, "i'm going to spend so much time with you and i'm really excited" Lauren told me.

I smiled widely "This is gonna be my first time seeing the fans" i said clapping my hands "Oh yeah! I'm gonna drag you to the stage" my eyes widen and shake my head "Nope, no thanks!" she laughed "Come on babe, i want the fans to know that i really really like you and i'm dating you" she said pouting, i blushed "But... what if some fans don't ship us? Then there will be more hate comments" i said frowning she frowns too. "Baby, you gotta ignore those bad, mean comments alright? They're not worth your time. They're just jealous because you're beautiful-" "No Laur, i'm not" i said she gave me a serious look "Y/N don't say that you're not beautiful in front of me okay? You are fucking gorgeous believe it or not, but you are in my eyes." she said i nodded she cupped my cheek "I'm serious you're really really gorgeous, and your personality is gorgeous too baby" i blushed "Okay okay, i get it! Now stop making me blush" i said pushing her away she laughed and hugged me.


Lauren and i are just walking around until i heard her squealing i look at her and Lauren ran to the puppy and pet it, i laughed and jog up beside her. "Hey puppy" Lauren said in a baby voice she then pet his head, "can we keep him?" Lauren said looking up to me with her puppy eyes and a pout. I kiss her cheek "Baby we don't even know who owns him" she continued to pout and hug the puppy "But he's so cute" she continued to talk to the puppy like a baby which is really cute! "Come on Lauren" i said holding her hand "But...but...puppy?" she pout i sighed "Give him a BIG kiss then we can go" she gave the puppy a kiss and i took a picture of her. "Bye bye puppy" she said waving at the puppy cutely, i awed and i grabbed her face and gave her a really long peck. "MWAH" she opened her eyes slowly and giggle "Again!" i roll my eyes and held her hand, "Nope let's go!" she scoffed she then lift me up and carried me bridal style. "NO i want piggy back ride!" i said she placed me down and bent down so i went to her back and she gave me a piggy back ride.

We got to Lauren's place and all the girls were there, i ran to Camila and jumped on her "Hello!" i said she laughed "HI!" i smile and sat on her lap. I saw Lauren talking with Normani and Ally was on her phone and... where is Dinah? i turn to Camila and she was on her phone "Hey Camila? Where's Dinah?" she look at me then behind me she smirked i look at her confused then suddenly i heard a squeal. I turned around and saw Lauren's face was full of whipped cream! i can't help but laugh with the others "DINAH JANE!" she shout Dinah laughed hysterically "I love you Lauren!" i saw Lauren pout. I continued laughing while i walk to her "Don't laugh at me!" i giggle and wrap my arms around her neck "but it was funny" she pout i smile and lean in and kissed her i smiled when i tasted the whipped cream. I pull away and swipe my finger to Lauren's cheek then suck on my finger "Mmm!" she rolled her eyes then she pulled me close and was about to wipe her face on my face but i pushed her away. "NO LAUREN" i then slipped out of her hold and ran to her room.

Few minutes later i didn't hear anything so i unlocked the door i stepped out and whipped cream on my face. "WOW" i then heard laughing i saw Lauren laughing so hard while holding the paper plate that was full of whipped cream, "I love you so much babe" i glare at her like a 5 year old then locked her door again. "No come on babe open the door!" i heard Lauren said while knocking, i went to her bathroom and washed my face, when my face was cleaned i went to her closet and got one of her big hoodies and i wore it. I smiled and sniffed the hoodie "Mmm... it's smells like her" i then got her softball bat and walk to the door i opened it and was ready to swing but Lauren raised her hands up "WOAH WOAH!" i sigh and placed the bat down. "Are you mad?" she asked pouting i chuckle "No, i just wanted to wash my face and got your hoodie" i said smiling widely. "Come on! Let's get you cleaned up" i said pulling her to her bathroom, i let her sit on the toilet lid and i sat on her lap. I got a clean towel and wet it then i cleaned her face she smiled cutely as i wipe her cheeks, i chuckle and kiss her clean cheek.

I felt her caressing my hip as i clean her face and it makes me ticklish slightly "All done!" she grinned "YAY i'm clean!" i then stood up so she can stand up, she walk behind me and wrap her arms around my waist placing her chin on my shoulder. "Y/N, you're really beautiful" she said as she hug me tight i smile and lean back to her "You're beautiful Lauren" i said she sigh and turned me around. I look up to her and she was looking at me lovingly she lean down slowly and when our lips met the same fireworks erupted on my stomach and our kiss was different from our other kisses, this one was soft and slow. It was sweet and passionate too. "Mmm..." i moaned as we pull away we smiled at each other and she kissed my forehead making me cuddle to her chest. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight, we stayed like this for a few minutes until we pulled away. "Come on let's go downstairs" i said holding her hand, she intertwined our fingers and then we walk down the stairs.

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