Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

It has been hours now and the doctor said she's in a coma for a while. Oh gosh, i missed her so much, i just want to feel her arms around me again and hugged me. I have been giving the others excuses like going to the bathroom and then i just cry and cry, i couldn't help it the love of my life had a car accident and now in coma. I hadn't eaten lunch or didn't even drank anything so now my parents are buying us food, i was sitting alone on the bench still looking at my girlfriend who laid there with so many needles attached to her. "Lauren, do you know where her parents are?" Ally ask softly i sniffled "I don't know, she said that they really didn't care about her" i said quietly "wait here's Y/N's phone. The doctor gave it to me when they placed Y/N in the hospital" Camila said i got Y/N's phone and opened it. I scroll through her contacts and then called her mother, i stood up and started walking away from the girls.

Camila's POV

"She's broken guys" i said sadly "Well of course Mila, what if someone you love just had a car accident and now in a coma? What would you feel" Dinah said i sigh "It's just... i hate seeing Lauren sad it makes me sad too and Y/N is in a coma which is still really sad" i said frowning Ally sat beside me "I know Mila, we're all sad too. But i'm positive she will wake up" Ally said smiling i smile a bit and nodded. "Gosh, Lauren really loves the girl huh?" Dinah said chuckling a bit we smile and nodded "Yeah..." we said "i miss her" Normani said sighing "same" we said. Suddenly Lauren came in angrily "What happened?" Ally asked "Her parents won't fucking come. They think this shit is a joke, and they said that they don't have a gay daughter. THOSE HOMOPHOBIC BITCHES" i stood up and tried to calm her down but it wasn't working "Calm down please" i said she back away from me "No Camz! I can't fucking calm down, my girlfriend is in a coma and her fucking parents just think it's a joke! They don't give a shit on what happened to their daughter and this makes me angry! They are both heartless bitches" she snapped and then stormed out of the room.

"I'll talk to her" Ally said pulling Mani with her and they both followed Lauren. I sighed deeply and looked at Y/N "Please wake up Y/N" i whispered i then heard Lauren's parents came in "Where's everybody?" Clara asked "Lauren stormed out of the room since she talked to Y/N's parents who thinks that this is all a joke and Lauren said that they don't have a lesbian daughter" i explained "Yeah, Lauren is pissed" Dinah said "I'll go look for them" Mike said kissing Clara's cheek then walked out. "Here you go girls, let's eat" i nodded and then we silently ate some pizza.

Lauren's POV

"Lauren" i turn around and saw dad walking to me "Hey baby girl what happened?" i just sighed and angrily stared at the floor "Y/N's parents won't come to hospital because they think it's just a fucking joke and they don't want her because she's gay, and dad that makes me angry. They are Y/N's parents, they should accept and should be here right now. Worrying about their daughter who had a car accident AND in a coma, but no they don't give a shit!" i said frustratedly. My dad hugged my tight and i just sighed melting in his arms "I just want Y/N to wake up dad" i mumble "i know baby girl and she will, just be positive" i nodded and pull away. "Come on we bought food for you girls" Ally got my arm and then we walk back to the waiting room, when we entered i frown since it was pizza. It's not that i don't like pizza it's just i had so much memories with Y/N, i sat down and continued to look at Y/N on the window as i ate my pizza.

It's almost night and mom said we had to go home but i was stubborn wouldn't go but my sister convinced me that we will come back tomorrow morning so now we were on our way home. As i laid on my bed i kept thinking about Y/N hoping that she will make it, i hope she'll wake up tomorrow... i just want my baby back. She doesn't deserve to die, she's too young and has a future coming. The doctor told us that she was driving until there was a drunk driver that hit her car and the impact was really fast that made Y/N's car crash to the tree. They never got the drunk man's name but i'm sure that he's sorry. This is why people shouldn't drink and drive! They can cause accidents! I couldn't sleep, i was too pissed on so much things, for example are Y/N's parents. I sighed and looked at my clock it was almost 12, we got home about 10:30 pm. I stood up and got the camera Y/N gave me on my birthday and looked at our photos when we were on tour. I stared at one photo when she was hugging me while smiling so widely, i sighed and saw a tear dropped on my thigh.

I didn't even realized i was crying. I wipe my eyes and put the camera on the side, i need someone to cuddle with me, i can't sleep i have too many things in my mind. I stood up and walked to Tay's room, she was sound asleep i got inside and then cuddle myself to her making her groan a bit. "Lauren? What are you doing here?" i sigh "I can't sleep Tay, there's too many things in my mind" i whispered she smile a bit and just hugged me "Sleep Laur and tomorrow we will go to the hospital" i nodded and then close my eyes.

- One month later -

I was on my way to the building where we're going to have a Fifth Harmony meeting and i still feel like shit. My girlfriend is still in a coma and i'm a damn mess, i miss her so much, like every time i zone out and just think if Y/N is going to wake up. I only sleep at least 5 hours a day which is unhealthy, well that's what my mom always said, and i now sleep in Y/N's hospital room. When the doctor told us we could go inside the room i never left the room except for going to the bathroom or to take a bath. Yesterday my parents made me go home since i haven't been sleeping for 8 or more hours and they said i needed to sleep so last night i slept for 8 hours. Now we had a meeting and i was really tired and all i wanted to do was just be beside Y/N's bed and hold her hand. I yawned and then saw paparazzi people "Ugh not now" i groan then suddenly they asked a lot of questions and kept taking photos of me like they always do. I got annoyed and walked faster, then they kept asking questions about Y/N making me groan "Go away" i told them and ran inside the building.

I was definitely in a bad mood right now, all i wanted was to go to the hospital and be beside Y/N. I just want to be alone with her, i need silence and sleep but most importantly i need Y/N. I went to the room and saw everybody is in there, "Lauren, how are you feeling?" my manager asked i look at her and shrug "still the same" i said tiredly i then sat down and laid my head on Normani's shoulder. "Laur you really should sleep at least 8 or more hours" Ally said patting my shoulder "I know i know, it's just i always wake up" i mumble i then sighed and yawned again. "Here's some coffee Lauren" Camz said i smile at her "Thanks Camz" she smiled and nodded, i then drank some coffee "Okay let's start the meeting" our manger said we nodded and then listened to her talk. Okay so we're going to have the 7/27 tour but our manager said we will wait for Y/N to wake up for two more months and then if she didn't wake up we had to go on tour. I just hope my baby is already awake. Minutes later she said the meeting is over "Finally" i mumble and then stood up, "Where are you going Lauren?" Dinah asked me "hospital" i simply said.

When we got there i sighed and sat on the couch beside Y/N's bed, the nurse gave me this couch since she knew that i always sleep here at night now, so she gave me the couch and some pillows and blanket. They are so nice in here. I stared at Y/N who was still asleep, i frown and then got her hand "Baby, if you can hear me please wake up" i said quietly "I know you're a strong woman Y/N. I know you will wake up" i continued i sighed "i love you Y/N" i said and kissed her forehead. I then laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

Taylor's POV

When i entered Y/N's hospital room i saw Lauren fell asleep on the couch i smiled and kissed her head, i'm going to let her sleep since i know she was tired and really upset because Y/N was still in a coma. But i could still see that she was being positive and always had hope in her eyes. I then thought about it, my sister does love the girl. Lauren was like glued to Y/N every time when we hang out, she's like a magnet she was attached to Y/N and i know this hurts her. I saw Chris walked in with the food and i smiled "Hey bro" i said quietly he smiled and hugged me "Where's Lo? Oh wait never mind there she is! I'll wake her-" "No!" he look at me confused "She needs sleep Chris, she needs to sleep for more hours" he nodded and then placed the food down and sat next to me. We then started talking silently until i became sleepy.

A/N: Sorry for the mistakes ✌🏼

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