Chapter 26

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- Last Day of tour -

Lauren's POV

Oh no, it's the last day of tour and i really had fun hanging out with Ariana and some of the boys from The Vamps, i still hate Brad. But it's still sad since it's now done. Well i'm not really sure what we're doing next, it really depends on our manager and we will know what will happen after the concert. We actually just did our last meet and greet and now we're going to have lunch! Good, cause i'm hungry. I ran towards the room where the food was and i gasped when i see lots of food. "Look Lauren, pepperoni pizza" Normani teased "Oooh can i have one?" i asked in a baby voice "Nope, not yet. Our manager said we had to wait for all of the crew" i groaned "But i'm hungry" i whine like a child, "then eat something" Dinah said shrugging i smile and walk towards the pies. I lick my lips and was about to get one but Dinah pulled me away "Kidding Lauren, we can't eat until they are all here" I groan "Why do we have to wait? I'm literally starving" i whine glaring at Dinah and Normani who smirked.

"We're here!" when i heard that i jumped in happiness and was about to dig in but someone pulled me "Y/N wants to see you outside" I pout and sigh since i really wanted to eat but i have to go to my girlfriend. I groaned and then walk out of the room, when i saw her she smiled widely "Lauren!" she then frown "did i do something wrong?" she asked as she observed my face. "No... just hungry" i mumble i look at her and she sighed "I'm sorry, but what is it?" i ask she smiled a bit "Well, um... i was just walking around a while ago and i bought these for you" she said shyly as she showed me a cute beanie, a red rose and a cute jacket. "Aw baby" i cooed then pulled her inside my arms "you're literally the best, these are so cute. Thank you" i then cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. I got the gifts and wore the beanie and the jacket, i sniff the rose and smiled "Do you like it?" she asked i nodded "Of course baby, it's simple but it's so adorable" i kissed her cheek and intertwined our fingers. "Let's go eat?" she nodded and then we walk together. 

"Where is the damn pizza?!" i saw Camila eating the last one making me whine "Noooooo Caaamz!" she look at me confused "Oh, right. Sorry Lolo" i pout and sniffled "But i want pizza" i mumble "Babe?" i turn around still pouting "I got your pizza" Y/N said giggling i look at her confused "Where did you find it?!" she laughed "Lauren, there's literally another box right there. Dinah just hid it" i glared at Dinah who laughed "hey! I saved it for you Lo" i squint my eyes "Are you suuuuure it's for me? Cause it looks like your planning to eat them all Hansen?" she then look at the box "Yeah... probably. Now bye" she said taking the box of pizza i sigh and shrug. "Thank you baby!" i cheered and stole a kiss from her, i then began eating my pizza "ugh....yes" i mumble as i eat my pizza. Y/N laughed and got some tissue and wiped my mouth, i probably had tomato sauce all over my face, eh. Who cares when you're eating pizza right? Cause i don't. Y/N sat on my lap and wrap her arms around my neck, "Mmm... i'm eating baby" i said she chuckle "I know" she then straddle my lap and just hugged me tight. 

I finished my pizza, and finally wrapped my arms around my girlfriend's body "Are you okay sweetie?" i ask as i rub her back "Yeah... just a bit tired" she mumble against my shoulder. "Wanna take a nap while i go to sound check?" she tighten her hug and sigh "No, i want you to be there with me" she mumble i frown. "Okay, what about this. I go to soundcheck and then after that i will join you?" she sighed "Okay fine" i chuckle "Let me guess, you want me to carry you?" i heard her cute giggle and nodded. I smile and finally carried her. 

Finally! The tour has ended now we're heading back to our homes well our manager said that we can have a break from all this, so she gave us a two month break! I sigh and walk outside looking for Y/N when i finally saw her i walk to her and wrap my arms around her waist making her jump in surprise. "Oh shit" she cursed i laughed and kissed her cheek "Hello!" she sighed and wrap her arms around my neck, hugging me. "Hey, um... i have to tell you something" i look at her confused she looked a bit nervous "What is it?" i asked curiously "My parents..." my eyes widen "What about them?" she gulped "They... saw the rumors about us. So they called me a while ago and asked" i look at her waiting for her to continue. "And i said we were together" i nodded she took a deep breath and sigh "They don't want me with you" she said sadly. I frown "but..." she then shushed me with her finger, "don't worry Lauren i'm an adult now, they cannot control my life" i smile.

"So you won't break up with me?" she shake her head "No, of course not. I love you Lauren, i'll be stupid if i did break up with you" i smiled at her thankfully and hugged her tight. "Also, i told them that i loved you so we kinda got into an argument about lesbians and everything" she then sighed "They're just so frustrating you know? I mean, can't they see that i love you?" i blushed "I love you too" i mumble she smiled "I know baby" she said and peck my lips. "That's all, i just wanted to tell you about my parents and them being homophobic" i nodded "Don't worry, if they take you away from me i will always find a way to get you back" she blushed and hugged me tight. "Oh Lauren, i love you so much" she said burying her face to my neck "Come on baby, let's go to the bus" she nodded and then searched for my hand when she found it i intertwined my fingers with her. We then started walking towards the bus, we entered the bus and i saw all the girls "Hey girls" Dinah greeted then all the girls waved at us. 


Yay! We're finally home in Miami! Well i missed my girlfriend now well since she still has to sleep in their apartment and i had to sleep in my family's house. It's weird on how i missed her already when literally we just came back 3 days ago and i saw her yesterday. I'm so attached to her, oh my god. Well i can't help it, i just love being with her, i always have fun when i'm with her whether we're watching a movie, eating pizza, or just laughing. I sigh and got out of bed, i wanna go to her apartment today and spend another whole day with my princess. I stood up and lazily walk to my bathroom and took a bath. When i finished i wore my casual clothes and dried my hair with the hair blower, i put on some light make up and then i was ready to go. I quickly got my phone and saw a lot of calls and texts from Camila and Renee, i got so confused at first until i read their messages. I gulped hard when i read the messages, no. This can't be happening. My phone started ringing again and i slowly click on the answer button and placed the phone against my ear.


Camila shout.

-Camz, please tell me this is a joke

i begged

-Lauren, why will i send you a lot of texts or calls if it wasn't a damn emergency?! Come here Lauren! Y/N really got in a car accident!

-Fuck, i'm coming! Bye

Suddenly i felt tears forming in my eyes, i quickly got my keys and then raced downstairs ignoring the calls from my mom and sister. I went inside the car and looked at the hospital Camila sent me and then i sped away. Oh no, this can't be happening to my baby. No, please no.

I arrived at the hospital and told the woman behind the counter Y/N's name and she told me the room number so i ran and when i got there i saw Renee crying and Camila hugging her tight. When they saw me i frown "Where is she?" i ask trying to calm myself down, "they're doing some tests and i don't know" Camila said i look at the window on Y/N's room and saw doctors and nurses surrounding her. "No" i whispered i was about to cry but i sucked it in, i had to be positive. She will wake up, i know she will. She's a strong girl, she won't leave me here on earth right? No way, i want to have a future with her. I love her and she knows that. "Please baby, wake up soon" i said wiping the tear that escaped my eye, "Lauren?" i heard Camila say i look at her and she frown when she saw my face. "What?" i was still trying to hold the sob "The girls are coming" i nodded, suddenly i saw my sister, my mom and the girls running towards us. "Oh no Y/N!" Taylor then covered her mouth looking at Y/N at the small window.

Dinah was about to hug me but i back away "No, don't" she look at me confused "If you hug me, i will cry and i don't want that. I want to be positive and brave. I know she will make it" i said but my eyes were now watery. I bit my lip so that it will stop trembling, i look back at the window and prayed that she will make it, she will wake up. I know she will. 


A/N: Sorry if this was a bit sucky but hey i updated! Also, i don't know anything about this hospital thing so forgive me! 😂

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