Chapter 39

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- Years later -

Your POV

I was at home with Lauren and i's 3 year old girl and a 6 month old boy. Yes Lauren got pregnant and we got a boy!!! So Jorge and Jordan!!! He looks a lot like Lauren and Jordan looks a lot like me, so basically these kids are like photocopies of Lauren and i which was so exciting. So Taylor, Lauren's sister decided to sleep in our house until Lauren comes back from tour, she had been in tour for months now and i could see Jordan already misses her momma. Taylor was in Jordan and Jorge's room with Jorge because she wanted to play with the little one, and as for me i was at the living room with Jordan on my lap. "Mommy?" she called "Yes sweetie?" i ask she cupped my cheeks with her small hands and i smiled "Can you braid my hair?" i nodded "Sure thing baby, go get your little hair ties" she smiled widely and nodded, i helped her get down on the couch and watch her cutely run up the stairs. Suddenly my phone started ringing so i got my phone and saw Lauren was wanted to FaceTime so i accepted it and then soon i saw her beautiful face. 

"Hey beautiful!" she greeted i smiled widely "Hey Laur! How are you?" i asked she sighed "Tired... we did a show today and i just got out of the shower. The girls wanted me to come with them and drink but i told them i was tired and wanted to rest so here i am in my hotel room" she said i smile "You have to rest okay baby? You need sleep" she nodded "Yes mom" i laughed and then soon i heard Jordan's footsteps coming. "MOMMY MOMMY!! I GOT THE HAIR TIES!" she said i smiled widely "Alright! now come sit here and talk to momma" she gasped "MOMMA?!" i then heard Lauren's laugh, i gave Jordan my phone and she held it carefully. "MOMMA!!!!" she shout Lauren smiled widely and waved at our daughter "Hello beautiful princess" she greeted i smiled at the both of them and then started braiding Jordan's hair. "Momma, when are you coming back?" Jordan asked sadly Lauren sighed "Soon baby girl okay? Momma has to work but i will come home soon" she said i then saw Jordan pout making Lauren awe. 

"When is soon momma?" Jordan asked Lauren bit her lip and thought about it "I don't know yet baby girl. But i promise i will go home" when i finished braiding her hair i heard sniffling, so i turn to Jordan and saw she was crying. "I miss you momma" she cried "Aw honey" i mumble and then pull her to my chest, i got the phone from her and she hugged me tight. Lauren frowned and i gave her a look "Hey Jordie?" she said Jordan wiped her eyes and then looked at Lauren. "What about, i buy you different things from different places?" Lauren said smiling Jordan sniffled "Really?" she mumble Lauren nodded "Yes sure! What would you want? Different kinds of candies?" Lauren suggested then suddenly i saw Jordan smile and giggle. "Momma i want stuffed animals! And candies!" she said happily making me giggle "Not too much candy okay Jordan?" she nodded and i looked at Lauren who giggled. "Sure thing baby girl, i promise to buy you stuffed animals and candies" Jordan then clapped her hands excitedly.

"Thank you momma!!" she said and then kissed the camera i smile and then rubbed Jordan's back "Why don't you go play while i talk to momma?" i told Jordan who nodded and ran to get her Barbies. I sigh and looked at Lauren "When are you coming home babe?" i ask she shrug "I don't really know yet baby but i'll let you know i promise. I need to ask the manager on when the tour is gonna end" i nodded "I miss you too you know?" she smirk "Really?" i rolled my eyes "Yes really, i miss my wife" i said blushing she giggle "Aw baby! I really want to kiss you right now but i can't cause my lips will just collide with the stupid screen" i laughed and shrug "That's why you gotta come home! So you can kiss me all day and all night and have kisses from Jordan and Jorge" she smiled widely "Oh yeah! Where's my little man?" i chuckle "hold up i'll go to their room, he's with your sister actually" Lauren nodded "SHOW ME HIM" i laughed "Patience you beautiful goddess" she smirked and winked at me. I then opened the room and saw Taylor and Jorge giggling "Hey Tay" i greeted "Oh hey!" i smiled widely and gave her my phone. She then gasped "LAUREN!" then i got Jorge and put him on my lap. 

"Oh your little man is fine! We actually played blocks and everything" Taylor said tilting the camera to us so Lauren could see us, i smiled widely and got Jorge's hand and waved at Lauren. "Hi momma" i said in my baby voice "AW!! Look at my little man! He's growing up!" Lauren said suddenly Jorge started giggling and jumping on my lap making me laugh. "He can hear you Lauren" i told Lauren who smiled "Hey there baby boy, how are you? You better be behave with auntie Taylor and mommy okay?" Jorge just laughed and then got a squishy toy and placed it in his mouth. "I'll see you guys soon okay? I'm gonna go to bed i'm really tired" Lauren said we smiled "alright, goodnight Lauren!" Taylor said and gave me back my phone. "Goodnight baby, i love you" i said smiling at her "Aw, i love you too Y/N" she said smiling then i saw Jordan running to us "Bye momma!! see you soon" she said Lauren giggled and nodded "I'll see you guys soon, bye Jordie!" and then she hung up. 


The doorbell rang and i groaned cause i was in the middle of reviewing the designs Vero wanted me to review and there was a lot to do. When i heard the doorbell again i groaned once again, i got up and then opened the door angrily "What?!" i then looked up and gasped my eyes widen and then squealed "LAUREN!" she laughed and then i jumped on her. "Oh my god, you're finally home" i said hugging her tight she smiled widely and then carried me inside "Yeah! I'm glad to be back this time i'll have a longer stay" i sigh "Thank god" i said giggling she giggled too and then kissed me passionately "mmm... i've been waiting for this for too long" she mumbled against our lips. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply, "i fucking missed you! You jerk" i said as i pulled away she giggle "I missed you too honey! But i also missed our two angels! Where are they?" i chuckle "She's upstairs sleeping with Jorge" i said she awed and then pecked my lips. "I wanna see them" i nodded and then she let me down and then got a bag and raised upstairs, i followed her and then stayed on the door. 

I saw Lauren rubbing Jordan's back gently and then calling her name softly "Jordie wake up" Jordan groaned and then rubbed her eyes, when she opened them she looked at Lauren sleepily "Momma?" Lauren smiled and nodded "Hey Jordie, i'm home" she said Jordan then squealed and attacked Lauren with a hug. "MOMMA!! I MISSED YOU!" she then cried and then Lauren comforted her "Aw don't cry princess, i'm already here and i missed you too! Wanna see the gifts i bought you?" Lauren said excitedly making me Jordan smile widely and giggle "YES!" Lauren sat Jordan on her lap and got the bag "Here, the things inside this bag is yours" Jordan gasped and then excitedly opened it. "CANDIES!! AND STUFFED ANIMALS!" she then turned the bag upside down so all of the things fell on her bed, she squealed and then hugged a tiger stuffed toy. "Thank you so much momma! I love you" Jordan said smiling widely Lauren smiled too and kissed her cheek "you're welcome nugget you deserve it, now go play with the stuffed toys and the candies are for after dinner okay?" Jordan nodded cutely and started playing with her stuffed animals. 

Lauren stood up and sighed "Now, where's my little man" she said and went to the crib and gently got him "Hey there little nugget" Lauren said in her baby voice, she kissed his chubby cheek and Jorge giggled and reached for Lauren. I smile and walk towards them wrapping my arms around Lauren's waist, "i feel like he's going to be hot when he grows up" i said Lauren giggled "Heck yeah! Jauregui genes are the best" i rolled my eyes "Hey, my genes are good too" she giggle "Yeah i know, you're cute! but Jauregui genes are hot" i chuckle "Shut up and kiss me" i whispered she smirked and then kissed me. I pull away and then kissed Jorge "Hey baby, you hungry?" he whined "No? okay" i said shrugging and then he started fiddling with Lauren's jacket. "Gosh i'm glad to be home" Lauren said smiling at me and then our two kids. 

"Alright, i'm going to sleep first because i'm really tired so care to join me baby?" she said holding my hand i nodded "Sure, hey Jordan? Wanna sleep with Momma and mommy?" i asked she nodded and then brought all of her stuffed toys making us laugh. "Just bring one honey" Lauren said Jordan started to pout "But... what about Mr Tiger?" Lauren sighed "Fine, two" Jordan smiled and nodded getting two animals and then joined us. I got Jorge and then placed him in his crib on our room so he could sleep there. We laid down and then we all cuddled up and then fell asleep. As a family. 

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