Chapter 20

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Your POV

Yay! Fifth Harmony was performing again and i was talking with Ariana, "Have fun Ari" i told her smiling when she was about to go on stage! She gave me a hug "Thanks Y/N!" she then went to hug the girls of Fifth Harmony. As i wait for the girls i saw Brad walking to me, i ignored him and just waited for Lauren. "Hey?" i look at him "Yeah?" he chuckle "Um... i feel like you're mad at me since i was hitting on your girlfriend" i glare at him "Then you're right, i am mad at you" he sighed "I'm sorry, i have a reason though" i shrug "I really don't care" i said but in my head i was singing it. Dang it Demi Lovato! I placed my cup near my mouth and drank my water "I like you" he said i spit my water everywhere when he said that. "What?!" Lauren saw me and then jog to me, "What happened baby?" she asked as she gave me tissue to wipe my mouth. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Lauren asked Brad who sighed "I was only talking to her Lauren" Lauren glared at him "go away!" Brad looked at me before walking away. 

I saw Lauren continued giving him death glares and i sighed i cupped her cheeks then turn her head so she could face me "Hey beautiful" i said sweetly and kiss her lips, i pull away and smile at her cutely. "I hate Brad now" i chuckle "He's just messing with you Lauren, and you know that i hate him anyway" she nodded and hugged me "Come on, let's get you cleaned up!" she nodded and then we walk to their dressing room.

Normani's POV

Ally, Dinah and i were walking to our dressing room but we stopped when we heard The Vamps were talking about Y/N. "Yo, when you finally got Y/N you can pound her pussy everyday!" Tristan said Ally gasped loudly, the boys continued to laugh and talk about fucking Y/N and we saw Ally getting mad. Woah. "EXCUSE ME BUT YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Y/N LIKE THAT!" Ally yelled at them "You boys are so nasty and disrespectful!" Ally continued until we heard laugh and just ignored us. I groan and then just dragged Ally away from them then suddenly i heard a really loud groan we look back and saw Dinah laughing and Brad on the floor holding his crotch "You're going to die Hansen!" we then started running away from them. When we got to our dressing room we locked the door and then turned around, our jaws dropped when we saw Y/N and Lauren in a hot make out session. "My ship is so hot" Ally whispered Dinah and i looked at her weirdly and she just shrugged and just walked to her stuff completely ignoring the two. 

"Mmm..." Y/N then pulled away "Hi guys!" she greeted i sighed and glared at Dinah "What the fuck did you do?" i asked she started laughing hysterically and i can't help but laugh too. "What happened?" Lauren asked as she held Y/N close, Y/N was still straddling her lap, arms wrapped around Lauren's neck. "I kick him in the balls" Dinah laughed we then heard loud bangs from our door "Shit" Dinah then went behind Y/N and Lauren "Help me love birds" i opened the door and a furious Brad came in. "Where the fuck is Dinah Jane?!" we all glared at him "Get out Brad" Y/N said rolling her eyes "Oh hey beautiful" he said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Lauren snapped Brad's eyes widen and ran away making us all laugh. "You're such a pussy!" i yelled and then closed the door,  i looked at Lauren and she was still glaring at the door. "Mine" she said hugging Y/N tight, i chuckle "Oh Lauren you jealous dog" she glared at me and i shrug "I'm yours don't worry" Y/N said kissing her cheek and that made Lauren smile. 

Your POV

When the day is finally over we went back to our tour bus and then hit the road, i was on the front lounge with Camila and Ally and Lauren is at our bunk talking to her sister. Dinah and Normani? I don't know somewhere in the bus. "Hey guys? Camila is hungry" Camila said pouting cutely i chuckled "what would you want Cabello?" she gasped and excitedly hugged me "Are you going to make me a sandwich?!" i nodded "Sure" i said hugging her back. She clapped her hands and watched me as i made her sandwich "What about you Ally?" i ask her she shake her head "I'm alright sweetie" i smiled and nodded. When i was done i gave it to Camila and she happily ate it, suddenly i heard Lauren scream making me jump "DINAH!!!" she shout again i chuckle and rolled my eyes. I saw Dinah laughing loudly running to the front lounge, soon i saw Lauren furiously glaring at Dinah she had silly strings all over her and i stifle a laugh. "Oh my god, what happened?" Normani asked laughing Lauren continued to glare at Dinah, "you're gonna regret that Hansen" Dinah giggled and shrugged.

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