Chapter 15

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- Tour -

Lauren's POV

We're finally starting tour!!! YUUUS! And it's finally time to tell the girls about Y/N and i, and i'm pretty excited. "Okay ladies pick your bunks and you guys will get this day to hang out with The Vamps and Ariana then tomorrow we go on the road" our manager said we nodded and then rushed to the bunk areas. I picked the lower bunk and just so you know Y/N and i will be sharing the bunk bed cause you know us we love cuddles. So yeah, i'm just putting our pillows and stuff inside our bunk, i got my bag and took out my stuffed toy Nala i always bring her when i go on tour because i love cuddling with it but now that i've got Y/N i can cuddle with both. Camila's bunk is like right next to mine, Ally's bunk is above mine, Normani's bunk is like in the second level but like after Camila's bunk or in front of Camila's? I don't know, but Dinah's is in front of Ally's. Good thing that our bunk beds are a bit big because sometimes i roll a lot and Y/N and i will share the bunk so it's good that it's big. 

"Baby" i then felt Y/N hugged me from behind and kissed me on my cheek as i fix our bunk, i turn my face to her and she lean forward and peck my lips. "Hi, you wanna try the bunk?" I ask her she nodded and then she cutely squeezed herself in, she went under the blankets and sighed "This is actually so comfortable" she said i giggled "Well yeah it is but like i miss my bed at home" i said she nodded "I can get used to this though, now i'm gonna sleep bye Lauren!" she then closed her eyes i laughed and showered her face with kisses of love making her giggle. "Can we take a nap or something?" she asked while yawning "but baby we have to meet up with Ariana and The Vamps" i said she pout "Please, just 30 minutes?" i sighed "Our manager wants us to at least talk to them baby" she nodded "You go, i'll stay here" she said snuggling to my pillow, well... our pillow. "No, come with me" i said pouting she shake her head "I'm really tired and i want to sleep for a while" i sigh and nodded "Okay fine but i'll come and cuddle with you later" she nodded and turn her back at me. I lean to her and kissed her head "I love you" i mumble she turn to me again and pecked my lips "I love you" i smile and then closed the curtains.

I stood up and then walked out of the bus, when i saw the girls i walk to them and then soon the boys of The Vamps had arrived! "Hey girls" they said we said our hello's with a hug then we started catching up. Brad saw me and i smiled at him "Hey" i said he sat next to me "Hey, how are you?" he asked with his British accent, i shrug "i'm good, i'm so excited for the tour though" i said smiling widely he chuckled "Same, i would want to see the Harmonizers and our fans too" i nodded "Hey are you guys hungry? There's like nachos" i gasped "Yes!" Brad laughed and then we all went inside the mini restaurant and got nachos. 

Your POV

After like 10 minutes i couldn't sleep anymore since i think i missed Lauren, weird but eh whatever. I'll socialize. I went out of the bus and then walk around, when i saw them inside the mini restaurant i walk in. I saw the girls but Lauren wasn't there, and there are boys... OH The Vamps! Normani saw me and she smiled widely "Finally sleeping beauty is awake" i laughed and hugged her "Hey Mani, where's Lauren?" i ask her she pointed somewhere so i followed her finger and saw Lauren laughing with Brad. "Brad that's too much cheese!" Lauren squealed making Brad laughed then they started to tease each other, i felt a bit uncomfortable again... maybe jealous? But maybe they're just friends. I sigh and got some nachos then sat between Ally and Dinah then ate my nachos quietly. 

"Hey girl, you okay?" Dinah asked quietly i nodded smiling at her slightly "Yeah i'm fine, delicious nachos by the way" i said nodding "Where's Lauren?.... oh there she is. LAUREN!" she called but Lauren didn't seem to hear it so i just shushed Dinah as she was about to call her again. "No shh... it's okay, let her socialize" i said she look at me weirdly "Hmm... okay i guess" i shrug and continued to eat my nachos. The boys of The Vamps talked with the girls of Fifth Harmony and i'm feeling a bit left out, well Dinah, Camila, Ally and Normani are talking to me too but Lauren seems to be socializing with Brad too long. But eh, i guess they're just friends and haven't seen each other for so long so i'll let them socialize. I got up and decided to walk outside, when i found a bench i sat there and just looked around i felt calm as wind hit my face. "Hey" i heard, i looked up and my jaw dropped "A-Ariana?" she giggled and sat next to me "Yeah, and you are?" i bit my lip "i'm Y/N, i'm such a big fan" she smiled widely.

"Aw that's cute! You're a fan! but wait, not to be rude but why are you here?" i sigh "Um... i'm here with my girlfriend and she's from Fifth Harmony and i'm friends with the girls too" i said she nodded and smiled "Who?" "Lauren" i said she then awed "Wait! I remember you! Lauren always post pictures of you on snapchat or Instagram" i laughed "Yeah that's me" i said smiling, "That's cute! anyway, why aren't you with your girlfriend tho?" i sigh and shrug "I'm letting Fifth Harmony socialize with The Vamps" i said smiling a bit. She nodded "Hmm... come with me, let's greet them" she said standing up, "No i'm fine, i'll stay here" i said she frown "Why? is there something you don't want to see?" i bit my lip and look away. "I'm just tired" i lied "Okay, i'll just greet them and get food then i'll come back here with you" i look up at her and smiled "Okay" i said smiling. She nodded and then walk inside the mini restaurant. 

Minutes later, Ariana came back and had nachos in her hands "did you eat already?" she asked i nodded "Yeah i did" she smiled then sat next to me again and ate her food. Ariana and i then started to get to know each other, she's actually so funny and really talkative in a good way. She also laughs a lot, and does weird things that makes us laugh, "Ari you got some cheese all over your mouth" i said giggling "Oh!" she then wiped it with her tissue. "Y/N!" i heard so i turned around and saw Camila calling me "Oh hey wifey" she said and hugged Ariana, "by the way Lauren's looking for you, she's in the bus" Camila said i nodded and then walk to the bus. I entered the bus and looked around, i went to the bunk area and saw her laying down in our bunk. "Hey baby you were looking for me?" i ask her she look at me "Where were you?" i look at her weirdly "I was with you guys a while ago" she sat up and look at me confused.

"You were?" i nodded "Yeah, maybe you were just busy with Brad" i said smiling a bit at her "Why didn't you call me?" i shrug "I just wanted you to socialize" she sighed "Well, what do you need?" she wrap her arms around me and pulled me inside the bunk. "I need my girlfriend to cuddle with me" she said as she cuddle her face to my neck, i smile and hug her tight "You were with Ariana and i kinda got jealous because you two were laughing and flirting" she said i laughed "Lauren, yes we were laughing because she's funny but we were not flirting. That's a no no for me because i have a beautiful girlfriend and i'm not going to cheat on her" i said she look up at me and smiled widely. "I wuv wu so moooch" she cooed and pulled my face kissing my lips softly, i smile and hug her tight "I wuv wu too" she giggle "i'm gonna take a nap okay?" she said i nodded "Yeah sure" i said she cuddled beside me and then she fell asleep.

Few hours later, Fifth Harmony, The Vamps are in Ariana's tour bus they were all like catching up and drinking alcohol. WOW. I was sitting on Lauren's lap as she talked with the others, "Oh yeah guys, i want to tell y'all something" she said they all looked at us and Lauren smiled widely. "Y/N and i are now together" she said smiling Ally, Dinah, Normani and Camila started squealing and cheering Ariana was laughing cause she knows about Lauren and i, The Vamps they just covered their ears since the girls were really loud. I smile and kiss Lauren's cheek "you're too cute" i whispered in her cheek, she chuckle and she peck my lips. "Can i drink?" i asked her she squint her eyes "Not too much, and we're sharing! because i remembered when you got drunk, you were cute but no don't get drunk" i rolled my eyes and chucked. "Fine" she smiled and gave me her cup, i sip on it and Lauren watched it "What?" i asked she shake her head and smiled at me.

"Lauren?" i called after 30 minutes later she looked at me "Hm?" i pout "i have a headache" i said rubbing my forehead, "aw do you want to go back to the bus?" i nodded slowly. "Come on, we'll just watch movies and eat popcorn. Sounds good baby girl?" she said as she kisses my forehead. "Yes" i said smiling at her she giggle and then she told Camila that we're going back to the bus, Lauren carried me to the bus and then once we got in we went to the back lounge and she placed me down. "Baby why don't you choose a movie to watch and then i'll prepare the popcorn. What's your drink?" she asked i yawn "Coke please" i said after i yawned she giggled "Cutie" she said pinching my cheek slightly before standing up and walking to the kitchen. 

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