Chapter 25

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- Next Morning -

Your POV

I woke up since i felt someone kissing my neck, i opened my eyes saw Lauren hovering me. She lifted my shirt up and then kissed my chest making me groan "Lauren?" she lift her head up and smiled at me "Hi" i chuckle and cupped her cheeks kissing her lovingly. "Hey? Why are you up so early?" i ask, i checked the time and it was only 5:30 am, damn. She sighed and sat up "I had... a dream, and now i'm horny" i laugh "What kind of dream?" i ask her she rolled her eyes "a wet one" i smirk and started kissing her neck but she pushed me away "No, i wanna do it to you!" i pout "No, i want to be dominant this time" i said smirking. I then started kissing her neck as i straddle her lap, i easily took off the over sized shirt she wore and i dove in and kissed her chest. I suck on her pink nipples making her moan. I played with her nipple with my tongue as my other hand was massaging her other boob, "uhh... Y/N" i went to the other one and she grip on my hair tight but not too tight. 

I slowly kiss down to her tummy she groaned "I need you now baby..." she said i smile and kiss her thighs, "please" i then kiss her covered pussy. "Y/N!! Stop teasing me" i chuckle then took her panties off revealing her pink wet pussy, i lick my lips and slowly kiss her lips. I then dove in  and suck on her clit hard making her moan loudly, i then lick her bundle of nerves making her crazy. She kept moving her hips so i held them down and continued to eat her out, "mmm.." i moaned causing vibrations to her pussy. "More baby" she moaned i smirk and then add a finger in while i lick her clit, then soon i added two fingers and pump them fast making her grip on my hair tight. She kept moaning and moaning and i think the girls will be mad at us for being noisy. Oh well, i suck on her clit and thrust my fingers deep and fast making her breath hitch "I'm coming.." i smile and kept going until i felt her pussy twitch and then she came. I smile and pulled out my fingers, i suck on my fingers while looking at her. 

"That was fucking wild. Come here" she said opening her arms, i smile and crawl inside her arms "i love you" she said kissing my forehead "i love you more Lauren" she chuckled "I love the most" i blush and hugged her tight. We then fell back asleep. 

(Awkward writing it but eh i did it)

Lauren's POV

"Wake up love birds!" i heard Dinah shout from outside our door then it was followed by loud knocked making me groan and cuddle to Y/N more. "Mmm... baby make her go away" i mumble burying my face to her neck she chuckle and rub my naked back, i then remembered about this morning then soon i felt myself blushing. "You okay baby? You're red" Y/N said i opened my eyes and smile at her "i'm okay, i just remembered our sex this morning" she bit her lip and peck my lips. "Wake up! Or i will barge in" Dinah said from outside the door, i sighed in annoyance then finally stood up, i felt Y/n's eyes on my butt making me turn to her and raise an eyebrow at her she blushed and just smile at me cutely making me laugh. I got a robe and wore it, i then opened the door "What Hansen?" i asked she look at me weirdly then peeked to see Y/N who was inside the covers "Oohhh... you both had your sexy time?" she said smirking i blushed and nodded "Yeah, but why are you here?" she sigh "Well Jauregui your family is here" making my eyes widen. "REALLY!?" she nodded "Yes Lauren the girls are with them. They are all eating breakfast so go and freshen up" i nodded and then closed the door. 

"Babe, my family's here!" i said excitedly she smiled "That's great!" she said i smile and pull her inside the bathroom and then we showered together... well after a little quickie. Can't handle my damn hormones. When we're finally clean, we got dressed and i hair blowed my hair so did Y/N then we both head downstairs and once we found my family i squeal and hug them tight. "Hey there Lolo!" dad said as he hugged me tight i smile "Hi dad!" i then hugged my mom, sister and brother. "Oh and Happy Birthday for yesterday" i awed and accepted the large box "Thank you" they nodded and then Y/N and i joined all of them for breakfast. After breakfast my sister and brother came to the meet and greet and the sound check with us, well since we have a show tonight. As we did our sound check i could see my baby falling asleep on one of the seats, i awed as i look at her i walk to her and kiss her forehead softly. "Y/N, baby?" she whine cutely and continued to sleep i chuckle and kiss her cheek, i lift her up slowly and then she automatically wrapped her arms and legs around me making me laugh.

"Do you want to sleep in our dressing room baby?" i ask as i rub her back, i saw fans filming us making me smile and wink at them. "Omg i ship Y/S/N so much" a fan said i chuckle and smiled at her, "yes" i heard Y/N mumble against my shoulder. "I'll see you later Harmonizers, i'll just bring Y/N to our dressing room" i told the Harmonizers who awed and kept videoing us, as i walk  Y/N quickly fell asleep in my arms. I entered the dressing room and was about to put her down but she held on to me tight "Cuddle" she said cutely "Baby i have to practice" i said she did her puppy face making me sigh "Fine but only for 5 minutes" she nodded and then i joined her on the couch and she cuddled to me. I brush her hair softly and i saw she's falling asleep again, i sigh and just admired how beautiful my girlfriend is. I am so fucking lucky. She's the best girlfriend i've ever had in my entire life, i love her so much. She's so gorgeous and she have a beautiful mind. Ugh everything about her is just perfect for me. 

"Lauren?" i heard as the door opened i shushed Ally and pointed to Y/N "Oh right, anyway we need you to practice?" Ally whispered i nodded "I'll be there" she nodded and then closed the door. I sigh and kissed Y/N's head softly before going out her embrace carefully i quickly took a picture of her since she looked so cute and then i rushed to the stage and practiced with my girls. 

Yay! So now we are performing our last song and i am so tired, we took a small break. Just drinking water, i walk back to the stage and fans kept squealing and kept videoing us. I smiled at them and waved "Hi!" i said through the mic, then they started throwing some stuff on the stage making me chuckle. Then the fans squeal louder making me confused then suddenly i.... got cake on my face "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN" Dinah cheered the other girls just laughed and i sigh and chased Dinah. I finally got her and put some cake on her face. Camila then thanked our fans then we left the stage, when i went back stage i saw Y/N laughing at me making me pout "Oh baby you look so adorable" she said giggling i smirk and then puckered my lips leaning in to kiss her cheek but she squeal and ran away making me smile and ran after her. "Come here you cutie!" she continued to laugh and run away from me until we entered the dressing room "Come on just one kiss" i said she smiled and peck my lips making me smile. 

After i showered, the girls, Y/N and i walked out of the venue and we saw fans squealing we smiled and waved at them. When they got to us they asked for photos and signatures, as usual. Then suddenly they started giving me gifts making me awe. "Aw babies!" i then hugged them all "Thank you so much chickens" i said and gave them a flying kiss, then Big Rob told us to get in the tour bus so we all said our goodbyes to the fans and then went inside the bus. "Aw guys, look what our Harmonizers gave me" i said they chuckled "They gave me lots of chocolate which i'm not complaining about!" Camila said opening one of the chocolates. "Same!" Normani said Ally smiled and hugged the stuffed animals she got from the fans and Dinah hugging her Stitch stuffed toy and some chocolates. Y/N and i went to our bunk and i closed the curtains, i lean towards her and stole a kiss from her as she went on her Facebook. "Hey want some chocolate?" i ask her as i laid my head on her lap. 

"Yeah sure" she said opening her mouth i chuckle and broke a block and put it inside her mouth. She chewed on it cutely making me smile and i got my book and started reading. "Lauren?" i look up from my book and look at her confused, "i wanna cuddle" i smile and nodded, i laid down properly and she laid her head on my chest. "Can we watch Harry Potter?" she asked while pouting "But babe, i'm reading" i said she pout "Please?" i sigh "What about you watch and i'll read and we both cuddle" she sighs and nodded. She opened the DVD player and got my Harry Potter CD and she placed it inside, when the movie started playing she laid her head back to my chest and hugged me tight. I then continued reading my book, as i read my book i could see Y/N glancing at me, "Is something wrong?" i ask her she shake her head and continues to watch. I closed my book and pulled her closer to me kissing the top of her head, i then watched the movie with her. 

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