Chapter 24

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Your POV

IT'S LAUREN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!! It's like 7 am and Lauren's still asleep and i think she'll wake up late today since it's her day off and we're on a hotel. I sneakily went out of our room and quickly went to the cafeteria, i asked politely if i could cook breakfast for Lauren and they said yes and that made me happy. I cooked Lauren's favorite breakfast meal, which are like pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Then i added some strawberries on the side, i smiled and then thanked the chef and went up to our room. When i opened the door i sighed in relief since Lauren was still sleeping, i can hear her soft snores echoing the room and that made me smile. I placed two trays on the table and then checked my phone, it was 7:45 am now so i decided to wake the sleeping beauty up. I crawl back to the bed and lean down to softly kiss her cheek "Wake up baby" i said quietly she scrunched her face, the small pout on her lips made me want to kiss it so i did. "Baabby" i then peppered her face with kisses. 

"Mmm... hm?" she sleepily hummed "Good morning, and happy birthday beautiful" i said smiling at her lovingly, "birthday?" she mumble against the pillow. I chuckle and caressed her cheek softly "Yes babe, it's your birthday" i said kissing her cheek multiple times. "It's June 27?" i laughed "Yes sweetie, please open your eyes i have a surprise for you baby girl" i said sitting up, she sighed and stretched her body and she let out a small groan. Then sighed again when she relaxed, she rubbed her eyes cutely then finally opened them, she sat up slowly and smiled when she saw the breakfast i made. "Is this for me?" i nodded "Yes Lauren, here" i said giving her one tray "Happy Birthday! this is just the beginning babe" she smiled at me sweetly, she cupped my cheeks and pulled me to her then kissed my lips. "I love you and thank you so much" she mumble i nodded "You're welcome Lauren and i love you too!!" she chuckle and then we started eating while talking about what she wants to do today. 

After we finished eating Lauren went to the bathroom and showered since we're going out. When i finished showering Lauren and i went out of the hotel and we went on a bicycle shop, i rented two bicycles and then Lauren excitedly went on it. "Come on Y/N!" she squeal i chuckle and then rode the bike, she then started riding the bike with me beside her. "Oh my gosh, this is so gorgeous" she said as she look around while we rode our bicycles, i pretended i was going to crash making her squeal "Y/N!! STOP IT" i laughed and she glared at me playfully "i'll be sad if you actually broke a bone" she said i just smirked "i'll race you to that ice cream shop over there!" i said she gasped "You're on!" we then started racing but carefully, since we didn't want to hurt any people. When we got there we stopped and i pout since Lauren won, she kept cheering and i smiled since she looked so adorable. "Ha! I beat yo ass!" i just smiled and grabbed her face kissing her like there's no tomorrow. 

I pulled away and she has this dreamy face making me chuckle "Come on cutie, i'm going to buy you some ice cream" i said holding her hand she blushed and kiss my cheek "Thank you" she said cutely i nodded and then we went inside. When i ordered our ice creams the girl kept behind the register kept biting her lip and kept checking me out making me sigh annoyance since she wasn't even listening to my orders. "Hey? Excuse me? Can we please have our ice cream?" she lean towards me and i heard Lauren growl "Give me a kiss then i'll give those ice creams to you" she said smirking. "Um no, you give us the ice cream because i paid for it" i said raising an eyebrow at her she was about to talk but Lauren beat her to it "Can you just fucking give us the ice cream?!" she said annoyed the girl looked at her and gasped "Lauren Jauregui!" Lauren rolled her eyes. "Ice cream please!" the girl jumped and gave us the ice cream "Finally" she then held my hand and pulled me away from the girl. 

We sat down and then i hugged her tight since i knew she was jealous and mad at the girl who checked me out a while ago. "I'm yours Jauregui. You know that right?" i said she sighed and nodded, she lift her head up and closed the gap between our lips making me smile into our kiss. "All mine?" i smile "Yes, and you're all mine?" she nodded cutely and peck my lips before eating her ice cream. When we finished we continued riding our bikes until we got tired, we then drove to the hotel, we entered our room and then i gave Lauren's gift to her. She looked at me confused "Baby, you know that you don't have to give me a gift right?" she said i sigh "Well i wanted to" i said shyly she awed and sat on my lap. She kissed my cheek "you're too cute! thank you so much but honestly you're the best gift ever" i smiled at her shyly and my cheeks turned really pink and she noticed it and her smile was now bigger. When she opened the box she gasped loudly "NO! This is expensive" she said facing me with shocked expression still holding the photography camera i bought her with some other thingies inside. I chuckle "Yeah a bit... but i bought it for you because i love you and happy birthday!" she then hugged me tight. 

"Babe... thank you. I really wanted one before but i didn't have time to buy and i was really busy. But now! I have one thank you so much! You're like the best girlfriend ever" she said hugging me tight i smiled. "You're welcome, and i love you too Lauren. Always" i felt her smile and then she press her lips on mine, she pulled away and smiled widely she excitedly opened the box and then did stuff with the camera which i don't really know since i don't know anything about cameras or photography. She then held the camera up and lean towards me "Smile!" i smiled and hugged her tight she then took the picture, she squealed then look at the photo she then used the small polaroid printer thing that i bought her and she smiled widely when our photo came out and she held it in her hands. "Yus! I will keep this!" she then ran to her bag and took out her notebook and put it inside, i smiled and held her hand "Baby, we're going downstairs" i said she look at me confused "Why?" she asked i smile "Dinah has to talk to you" i said smiling she nodded and then i got our keys and my phone then we head downstairs.

Lauren's POV

When we got downstairs i looked around confused since i didn't see Dinah, Y/N then lead me to a room it was dark hmm... i wonder what we're doing- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!" i jumped in surprise and smiled widely when i saw the girls, the crew, my friends! then  Ariana and The Vamps. I squealed and then hug them all well... The Vamps? I only thanked them no hugs. Then music started and they all cheered and started dancing, Dinah went to me and handed me alcohol "Come on girl you are 21 now! Have some alcohol" i chuckle and shrug then drank the alcohol. I danced with Lucy, Vero and Alexa for a while because like i missed them so fucking much! And then i was drunk... i wobbled to the girls and Dinah and Normani were drunk too. Camila was somewhere.... i don't know. Ally was dancing with Y/N, i smiled when i saw my girlfriend i then walk to her, but i was still stumbling since i was drunk. 

When i got to her she laughed "Babyyy" i whine and hugged her tight "Hey sweetie, having fun?" i nodded smiling at her widely "Mhmm..." i then pout "Why are you the best girlfriend ever? Like why are you so charming and soooo sexy?" she laughed "Babe, you're drunk aren't you?" i nodded then giggled. "I am! i had too much liquid..." she looked at me confused "I mean alcohol" she smiled "Alright, well just tell me if you want to go to bed okay?" i giggle "Come dance with me!" i shout and then we both danced on the dance floor. 

Your POV

Lauren is so fucking cute and sexy right now, like she giggles all the time which is so adorable and she like dances so sexily making me groan since i'm turned on. An hour later, i think she was sober now since she was whining on how her head hurts, "hey princess do you want to go now?" i ask her she nodded and hugged me tight "Can you carry me? please?" she asked while pouting. I smile and nodded "of course!" i then lift her up and held her tight since i didn't want her to fall, i walked out of the room then to the elevator. As we were going up Lauren has been yawning and cuddles her face to my neck making cute noises "i'm sleepy" she mumble "I know baby, we're going to our room now okay?" she nodded. I unlocked our door and then she walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and i brushed with her, she then washed her face and face planted on the bed making me laugh. I washed my face and then changed into my pajamas, when i went to our room Lauren was wearing my over sized shirt, and she only has panties on. She went under the covers and stretch her arms "cuddle" she said cutely, i smile and nodded then i went inside the covers and cuddled with her. 

She yawned and kissed my cheek "this is the best birthday ever" she mumble i then heard soft snores after she said that. I smile and hugged her tight "Goodnight baby" i mumble then i closed the lights, then closed my eyes. 


A/N: When Lauren and Normani will be 21 next year. 😳😱 Anyway, here's an update. 👌🏼

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