Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

We got downstairs and i saw alcohol "What the fuck is this?" i ask them, good thing my family aren't here today Normani shrugged "we just wanted to drink Lo chill" i look at them weirdly and sat on the couch with Y/N on my lap. "I want one" she said i pulled her back "No" i said glaring at her she pout "Why not? i'm 18 already" she said i groan "okay, but not so much" she nodded and then pour some alcohol on her cup. She sipped on it and smiled, i got her cup and sipped on it too, all of us started talking about the tour and shit and how excited they are. Minutes later i saw Y/N getting her third cup i look at her and i saw her slowly getting drunk, "baby after that stop drinking" i said she nodded and sip on her cup. I saw Dinah getting drunk and she was cuddled up to Mani's side, "she drunk?" i asked Normani who shrug "I think so?" i laughed and shake my head. I sip on my drink and then i saw Y/N pouring more "Y/N enough" I said then she then drank it i sigh, "one mooorrreee" she slurred.

"Nope, babe it's late and trust me your head will hurt tomorrow" i told her but she didn't listen since she was drunk, she got another one and drank it but i got it from her hands "Noooo LOLO!" i gave it to Ally who placed it on the table. "Enough drinking baby" i told her as she continued to pout at me cutely she then whined like a 5 year old, i sigh and pulled her to my chest so her head was now resting on my shoulder. She cuddled her face to my neck and i can feel her pout, "baby too much alcohol is bad okay?" i told her as i rub her back softly. Only Dinah and Y/N are drunk us four aren't well Camila isn't drinking she's just talking to us drinking milk. Suddenly i heard cute hiccups then cute giggles afterwards i look down and saw Y/N giggling, i can't help but smile at her adorableness "poop...poop" she said as she poke my cheek i look at her weirdly "you want to poop?" she shake her head and continued to poke my cheek. "Poop" "What? poop? like shit?" she laughed "No! *hiccup*" i laughed and shake my head.

"Come on, let's drink water okay? To get rid of your hiccups" i told her "Noo *hiccup* i don't want *hiccup* to" she said in a baby voice, "as much as i love to hear your cute hiccups you need to drink water" i said she straddled my lap and wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "Carry" i chuckle and wrap my arms around her before standing up walking to the kitchen, as i pour water on the glass she kept kissing my cheek making me blush. "Okay now drink this babe" i told her all she did was pucker her lips cutely "Kiss kiss!" i blushed furiously and peck her lips "okay now drink" i said she pout and bat her eyes. "Baby it's just water" i said she continued making me roll my eyes and then she hiccuped, i lean towards her and press my lips on hers pecking it a few times before pulling back. "Now will you drink water?" she sighed "Owkay" and then drank the water. I smile "good girl" i said kissing her forehead before placing the glass on the sink.

I saw her yawn and rub her eyes sleepily she then look at me with sleepy eyes and a lazy smile on her lips, "you sleepy little one?" she nodded and reached out for me, i pulled her closer to me and she wrap her arms and legs around me again so i carried her once again. I walk to the living room and said goodnight to the girls, i walk up the stairs and to the bathroom "Brush your teeth first babe" i said she nodded her eyes slowly were closing but she kept them open. "Ugh you're so fucking adorable right now" i mumble as i saw her brush her teeth cutely, i brushed my teeth with her and then when we were done i carried her to my room and tucked her in. "Lolo!" i jumped and look at her "Yeah?" she frown and her eyes became watery "don't leave me" i chuckle "No baby i won't, i'm just going to change my clothes beautiful" i said kissing her forehead. She sniffle "promise?" i laugh and nodded "Yes, i'll be here" she nodded and let me go, i then went to my closet and got a shirt and hoodie then i wore it.

As i fixed my clothes and then i heard a thud "Ow!" i turned around and saw Y/N on the floor i bit my lip trying not to laugh "Y/N? what are you doing?" i ask she look at me and pout "I fell" i let out a small laugh and then picked her up. "How?" i ask her as i placed her on the bed "Your phone! it's blinking" she said pointing to my phone i reached out for my phone and saw text messages. "Alright, let's go to sleep yeah?" she nodded and went inside the covers. I sigh and look at the text messages from Brad.

Brad: Hey, i know that you and the girls are like mad at me but can we please start over and be friends again? I mean we're going on tour together again, so i just didn't want things to be awkward.

Brad: I'm sorry Lauren.

Brad: And... i sorta have a little crush on you. 🙈

I rubbed my forehead and then replied to him.

Me: Sure, we can be friends again and yeah i forgive you. But for the crush thing? I can't like you back i'm sorry, i'm actually dating someone if you don't know?

Brad: Oh, was it true? You and... the girl? You like girls?

Me: Yeah Y/N and i are dating Brad, i haven't asked her to be officially mine but soon i will. But yeah, i guess i'm bisexual? Or confused? I only really like Y/N to be honest, she's the only girl i'm interested in.

Brad: Woah, i didn't know Lauren Jauregui would like a girl. I mean, since Camren happened you've been like saying that you and Mila are not dating? and that you're straight?

Me: Well things change Brad, ever since i met Y/N here in Miami things changed. I found her really attractive, and her personality made me fall for her even more. She's just... perfect to me. So i'm sorry that i couldn't like you back.

Brad: It's fine, but can we be friends at least?

Me: Yeah sure definitely

"Lolo?" i look over to Y/N and she was rubbing her eyes "cuddle?" i smile and kissed her head "i'm coming darling" i said and turn to my phone again.

Me: I gotta go and sleep. Bye Brad.

I then went inside the covers and Y/N cuddled up to my side, "you feeling okay?" i asked quietly as i kiss her forehead "yeah... my head hurts a bit" she mumble "are you sober?" i ask her she nodded "a bit" she then yawned. "You want some painkillers?" i ask again "No, just kiss it please?" i chuckle and hugged her tight kissing her forehead repeatedly until she falls asleep. Then when she did i fell asleep with her.

- Next Day -

I yawn and stretch my body, i open my eyes and saw Y/N isn't with me i sat up "Y/N?" i called and then i rub my eyes. I squint my eyes and searched for Y/N, i yawned again and then lazily stood up and brush my teeth and wash my face. I tied my hair in a bun then i walked downstairs i heard 7/27 playing so i walk to the kitchen and saw all the girls are awake well except for Dinah who was still probably asleep. I smiled when i saw Y/N and Camila jamming to 'Work from Home' as Ally and Normani cooked breakfast, i then laughed as they sang the rap. "Aw Y/N's inner Harmonizer is coming out" I said out loud making them look at me, Y/N laughed and jumped on my arms "Hi!" she said cheerfully i laughed and hugged her tight "Good morning beautiful" i said kissing the top of her head. She then pull away and searched for a song and 'All in My Head' started playing and she sang the rap part making me smile. "Morning girls" i said hugging each one of them "Morning!" they replied, i then got some orange juice and drank it.

As i drank my juice i stared at Y/N as she dances, my eyes goes down to her butt and then it went up, damn she's a sexy dancer. "I see you checking Y/N out" Mani teased i glared at her "Whatcha talkin' about? I ain't checking her out" i sassed she rolled her eyes "It was really obvious Lauren" i laughed and shrug "i know, i can't control myself" i said sighing "you really like her don't you?" i nodded "Mhmm..." i said smiling "Why don't you like ask her already" i sigh an bit my lip. "Yeah soon" i said giggling she sigh "Okay, just know i ship you both" i smile "Thanks Mani" she gave me a wink and then i felt someone got my glass and drank my juice, i look up and saw Y/N finished my juice "Hey that was mine!" i playfully whined she pout "I'm sorry, i'll refill it" i chuckle and pull her back to me. "I'm kidding babe" i said then nuzzle my nose to her cheek making her giggle and hug me tight, "can you wake Dinah up?" she asked i groaned "No, she's a monster in mornings especially when she just got drunk last night" i whine she laughed "Please?" i shake my head glaring at her.

"Come on food is almost ready" she said pouting "Why can't Mani do it" i whine "Nope, i'm helping Ally out" i groaned "Camz?" she look at me then she started preparing the table "Busy" she said i groaned loudly. "Baby?" she shake her head smirking "Nope, i asked YOU to do it. If you don't do it then no kisses for today" i pout "But that's unfair!" i whine "Y/N please" she shake her head she stood up "1, 2..." i just sat there glaring at her. "3... there will be no kisses Lauren. 4..." i took a deep breath "Fiv-" "FUCKING FINE" i groaned she glared at me "What did you say?" i pout "I'll do it" she then smiled and peck my lips. "Thank you" i sigh and i heard laughing "Whipped" Normani said i glared at her and rolled my eyes, i then walk to Dinah who is on the couch. Oh god, help me please.

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