Chapter 2

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Your POV

"This is my room" Lauren said as we entered a cute room, i smile and look around "Oh my gosh, i can't believe i'm in Lauren Jauregui's room" i mumble to myself she chuckle "Y/N, i know you're a fan and you always look shy when meeting my family even me! but can you please quit it? because you honestly look so adorable right now and all i wanna do is pinch your cheeks" she said, i look at her and smile then giggled. "I'm not cute" i said sitting next to her she scoffed "Hell yeah you are, cuter than Camila babe" she said while running her fingers through her hair. "Oh! Speaking of Camila, i should actually call her right now" she said standing up, i nodded and looked around her room i smiled when i saw baby pictures of Lauren. "Lauren?" i called she look at me "Can i take a picture of these?" i ask grinning while holding up her baby pictures, she chuckled and rolled her eyes "Whatever makes you happy" i smiled and turned around taking pictures of them.

"Hey Camz" i heard, i look over to her and just fangirl inside, omg Camren. "Oh yeah, um what time are you coming tonight for Barbecue night?" she asked my eyes then widen "She's coming tonight?!" i said out loud, Lauren turned to me with a smile then awed as i started fangirling. She giggle "Oh um sorry, i was giggling you know what? you'll meet her later anyway! But you'll be here at what?" she asked "Alright, cool! I'll see you Cabellos soon" she then hung up. "Camila Cabello is coming tonight?!" i asked in excitement, Lauren stared at me with a smile and nodded "OMG!!" i then started jumping but stopped when i remembered i was not in my room and Lauren's watching me. "Oh sorry" i quickly apologized she laughed and walk to me, "I'm sorry but you left me with no choice" she said i look at her confused but then she pinched my cheeks not too hard though. "You're so cute!!!" i giggle she then hugged me.

"Wait, but seriously. The Camila Cabello is coming?" i asked she smiled "Yes cutie she is! And her family too" i squeal but then covered my mouth "Sorry" she giggle and kiss my forehead "you know what? Keep fangirling, i love seeing you fan girl" i chuckle and shrug. "Anyway, wanna watch a movie?" she asked i nodded she then pulled me to her bed, we went inside the covers and then she turned on her TV. Suddenly her phone rings making her groan "Here, you choose" she said i nodded and switched through channels, "Oh hey Lucy!..... yeah you can come over and yes Vero can come over too. I want you guys to meet someone anyway" she said then looked at me i look at her confused, she just gave me a smile and a wink before turning back around. Oh shit, did she just wink at me? i'm dead. Y/N is dead you guys! UGH. Dammit Jauregui!

When she hung up she jumped on her bed and scooted closer to me "Really? Lion King?" she said raising an eyebrow at me, i pout "It's a cute movie" i said she laughed and nodded "Don't worry, i like Lion King too! I have Nala" she said showing me her Nala stuffed toy i smile and got it from her hands. "I saw this in pictures" i said then hugged it tight "Yay! Lauren's famous Nala stuffed toy" she chuckled then pulled me to her arms, "ugh you.are.fucking.adorable." she said i smile and took this chance to cuddle with Lauren. She surprisingly wrapped her arms around my body and held me tight "Mmm... you're comfy, now i'll sleep" she joked i giggle "Noo! your friends are coming and i don't know what to do when they come..... Lauren?" i then look up seeing her eyes closed "Noooo..." i whine making her smile and laugh. "Why do you feel awkward?" she asked i nodded "Yeah, i don't really know your friends" i said she look at me confused "You don't know, Lucy or Vero?" i chuckle "I know them, i mean i don't really KNOW them" she smiled and nodded "Gotcha! But they're nice don't worry" i nodded.

Few minutes later the door open making me jump and was about to pull away but Lauren held me tight "Lauren... your friends" i whispered she laughed and let go of me. "Hey Laur!!" Lucy and Vero said Lauren smiled "Hey guys!" she then hugged them, "oooh hello there hottie" Lucy said towards me, i blushed "Um...hi" i said she smiled and wink at me. "Babe stop being a fuck girl!" Vero said smacking her arm "Ow, fine i'm sorry! But she is cute" Lucy said smiling at me, "You don't have any chance with her Vives" Lauren said chuckling. Lucy shrugged "Eh, all goods. I have my baby anyway" she said kissing Vero's cheek, i smile and tug on Lauren's shirt making her look at me "They're together?" she chuckled and nodded. "Oh yeah, guys this is Y/N. I just met her in the park a while ago and i want you two to be nice to her. Also, she is a Harmonizer which made it even more exciting and cute" i blush and she kissed my cheek making me blush harder.

"Aw Lauren, you just made her blush!" Lucy cooed i cover my face and i heard them laughing "Aw baby" i heard Lauren say pulling my hands away, when i finally saw her eyes she smiled and hugged me tight. "I know i said this a lot of times now but, fuck you're adorable!" she said i laugh and hug her tight, "Goals!" Vero said cheering "Yeah, i even ship you guys so hard than i ship myself with Vero" Lucy said laughing. Lauren laughed and just wrapped an arm around my waist, "which reminds me do you have any boyfriend?" Lucy asked me, all eyes are in me now. "Um... no. I never had one" i said shyly "Shut up." Lucy said looking at me with disbelief, "i don't believe you! Not even guys tried asking you out?" Vero asked i shake my head. "I don't know, maybe because i'm too oblivious? Sometimes i just ignore my environment if i'm thinking of something important. I don't know, yeah maybe i'm oblivious" i said frowning they smirked "Yeah maybe" i was confused why they were smirking.

Suddenly they looked at Lauren still smirking, i looked at Lauren and she was glaring at them "What's happening?" they giggled "Nothing babe" Lauren said smiling at me, "They're just being idiots" she said making me giggle. "Oh yeah, i'm Lucy and this is my girlfriend Vero" i nodded "I know, i'm a fan remember?" Lucy chuckled "Oh yeah!" i smile and laugh "Sometimes, i forget i'm famous when i talk to you" Lauren told me "Why?" i ask confused she shrug "I don't know really" we then heard Vero and Lucy clearing their throats while smirking. "Stop it you monkeys!" Lauren said flipping them, Vero and Lucy laughed while Lauren's cheeks turn pink. "Anyway, y'all continue to watch the movie while i flirt with my girl for a bit" Lucy said winking at Lauren who laughed "don't be too loud you fuckers" Lauren said as Lucy and Vero exited the room. "Where are they going?" i ask Lauren she laughed and shake her head "They're going to the guest room probably fucking by now" i look at her disgust making her laugh even more.

"Kidding, well maybe making out. They can't fuck while my parents are home or they'll get in trouble" i chuckle and shake my head "Wow i never knew Lucy and Vero can be like that" i said "oh Lucy can be sometimes a horndog" she said laughing "Ew Lauren stop!" i said laughing she shrug "Fine then. Cuddle with me?" she asked i shrug "Sure" i said and then we cuddled again. I feel myself getting sleepy so before i knew it, i fell asleep on Lauren's chest.

˚˚˚ Few Hours later ˚˚˚

"Baby, wake up cutie" i heard a voice say, i groan and hugged the person tight "Nooo... let me sleep for 10 more minutes" the person chuckled and brushed my hair. "Babe, it's like 6:40 now and Camila will be coming soon" she said i whine "Mmmm...shhhh! Camila is on tour... with the other Fifth Harmony girls" i said sleepily. Then she started laughing "Um Y/N? Are you on drugs? Cause i am here in Miami and not in tour" she said, "huh?" i then opened my eyes rubbing the sleep out and then squint. "Wait.... i'm dreaming. You're not Lauren are you?" i asked while poking her she laugh and shake her head "No, i'm not Lauren, i'm Michelle" i then yawn "Wait. So this is not a dream?! I really met you?!" she nodded "Yes baby" i blush "Oh, i thought it was dream... weird" she laughed and then stood up. "Come on Y/N, let's get ready for the Barbecue night!" she said excitedly "Oh... i have to go home first. I need to shower" i said she look at me "But you smell good?" i look at her weirdly "You smelt me?" she laughed and shrug.

"We were cuddling so yep" i look at her and raised an eyebrow making her laugh "Too weird?" i nodded but then smiled "it's alright, i'm weird too!" i said giggling she smiled "you can shower here if you want?" i nodded but then frown "I have to get some clothes though" i said she shrug and gave me some of her clothes. "Use mine" i smile and nodded, i tied my hair into a bun and then she gave me an extra towel and i did my business. When i was done, i wore Lauren's clothes and it was a crop top that showed some of my tummy and some short shorts, damn these are short. I shrug and comb my hair, smiling at my reflection.

Lauren's POV

When i heard the door open, i look up and i swear i felt my mouth water. Holy crap she's so sexy with my clothes, i can't help but stare at her up and down. "Do i look weird?" she asked i shake my head "No, um... you look beautiful to be honest" she smiled and blushed "Thank you!" I smile "Alright let's go meet my family and the Cabellos" she nodded and I took her hand, intertwining our fingers. I don't know why I do this every time but it just feels right.

A/N: Do you guys like it? Should I keep writing?

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