Chapter 29

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Your POV

1 week has past and i finally found a job on Monday, and i applied for being a fashion designer for clothes. I was nervous on my first day since you know new environment, new people, and i'm really awkward if you must know. Lauren brought me to the company in my first day and she kept telling me that it will be fine and i could do this, and yeah the day ended really great! My boss was fabulous since she was one of Lauren's friends! Vero Iglesias! Yeah, she's my boss and she was so excited to work with me. She also hired me as her assistant, so i had a lot to do. Today it's Saturday which is my day off! Good cause i didn't want to wake up early. I finished showering and just wore my over sized shirt and shorts, suddenly i saw Lauren on my bed. "Oh hey baby!" she said i chuckled and hugged her "Hey" i mumble against her shoulder, "What are you doing here?" i asked chuckling she then lifted me up making me wrap my legs around her waist. 

She then sat down making me sit on her lap, straddling her, i pull away and smile at her "I wanted to see my girlfriend" i blush "You know i really have to get used to you calling me your girlfriend. It just makes me all jumpy whenever you call me baby or something" i said she giggle and kissed my cheeks. "You're too cute baby girl" i smile and peck her lips, "You're doing great baby, you're remembering some stuff about us you know the things we did before the accident" i smile and nodded. "Yeah!" she laughed "Anyway, um... i want to show you something" i nodded "Well we have to drive there" i sighed and nodded "Okay" "Can i change my shirt?" i ask her she chuckle. "You don't have to since you look so adorable but it's your choice" i smile and just changed my shirt and wore a hoodie, Lauren and i then walked out of the apartment and then we drove somewhere. 

When we arrived i saw a mansion! But it wasn't really big it was like a normal house size but it looked like a mansion, "Woah, who lives here?" i ask as i stared at the beautiful house. Lauren stopped her car and turned it off, and then she opened my car door. "Well baby, this is my house" i look at her confused "You live here? Alone?" she smiled and nodded "Yeah... also...i was wondering if you would want to with me?" she asked nervously "I know it's like early and everything and i know we're not even married yet but i just... i want to see you every morning and at night" i smile "So is this like our house?" i ask her she blushed and nervously nodded. "Yeah... um i made this decision before Ariana's tour so here it is! It's done and has furniture inside, my family decorated it" she said "so what do you say? do you want to move in?"  i bit my lip and smiled at her "I want to Lauren but what about Renee? She'll be alone in our apartment" she smiled "Baby, i talked to her and she said she'll be living in a new house. So she'll basically leave the apartment too" i nodded. "Oh, okay! I want to live here!" i said excitedly she smiled widely "Really?!" i nodded she squealed and hugged me tight "Yes! Okay, let's look inside" i nodded and then held her hand.

When we got inside i smiled since it looked so nice and cozy here, at the outside it looked like a mansion but here inside it looked so cozy. I smiled widely while looking around "Oooh the kitchen is so beautiful" i said as i touch the counter and then Lauren went to the fridge and chuckled as she saw food "hey baby do you want cook something?" she asked as she look at the food inside the fridge. "Yes! Can we make homemade pizza?" i ask her while i wrap my arms around her waist hugging her, she wrap her arm around my neck and nodded "Sure" she said she looked at me and i just smiled at her. "I'm so excited to move in Lauren" she giggle and then lean down to kiss me, i blush and kiss her back. We pulled away and then she slap my butt making me gasp, she laughed and wink at me "Go explore our house i'll join you after making the dough" she said i nodded and then i ran around the house. 

I look at the living room and my mouth fell wide open, shit the living room is so huge. I slowly walk to the couch and sat on it "How can Lauren afford all this?" i ask myself i then saw a massive flat screen TV. I then walk to the dining room, then i just literally walk around the 1st floor until i went back to the kitchen. There was music playing and i smiled when i saw Lauren singing while making the dough "Have you finished?" she asked me i blink "No i haven't, i just checked the 1st floor. I'll be back!" i then walk up the stairs and saw six doors. I opened the first door that was on the left side then i saw a medium sized room that has a queen sized bed and etc, i then went to the second door and it's the same, it's a medium sized room but this time the color was different, then i came to the last door on the left which is just the bathroom. Even the bathroom is really pretty! I then went to the right side and went to the first door and saw a large room with a king sized bed and so much open space. 

"This must be Lauren's room" i whispered to myself i then went to the 2nd one and saw it is a music room, where the instruments are. I went back to the large room and look around, i noticed Lauren's stuff on the bed and the couch. "So this might be Lauren's" i said then i opened the mystery door and my eyes widen when i saw a walking closet "The fuuuuuck" i went in and saw Lauren's clothes, expect there was a part that there were no clothes. I got confused and walked out of the walking closet, i then saw a balcony so i walk out and smiled when i saw the beach. I sigh and then went back inside and just looked around the large room until i finally decided to help Lauren. When i got out of the room i saw another room so i opened the door and saw a work out room where all of the work out things are in there. "Woah" i said then smiled when there were so many things in here. 

I finally got out of the room and went downstairs then to the kitchen, "the rooms are so beautiful Lauren!" i squeal she look at me and smiled "Do you like our room?" she asked as she washed her hands. I look at her confused "" she nodded and then dried her hands then fixed her bun "Yeah, have you seen the large room?" i nodded she smiled "That's our room babe" my jaw dropped "Woah, i... i thought that was yours?" she laughed and then pulled me to her, wrapping her arms around my waist "Baby, that room is ours okay? The other rooms are for guests" i nodded and blushed as she kisses my cheek. "How did you afford the house Lauren? And the expensive furniture" she bit her lip and then she sat me down to her lap, "well.... my dad has a company and he's the president there. The company is like really famous here in Miami and my dad gains a lot of money but he didn't want to buy an expensive house since mom wanted just a medium one. Then he said that he wanted to buy a house for me" i nodded telling her to continue.

"At first i told him that i could just buy one with my own money and then we started talking about how we buy the things and everything. So i ended up buying the house and he bought the furniture" i nodded "Well my sister and mother chose the decorations" i smiled "They have good taste" she giggled "Yeah, my sister loves decorating houses" i bit my lip and nodded. "Lauren, i have to pay for the electricity and water okay? You paid for the damn house that's enough" i said she laughed.

Lauren's POV

"We are paying those things together baby" she pout "But you and your father bought so much for the house and... i need to pay for something too" i smile and hug her "Okay, what about... you pay for the food and water and i pay for the other things?" she nodded "Okay" i smile and hug her tight. "Also, my dad said he really wanted you to join me in this house" she chuckle and nodded "Sure!" i smile "But what if you're on tour? I'll be alone" she said pouting i sigh "Tell your friends to come here baby" she nodded and then hugged me tight. 

Finally the dough was finished and now we were putting our own toppings, as i finished mine i looked at Y/N and saw she put A LOT of cheese making me giggle she looked at me innocently and i just smiled at her lovingly. "What?" she asked i shake my head "Nothing baby girl, do what your heart wants" i said wrapping my arms around her waist "Too much cheese?" i smile and shake my head "You decided baby" i said then kissed her temple before placing my pizza inside the oven and then she gave me her pizza and i put it inside. She smiled excitedly then clap her hands "I'm so hungry i could eat a dinosaur!" she said i laughed "Or... you could eat something else" i said smirking at her she looked at me confused but then suddenly she gave me a 'really' look and i laughed. "Whaaat??? I could eat you for dessert" i said wrapping my arms around her as i pepper kiss her neck "Noooo!! it tickles" she said giggling i smile and then just pepper kissed her face making her giggle again. "UGH i love you Y/N" i said hugging her tight she let out another cute giggle "I love you too" she said and then when the oven dinged she squeal and jump hitting my chin "Ow baby" i whine she laughed while holding her head.

"Sowwy, i'm just hungry and excited cause i put a lot of cheese!!" i smile and peck her lips "it's okay, i forgive you. Now let's eat!" she gasped and clap her hands excitedly. Gosh i'm so lucky to have her. 

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