Chapter 30

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Your POV

So i'm now alone at Lauren and i's house since Camila and Lauren had to go to a meeting today, Lauren begged me to come but i said that i wasn't really in the mood since i had my period which was hell. So now it's like 2pm and i was hungry, i went to the kitchen and went to the fridge. I looked inside and smiled widely when i saw ice cream, i know that i should eat proper lunch but i'm too picky right now, blame the period. I grabbed a spoon and then went to the living room then i watched my favorite TV show, which is Supernatural. (I'm sorry but i love Supernatural 😂) I opened the lid of the ice cream and then i started eating it, i was now on season 11 episode 6. I got a spoon full of ice cream and then shove it to my mouth, i scrunch my face since i put a lot of ice cream on my mouth giving me a brain freeze. "Damn it" i mumbled when it was gone i opened my eyes and then continued to watch. 

I heard the door opened making me sit up "Baby! I'm home and i brought guests!" i heard my girlfriend's voice say making me smile, i place the ice cream down on the coffee table and ran to the front door. "There she is!" she said i smile and hug her "Hi" i mumble against her chest she giggle "Hey baby, how are you? Have you eaten your lunch?" i shake my head she looked at me confused "What did you eat for lunch then baby?" she ask as she took off her jacket "i only ate ice cream" i said she look at me "Baby, you have to eat proper lunch" i pout "I know but... i was lazy and i didn't feel like eating anything but ice cream" i said in a baby voice. She chuckle and kissed my forehead "Is pizza fine with you?" i nodded while smiling widely she laughed and then soon i saw the front door open again and saw two women, one was Camila! She was holding the two boxes of pizza. When she saw me she smiled widely "HEY Y/N!!" i giggle and hug her tight "Hello Camila!" i said excitedly "alright i'll be back and hug you properly i'll just need to put this down" she said i nodded and let her go. 

I turn to the random blonde girl and smile at her politely "Hi!" i said she gave me a smile "Y/N, this is Olivia she is a Harmonizer too! And we met her as Camz and i were walking. Then we just hung out for a few hours then i invited her here. Is it okay?" Lauren asked me as she hugged me from behind i nodded "Yeah, it's okay" i said smiling "Oh and Olivia, this is Y/N my girlfriend-" "I know Lauren" Olivia said giggling Lauren smiled and nodded "Well sweet! Now, let's eat pizza!" she said letting me go then walk to Camila who was struggling to reach for the plates. I look at Olivia and she was looking at me weirdly making me confused "Are you okay?" she look at my face and smiled and nodded "Yeah, oh anyway beautiful home!" i smile and closed the door. "Thanks" i said and then turned around she's gone. She was already with Lauren and Camila. I sighed and then went to them, i sat beside Lauren and across us was Camila and Olivia, Camila was across me and Olivia was across Lauren. 

As we eat pizza, i instantly remembered the ice cream! So i jumped off the chair and then got the ice cream and threw it outside then i went back to the kitchen seeing Camila on her phone looking for something and Olivia was just staring at Lauren who was eating her pizza. I look at Olivia curiously but then look away and sat next to Lauren, "can i have some?" i asked Lauren she looked at me and nodded "Of course" she mumble i smiled at her sweetly since she had tomato sauce all over her lips. I lean to get a tissue then i wiped the sauce off her lips making her blush in embarrassment "whoops... didn't know i had tomato sauce on my lips. Thanks babe" she said i smile and nodded "No problem cutie" i said pinching her cheek gently making her blush and then continued eating. I look at Olivia who rolled her eyes and just glared at her pizza, i look at her again confused. What's her problem?

As i wash the dishes the three of them talk. Olivia kept fangirling which i'm not surprised about since i was also like that when i met them, i got the glass and then washed it with soap. "Omg! Can i take a photo with you Lauren and then Camila?" i heard Olivia say then i heard Camila and Lauren chuckle "Of course!" they said. I look up and saw her taking selfies with Camila and then i saw her jump to Lauren's lap and wrap her arms around Lauren's neck kissing her cheek. I felt jealousy rising inside but i chose to ignore it, i then saw Lauren kiss her cheek on the next photo i frown and look away. "Oh i'll be at the backyard my mom is calling me" Camila said rushing towards the backyard, i sigh and then dried the last plate. "Lauren, honestly don't tell any of the girls this but i love you so much! Your voice is so angelic and so beautiful! Your eyes are so perfect, i love them so much! Just everything about you is just perfect Lauren. I love you!" i stopped drying the plate then looked at Lauren who blushed furiously. 

"Aw, thanks Olivia! I love you too!" she said then they hugged, Olivia was still on Lauren's lap and yup i feel jealous. I glared at them then i just rushed upstairs to Lauren and i's room locking the door since i felt so mad and jealous, i shouldn't be so mad and jealous since the girls of Fifth Harmony always hug them and kiss their cheek then the 'i love you'. Maybe because of my stupid period, i'm moody. "Ugh" i laid on the bed and scrunch my face since i had cramps but then when it went away i just fell asleep. 

Lauren's POV

I pull away from Olivia and stood up "Well, Camila's sleeping over tonight do you want to sleep over too?" i ask her politely she smiled widely "Really!? Omg! i get to sleep inside Lauren Jauregui's house" I laugh "You're so cute! But yeah you can, i can give you some clothes if you want" i said she nodded "Yes! okay" i giggle and nodded. "Okay, um... go hang with Camz first i'm just going to check on my girlfriend" i said she then frowned immediately "Lauren, are you sure you love her?" she asked i look at her weirdly "Yeah of course, Y/N is like the best girlfriend ever" i said smiling "But are you sure she loves you?" i furrowed my eyebrows but then nodded "Yes, i know she does. She kept telling me that she loves me" she smiled a bit "Just... be careful okay? Maybe.... she just wants you just for your money" she said "No, she's not like that. I know my girlfriend and she's not like that" she shrug "I don't know, but there can be a possibility right?" she said then walk away. I frown and shake my head. 

I walk up the stairs and then tried opening the door to our room but it was locked "Baby?" i ask while knocking, i knock again since she didn't open the door. "Y/N? Babe?" i said i sigh and then got the spare key under the mat and opened the door, i put it back under the mat and then went inside "Y/N?" i searched around and then saw her on the bed asleep, i smiled and then laid down beside her. I sigh and kissed her head gently since i didn't want her to wake up but she did, ugh damn it Lauren. She opened her eyes and then she saw me, i smiled at her and she sighed and turn her back at me making me frown "Baby girl what's wrong?" i ask softly as i rub her arm "Nothing" she mumble i sigh and moved closer to her. I warp my arm around her and pulled her to me "Baby, that's not nothing. Tell me" i said kissing her shoulder "No." i sigh and just hugged her. "Why are you still here? Go hang out with Olivia" she mumble i look at her confused "wait... are you jealous?" i ask she didn't answer, i smiled and made her face me but she stubbornly fought back and just buried her face to the pillow.

"Aw Y/N! You don't have to be jealous you know?" i said chuckling as i stroke her hair "You know that you're the only one for me right? you're the only woman that makes me feel like this." i said kissing her head. "She's just a fan babe" i said she sighed "I was a fan remember? What if you fell in love with her too?!" she mumble agains the pillow i sighed "Y/N, you were different. When i first saw you i instantly know that you're the one for me so i chased after you. Olivia, she's just a fan or a friend" i said she sat up and then looked at me. I smiled and cupped her cheeks then lean in to kiss her soft lips, she kissed back and i felt like i'm melting, i love her kisses so much. She pull away making me open my eyes "Is she still here?" i bit my lip and nodded "Well i kinda asked her to sleep over" she groaned and glared at me. I sigh "it's just for one night babe, i promise" she sigh and stood up "Where are you going?" i ask her "I'm going to the bathroom" she said and then shut the bathroom door. I sighed and just laid on the bed. 

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