Chapter 14

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Your POV

"Please?" she mumble again i smiled widely even though she can't see me, i hugged her tight "Of course Lo, why will you think i'll get mad at you?" she look at me still blushing she then shrugged cutely "I don't know, i just thought you weren't ready" she said i sigh and just hugged her tight placing a small kiss on her forehead. "Lauren?" i called her she look up at me "Hm?" i smile "i love you" i mumble as i smile at her sweetly she blushed furiously again and i saw her eye color changed, it became light green and she was smiling widely. "You do?" she asked cutely i nodded "Yes Lauren, and i'm saying this because that's what i feel about you. I really do love you Lauren Michelle" she bit her lip, she straddled me and then kissed me with so much love. "I love you too" she mumble against my lips, we smiled and then we continued to make out. Oh my god, i feel like this is a dream. Like i'm daydreaming, like i always do but... this is real?!

We pull away and she cuddled back to my side "i can't believe Lauren Jauregui is my girlfriend" i mumble to myself i heard her beautiful laugh and that made me smile. "You love for who i really am right?" she asked me i nodded "Of course Lauren, i love the Lauren Michelle" she blushed "Don't call me Michelle" she said glaring at me playfully i giggle "Well i can call you whatever i want because i'm your girlfriend" i said proudly her lips made a big smile and she nod. "Okay fine, but i get to call you nugget now" i laugh "Why nugget?" i asked she shrug "It's a cute nickname" i raised an eyebrow at her, "So you're calling me chicken?" she laughed "Well chicken nugget" i rolled my eyes and peck her lips. "Whatever, you can call me whatever you want but baby or baby girl are still the best ones" i said smiling she giggle and nodded. "I know! Baby is just a cute nickname" she said i laughed, "i thought you were tired Jauregui?" she pout and then she closed her eyes making me smile. "Sleep tight babe" i said kissing her head she smiled and then we both fell asleep.

Hours later i woke up and stretch my body, i rubbed my sleepy eyes then i looked down seeing Lauren was awake she was on my phone playing with the snapchat filters. "Hey baby" she said with her husky voice when she saw i was awake, i smile lazily and hug her "Hi" i mumble and then her tummy growled making me laugh. "You hungry?" i ask she looked at me with a pout and nodded, i smile and sat up "What do you want to eat?" i asked as i put my hair on a bun. "Can we eat something sweet?" she asked i laughed "Sure, have you tasted crinkle cookies?" i asked as we walk downstairs. "Nope" i look at her shocked "Whaaat?" she laughed "I haven't, can you make me some please?" she asked pouting i nodded "I will definitely make you some Lauren" i said she laughed and hugged me from behind as i bake. "I want to crack the eggs!" Lauren said i nodded and handed her the eggs and she cracked them one by one as i mix. "Oooh baby do you know how to make grilled cheese?" i ask her she nodded "yes i do, you want some?" i nodded smiling at her.

"Yeah cause we have to like wait for this to chill" i said she nodded "Give me a kiss first" she said puckering her lips i laughed "Nooo i'm hungry too" i whine "No you gotta kiss me first" she said i shake my head. She glared at me "Y/N kiss your girlfriend or i won't be makin' you grilled cheese" i groaned and then kissed her "Seee it wasn't that hard" she said glaring at me playfully i laughed "I love you" i said then i bite my bottom lip. She smiled and kiss my cheek softly "I love you too baby" she whispered in my ear before getting the ingredients for the grilled cheese. I smiled like an idiot and watched her as she made them, i still can't believe she's now my girlfriend! My celebrity crush became my best friend and then we became girlfriends! That's really rare for fans to be honest. I'm so lucky! The luckiest fan in the world.

As we waited for the grilled cheese she walk between my legs since i was sitting on the table, she wrap her arms around my waist and i wrap mine around her neck "When do you want to tell the girls baby?" i ask her as she left small kisses on my neck. "Mmm..." she then pull away from my neck "I don't know... probably when we're on tour" she said smirking i laughed and nodded, she then went back to my neck and started kissing it again. "What if the girls tells the fans we're together now?" i asked her again "I don't mind, i want the fans to know who i love. I would love to show the world how amazing and beautiful you are Y/N" i smiled at her and kiss her lips lovingly. "Mmmm.... GRILLED CHEESE!" she said pulling away then ran to the grilled cheese i laughed and bit my lip smiling to myself. God i'm really lucky.

"Here you go!" she said "Yus! I'm so hungry" i said as i bit on my food, we continued to talk and.... flirt... and eat at the same time and i feel really happy, well i feel happy every time because i always get to spend time with Lauren. It short, Lauren makes me happy. When the crinkles are finally done, i gave one to Lauren so she could taste it, "oh i know you really don't like chocolate but this is good i promise" I told her she smiled. "All goods" she then took a bite, her eyes widen "No fucking way.... this is delicious as fuck Y/N. Like, i'm not even kidding. The mixture of chocolate and the sugar is all melting into my mouth right now and it's fucking delicious" she mumbled since she had crinkles inside her mouth. I laughed at her as she continued to eat the crinkle and ramble at how delicious it was. "How on earth did you learn how to make these heavenly cookies?" she asked as she got another one, i smiled "I learned it form my mommy, we used to bake them every time there's a birthday or christmas. OH and New Years" i said smiling.

Lauren nodded "This is fucking delicious" she mumble again i smile and ate some "i actually love you right now. Like literally, i love you! You like bake the best crinkles ever plus you're a great girlfriend" i laughed and pulled her to me kissing her cheek. "Thank you Lauren, and you're a great girlfriend too" i said "No way, you're better" she said smiling at me, i got a tissue and wiped her mouth. "I want one more!" she said excitedly i smile and watch her enjoy the crinkles, i took my phone out and took a picture of Lauren who was smiling widely, i then wrote "Lauren has a new favorite desert" i then went to my story and watched it. I laughed when it was full of Lauren's face, i think it this was when i was sleeping. Then there's a picture of us cuddling but i was asleep and the text said "She's so adorable when she sleeps. My little Y/N" i smiled and saved the pictures in my camera roll.

"Do i smell Y/N's famous crinkles?" we heard Renee said we smiled at her "Yeah! My baby baked it and it's delicious" Lauren said cheerfully Renee laughed "i know Laur, i love her crinkles too" i smile "Aw thanks! I thought you hated them?" she scoffed "I was kidding loser" she said then got one then ate it. "Wait, did you say my baby?" she asked Lauren who nodded "Yeah, Y/N's my baby" i smile and nodded she looked at us confused "Renee, Lauren's my girlfriend" i said blushing Renee dropped the crinkle on the plate and she looked at us shocked "No way..." i nodded "Yes way" i said smiling i saw Lauren sneakily got Renee's crinkle and ate it making me giggle. "HOLY COW! YESSS!! Finally! Who asked?!" i pointed to Lauren who was about to get the last one but Renee got it "Nope! i saw you ate my crinkle now this is mine!" Lauren pout but shrugged "I ate most of them anyway" i laughed and hugged her. "You little cookie monster" i said pinching her cheeks, "CAN I TELL THE GIRLS?!" Renee asked excitedly "NO! We'll do it" i said Lauren nodded. "Fine" she said but then smiled "YUS I'M SO HAPPY" we laughed.

"So when did you ask her Lauren?" Renee asked "A while ago in her room before we fell asleep" she said smiling shyly "ugh y'all are goals!" we smiled "It's obvious y'all like each other" i lean over to Lauren's ear and whispered "More like, love each other" she blushed and nodded "SO true" i laughed "WAIT what did you whisper?!" i laughed and shake my head. "It's only between Lauren and i" she whine and rolled her eyes, "fine but i'll leave you love birds alone now. I gotta meet up with my boyfriend, don't do anything nasty" she then before leaving. "Hey baby?" Lauren called i look at her "Yeah?" i said then peck her lips "Can you make me some crinkles for my birthday?" i laughed "Sure, why not?" she clapped her hands and hugged me tight. "You know Lauren i could just make you crinkles anytime" i said kissing her head she gasped "REALLY?!" i nodded she smiled widely "BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!" i smile and we made out again.


A/N: If you guys don't know what crinkles are then here is a picture of it.

A/N: If you guys don't know what crinkles are then here is a picture of it

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They are so delicious! 💕

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