Chapter 18

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Lauren's POV

I was somehow angry as i look through Y/N's twitter on her phone Y/N was still on my lap cuddling her face to my neck and i felt her tears on my neck making me sigh and kept rubbing her back. "You know Y/N, they're jealous" i said she sniffled "W-Why?" she asked i kissed her temple "Because, i chose you. Obviously they want me to be their girlfriend but i chose you. I fell in love with you and they're jealous. Ignore them baby, well that's what i do. I receive hates too you know?" i said she lift her head up and i look to her red puffy eyes "How can someone hate a beautiful girl?" she said i blushed and smiled at her. I lean in and peck her lips then her cheek "You're too cute ugh! But yeah, well most of the celebrities gets hate too. But we all chose to ignore them because they're literally not worth our time and there are positive ones Y/N. The girls and i love reading the positive ones because we feel the love through their comments and that makes us happy" i said smiling, remembering our Harmonizers sending us positive comments.

"But still... you're beautiful Lauren" she said i chuckle "Baby! Stop being cute" she pout and i glared at her and peck her lips again and again. "You're gorgeous Y/N, if you can't see that well i can. You are beautiful inside and out, outside you're like the adorable girl! Ugh i love it when you act all shy on me sometimes or sometimes you can be childish not in the bad way, the cute way. Then you have this sexy look sometimes but still act adorable! UGH YES. Then inside, ugh i love your personality Y/N. You are like my dream girl, you've got the things that i want! Cause i like a girl that is sassy and adorable too and a girl that loves me for who i really am, who listens to me when i have problems it's just... UGH it's you. That's it. It's you Y/N. You're my dream girl. There are so many things i want to say but we have to go soon, but the most important thing is, My heart will always belong to you no matter what Y/N, i promise" i said i saw her eyes shining and she had a big smile on her face.

"Do you really mean all that?" she asked shyly i pinch her cheeks "Yes my nugget, i meant every word. Now come on, i want to feed you food! I want you to feel how special you really are to me, i will treat you like a queen if i have to" she laughed and then hugged me tight. "I love you too Lauren and i mean it" she said to my ear that made me smile and hugged her tight too "Okay come on, the girls might think we're doing something nasty" she laughed and nodded, we got our stuff and keys then walked out of the room. "By the way, those haters doesn't know how to spell" i said she laughed really loudly making me laugh too "I'm serious! Like, when i was reading them i was like what the actual fuck? this person needs to go back to elementary school or something" she laughed again and i smiled, i love seeing Y/N happy, i just love it.

When we got out of the hotel we entered the van and the girls were whining on how slow we were "Did y'all have sex?" Mani asked the girls laughed and i looked at her like she was crazy. "MANI!" she laughed and shrug "What? That's possible" she said "Yeah, so did y'all have a sexy time?" Dinah said i rolled my eyes "Shut up you two" i groaned. "Wait! So did you guys do it?" Camila asked curiously i groaned loudly "NO! okay?! No we didn't, we just talked." i said glaring at all of them except for Ally who was sighing and shaking her head at the three. "So you guys haven't? Not even once?" Dinah asked again i gave her a 'really' look "nope" i said calmly they all pout and i looked at them weirdly so did Y/N. "What?" i asked "We need our grandchildren!" Y/N laughed and i rolled my eyes in annoyance, i pulled Y/N to my lap and just cuddled to her. I don't know why but i love pulling Y/n to my lap, it's just so comfortable, i love hugging and cuddling to her. It makes me feel loved also when she hugs me back and when she kisses my head, forehead, temple or cheek, most importantly my lips!

When we got to the restaurant i treated Y/N like a queen, i don't fucking care when they were looking at me weirdly all i care is that Y/N should feel special. I opened the door for her and pulled the chair out for her then pulled it back in slowly when she sat down, then i sat next to her of course. The boys of The Vamps came and sat across us, Brad sat across me i smiled "Hey Brad" i greeted he smiled and winked at me "Hey Lauren" he said with his British accent, i sigh and held Y/N's hand since i could see her secretly glaring at Brad. Then Ariana came! We then started ordering, "Fifth Harmony was so good on stage a while ago!" Brad said smiling at me "Thanks!" i said the girls are talking to the other boys and Ariana. "You guys were great too!" i said nodding he smiled and then he talked with Tristan, i looked over to Y/N who was playing with my fingers. I smiled and kissed her cheek "Hey cutie, you hungry?" i asked her she look up and i peck her lips, i'm sorry but i love kissing her, she's my addiction.

"Yeah, i can't wait for my spaghetti and meatballs" she said giggling i smile and placed my arm around shoulders leaning my body to her chair, she lean against me and laid her head on my shoulder. "What did you order?" she asked me as she got my other hand and played with my fingers again "Oh i got hamburger with fries" i said pulling her closer to me. She got my phone and then went to my photos i bit my lip nervously and then when she saw it she looked at me with wide eyes "Lauren!" she said loudly causing the girls and the boys to stop talking and looked at us. I chuckle nervously "sorry, please continue what you guys are doing" i said then they looked away, i look back to Y/N and she looked at me confused she gave me a 'really' look. "How did you get these baby pictures?!" i laughed "It was in your room babe, i kinda just took photos cause you're hella adorable" i said giggling. She groaned "Lauren i looked like a potato when i was like 6 to 8" she whined i smiled "No babe, you look cute!" i said showing her the picture when she was 6yr old.

"Ew... i look okay when i was baby but like 6-8 years old is ugly" i laughed and hugged her, "at least you're gorgeous now" i said kissing her nose. She groan "where did you get these photos?" she asked as she saw her selfies i blushed "Oh, i got them from you phone" she looked at me confused "What? You look sexy, i just wanted to have the photos" i said she chuckled and rolled her eyes. She then went to camera and we took photos, i got my phone and went to Instagram i chose the one when i was kissing her forehead as she closes her eyes and smiled, i then posted it on Instagram with the caption "My baby and i are the cutest couple ever! 💕 I love her so much and you haters back off please. Y'all don't know how amazing my girlfriend is. ✌🏼" The food finally came and then we started eating. "Oooh! Can i try and feed you?" i asked Y/N she nodded and gave me the fork, i smiled and then twist the fork between my fingers then slowly lifting it up. I placed it in front of Y/N's mouth with my other hand below the fork just in case something falls, she opened her mouth and then ate it.

"Mmm... this is so good" she mumble as she chews i chuckle "Can i taste?" she nodded "Of course, you can eat my food too" i chuckle and then twist the fork again and then placed it on my mouth. I chewed on it and nodded "Hmm... yeah this is good. Now, time for my burger" i then went to eat my burger. "Ugh i love the food here" i said out loud the girls agreed with me and i saw Brad trying to hold my hand but i pulled back and held Y/N's. I ain't cheating on my beautiful girlfriend, she's my dream girl, so no, i'm not cheating. "Can i taste your burger?" my girlfriend asked cutely i nodded "yeah definitely!" i said and fed her some she cutely chewed on it, i stared at her with adoration then i just couldn't help myself! I cupped her cheeks and peck her lips. "Mwah!" i said was i pull away, she whined "i'm eating" she mumble i laughed "i know, it's just you look like a little munchkin" i said in a baby voice.


When we finally got back to the hotel i groaned "My feet hurts" i whine, i just finished brushing my teeth, and washing my face now i'm face planted on our bed. "Baby, come on get inside the duvet" Y/N said as she pulls me up, i sat up and then got inside the duvet with her. She got a book and then i closed my lamp on my side then i cuddled to her side, i cuddle my face to her neck and read with her. As she read, i felt her hand caressing my cheek and arm and it's honestly making me sleepy. I yawned and felt my eye lids getting heavy, "Go to sleep baby" i heard Y/N whispered in my ear i then finally fell asleep.

A/N: Here's a quick update!

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