Chapter 8

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Your POV

When we were finally done we walk to the water and then i smiled when i felt the water, i swam away from Lauren and then just floated, "how dare you swim away from me" i heard i then felt arms around my waist. I giggle and started splashing "Excuse me?!" she said playfully i laughed and then we had a splashing fight, suddenly i felt her hands on my wrist and she pulled me closer to her. "You!" she then started tickling me making me laugh really loud "Lauren stooooop!" i then laughed again, she finally stopped and i was panting she laughed making me pout. She wrap my legs around her waist and pulled me close to her, so i wrap my arms around her neck, we stared into each other's eyes and i can't help but blush. She smiled softly "I love it when you blush and when you go really shy" she mumble i chuckle "I'm a shy person" i said she nodded "And that's really cute Y/N" i smile "But i'm weird too" i said she laughed and smiled "We're all weird" i felt her thumbs caressing my back.

"Y/N i have to tell you something" i nodded listening to her she sigh "Okay, i... i like someone" that for some reason made me frown and sad but covered it with a smile "That's great Lauren" i said nodding "Who is he?" i ask she frown "Y/N, it's a girl. I know you Harmonizers think i'm straight but to be honest i sometimes like girls" i then secretly thought about Camren. "Do you promise to keep this a secret?" i nodded and stuck out my pinkie she chuckle and locked our pinkies. "I used to like Camila" my eyes widen and i gasped she blushed in embarrassment and i awed "REALLY?!- i mean... really? so Camren was real?" i asked hopefully, she sigh "well we only had crushes on each other but we also moved on" i pout "But Camren" i said sadly she laughed "Baby stop it, you look so adorable!" i smile "But yeah it WAS real but our manager told us we couldn't date, but then weeks later Camila and i realized we're just gonna be JUST FRIENDS. Nothing more" i nodded "But yeah, i also like girls" she said i smile "So you're bisexual?" she squint her eyes "Yeah, maybe like that" i nodded and hug her.

"Anyway, this girl. She's so beautiful, well like when i met her i found her extremely adorable. I love the way she acts in front of me, my family and friends, to be honest she's like my dream girl.   We have so much things in common and i just really like her. Words can't describe how i feel about her." she said smiling as she talk about this girl. "Hey are you okay?" she asked cupping my cheek, i look up to her "why are you frowning?" she asked, i was frowning? i didn't even notice it. I smile "I wasn't, i was just thinking" i said she chuckle "About?" i shrug "about something" she laughed and rolled her eyes "Obviously it was something but anyway, how bout you? Any crushes?" i smile "I actually do have one, and it's a girl too" she smiled "Are you bi?" i nodded "Yeah, i never told my parents since they don't want me to like girls" she rolled her eyes "You can like girls Y/N" i nodded "I know, it's just they're like against it" she sigh "Parents" i nodded "and like... i'm not suppose to like her because she's always busy" i said honestly "Also, it's impossible for us to date" she frown.

"Why?" she asked "Well because it's hard. She might like someone else, and i think that her job won't allow us" i saw her face and it looked like she was sad. "Who is she?" she asked i smile "I'm not telling you" she giggle "you tease" she then repeatedly kissed my cheek making me smile widely. "Who's yours?" i ask she shake her head making me roll my eyes, well my crush is obviously Lauren, not because she's famous but i have developed feelings for her as we hung out in the past few days. I really really like her, but like i said i couldn't date her because she just told me that their manager might not allow us, plus! she has a crush. Great, just fucking great. "Y/N?" she mumble i look at her "Have you kissed anybody?" she asked this question took me by surprise. "Um... no i mean remember i didn't have any boyfriends or girlfriends" she nodded "Oh yeah sorry" I nodded and shrug "but um... i want you to chase after your crush" i blush well it's you Lauren. "Okay?" she smile "Maybe, surprise her with a kiss" she said i blushed "I can't do that, i'm way too awkward and really shy" i said she smile.

"Come on, if you do it, i'll do it" i squint my eyes "Hmmmm.... fine" i lied i'll probably just make up a lie and say i kissed my crush or something, i can't fucking kiss her! She's gonna freak and might not talk to me again. She smirked "But you gotta practice kissing first" i pout "With who?" "With me" my eyes widen and my cheeks turned really pink, WELL i'm gonna kiss my crush then!? "okay..." i said nervously "well if you're uncomfortable then it's okay if we don't practice" i shake my head "no, i need practice. I want it to be perfect when i kissed her" i said biting my bottom lip nervously. "You sure?" i chuckle "Lauren stop making this awkward!" she laughed and cupped my cheek "well, first you gotta look at her in the eyes lovingly..." she said so i look at her in the eyes shyly "and then just lean forward slowly..." she lean forward and our lips were literally few inches away. My heart is like pumping really fast, the butterflies on my stomach has gone crazy. "And then finally... you kiss her" she said and my whole world stopped.

Her lips then pressed on mine making my breath hitch, i'm fucking kissing Lauren Jauregui... my girl crush, my favorite singer, my baby. I closed my eyes and kissed her back softly, our kiss was slow and really passionate, i felt like melting in her arms. I just love the feeling of her soft lips against mine, and they're both in sync, there were no tongues. She pulled away leaving me breathless, "so yeah... that's how you kiss your crush" she panted i couldn't stop blushing, i just literally kissed my crush! "Aw you're blushing baby" she cooed i giggle "you're blushing too!" she rolled her eyes and smile at me. "Oh! i just realized i stole your first kiss" she said her eyes were wide, well i wanted you to be my first kiss Lauren "It's okay" i said giggling "i feel sad now, i just stole your first kiss and that was meant for your crush" i shake my head "No really, it's okay i don't regret the practice" i said blushing "I rather let you teach me than i just sit and do nothing when i kiss her" she chuckle.

"But, you weren't bad. You are actually a very good kisser" i blush "You too Lauren" she laughed "No but, it's your first time and it was really good. You're such a good kisser" i smile and peck her cheek "Thank you" she giggle and she blushed. "I hope that kiss won't make our friendship awkward" she said i giggle and shake my head "It won't, and i'll admit... your lips are soft" she laughed and i laugh too. "Your lips tastes like vanilla! I loved the flavor so i kinda enjoyed it" i smile "Oh yeah, cause i have a vanilla lip balm" she smiled "REALLY?! Can i have some?" i nodded "Yeah it's in my bag" she nodded. "Can i kiss you again?" she asked shyly i awed "Aw!! You're shy! For the very first time" she chuckled "Shut up" i smile and cupped her cheeks "But, sure" i said blushing, well hell yeah i wanted another kiss from my crush! She lean in and i smiled when our lips touched again, this time i felt her smiling too. "Mmm the vanilla taste is still there" she mumble against our lips i chuckle and peck her lips.

"Woah" we heard we pull away and look at the person "Renee?!" she smirked "Hey guys" i look at Lauren and she was blushing hard "How'd you know we were in the beach?" i asked and stood on my feet. "Well i kinda saw you brought your bikini and etc but hey... what happened" i blush and shake my head "nothing" i said smiling sheepishly, Lauren laughed and hugged me from behind "I was just teaching her how to kiss so that she can kiss her crush anytime" i blushed well since Renee knows my not so little crush on Lauren. "Uh huh..." Renee said smirking "Renee just leave please" i said she shrug "I can't, my friends kept bugging me saying they want to see Lauren again!" i sighed when we heard squeals and Lauren's name being called. "HEY!" they said and they tackled Lauren with a hug, i sighed and walked back to the sand and sat on my towel, "So how was she?" Renee teased i chuckle and rolled my eyes "She has soft lips" i said blushing "Yus bitch! Now you have your first kiss with your crush" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

Lauren's POV

"Hey Lauren!" Stephanie greeted, she was the girl that kept flirting with me, i'm not really interested. "Hey guys? I'm gonna go alright?" i said walking to the sand, i then sat next to Y/N "Hey you okay?" Y/N asked, well i'm a bit annoyed with Renee's friends because i really want to spend time with Y/N. "Do you wanna go home?" i ask her she sighed "Do you?" i shrug "I'm a bit annoyed with Renee's friends, especially Stephanie she kept flirting with me" i whispered in her ear. She got my hand and kiss my cheek "We can go if you want to" i nodded and then we stood up and i stared at her butt again but i think Renee caught me so i look away blushing.

A/N: not proofread 😂 but how is it so far guys? Is it boring? 😂

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