Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

"Okay so why are you like down or something?" i sighed when i remembered Y/N and i almost kissed, i'll admit that... i really want to kiss her so i kinda feel down that it didn't happen but it was too early for that. I mean, i don't even know if she likes me well duh she likes me cause i'm Lauren Jauregui but i want her to like me, the real me. Not the famous Lauren Jauregui but the girl that lives in Miami Lauren. "Dude?" i blink "Oh, um... something happened between us before we got here" i said she nodded "What happened?" i just blushed "i don't wanna say..." i mumble, her eyes then went wide "You made a move didn't you!?" i blushed even more and nodded slowly. She then started squealing "REALLY!? What'd you do?!" i sigh and shrug "Dinah...." she smirked "did you like kiss her cheek, hug her or something else?" i smile at Dinah and chuckle. She groaned "Tell me Jauregui!" i laughed "you are so weird, why do you want to know so bad?" she shrug "Cause, Camila and i are the Captain of Y/S/N (your ship name)" i rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? Y/S/N?" she nodded "Now, tell me!" i laugh and then blush once more "We almost kissed" i whispered "WHAT?!" "Shut up!" i said flipping her, she laughed "Oh my gosh, my little Lauren Jauregui is now a man!" i rolled my eyes and laugh with her. "When did you have the balls man?" i smile "I don't know, i was just singing to her-" "You sang to her?!" i glared at her "Shut up will you?" she chuckle "Sorry, continue" i sigh "And then when i finished singing her face was so near mine and i wanted to-" "Kiss her" i glared at her again. "Stop fucking cutting me off" she laughed "But yeah we almost kissed" i said and smiled at her, "then why you sad?" she ask "because Camila called me when our lips were about to meet" i whine she laughed "Aw sorry Lauren" i shrug "It's okay, it's too early for that anyway" she nodded and smiled at me. "I still ship you both" i laughed and nodded.

"We're back" Camila said i smiled and then Camila gave Dinah's rocky road and i saw Y/N give me my vanilla, "I paid for it since you bought me ice cream yesterday" she said shyly i blush and then smile. "Thank you so much" i said and lean in to kiss her cheek, i pull away and saw her blush furiously i giggle and pull her to my lap wrapping my arm around her since my hand was holding my ice cream. Camila and Dinah looked at me smirking and i shrug winking at them making them laugh, Y/N laid her head on my shoulder and i kissed her head "you okay cutie?" i ask quietly she lift her head up and smile "Yeah, just a bit sleepy" i smile and nodded "If you finish your ice cream you can sleep on my chest, sounds good?" she blush making me bite my lip. "Yeah" she mumble i nodded and we continued eating our ice cream "Y/S/N!!!!!" Camila and Dinah shout, i saw Y/N got confused and i laughed "Don't worry about them babe" "BABE?!" Dinah shout i glare at her and she giggle.

She finished her ice cream and i finished mine too, i look at her and she yawned cutely, Dinah and Camila were in a deep conversation about boys and shit. "You sleepy?" i ask Y/N quietly she nodded i smile and open my arms for her "come" i said she nodded and cuddled to my chest, "Mmm... you're comfy" i giggle and hugged her tight. "Sleep tight baby girl" i mumble she then close her eyes falling asleep, i sigh and stared at the sleeping beauty on my arms, i placed a strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her soft cheek. She must be deeply asleep now so i continued what i was doing, caressing her cheek. I look up and rolled my eyes when i saw Dinah and Camila filming us, "stop it guys" i said quietly "but our ship is sailing" Camila said pouting and Dinah nodded. Dinah opened her snapchat and took a selfie with me and Y/N and Camila photobombed, you couldn't really see Y/N's face so it's okay since i know that photo will be in Dinah's story.

Everybody can see our snapchat stories so obviously the fans will see our photo and i know the fans will ask me who the girl on my chest was, so good thing her face was covered a bit so you couldn't really tell it's her. Besides, i don't even know if Y/N want to be shown in social media, if she doesn't want to then i'll respect that. Camila got my phone and started taking photos of Y/N and i, i chuckle at her and shake my head "do a selfie!" she said giving me my phone, i sigh and did a selfie with a sleeping Y/N. I won't post this but i won't delete this either, i opened my phone and went to my contacts, i went to hers and i placed our photo beside her name. "Ooh can i have her number?" Dinah asked i nodded "I just got her number from her friend so yeah okay" they got my phone and started saving her number and texted Y/N.

I felt Y/N move and nuzzle her nose to my neck, i look down to her and she was still sleeping i smile and kept her close. Minutes later i heard her voice "Lolo?" i look back down "Yes?" i ask she whine quietly "I wanna go home" i smile at how cute she looks "okay do you want me to carry you?" she smiled sleepily and nodded. I smile "Piggy back?" she nodded and then went to my back, she buried her face to my neck and i smiled "Um... i'm going to go to Y/N's apartment okay? I'll see you guys soon" i told Dinah and Camila. "No wait! We wanna come" Dinah said Camila nodded i sigh and nodded and we walk together to Y/N's house, "babe where's your key?" i ask her "here" she mumble Camila got the key from her hand and opened the door. I walk up to her room and she laid down, "Lauren?" i look at her "cuddle?" i smile and lean down to kiss her cheek "Cute" i mumble and then went inside the blanket with her and she cuddled back to me.

"She's like a little magnet" Camila said giggling "Hey Y/N? Can we watch in your room?" Dinah ask i felt her nod so i nod at Dinah, she smiled and opened the TV. "I love her room" Dinah said giggling i giggle too "Same" i said and then i kissed the top of her head while she sleeps. We watched a few movies, until we saw Y/N's door opened "Y/N- oh" we saw Renee came in, we smiled and waved "Oh my gosh 3/5 of Fifth Harmony is here" she said we giggle. Dinah and Camila then started talking to her, Renee then looked at Y/N and i she smiled and walk to us "How long have she been sleeping?" she asked as she rubbed Y/N's arm softly. I smile "About a few hours now" she nodded and kiss her head "She's probably tired because of college, but we're gonna graduate soon anyway. But i feel like jobs are more stressful" she said chuckling i smile and nodded "It won't be that stressful if you love your job trust me" i said she nodded and then sat with Dinah and Camila.

Your POV

I woke up and felt arms around me, i rub my eyes and then when i open my eyes the first thing i saw was Lauren's gorgeous eyes making me blush "oh, hi" i said shyly she chuckle "Did you sleep well?" i nodded and buried my face to her neck. "I'm sorry if i was heavy" i mumble "You were not heavy Y/N" Lauren said giggling i smile and kiss her cheek and smiled shyly, her cheeks turn red and she bit her lip. "Aren't you guys busy or something?" i ask her while i play with her fingers "nope, that was why we are here" i nodded and then sat up. I stretched and when i saw Renee i hugged her from behind and kiss her cheek "Hi Renee" i said in a baby voice she chuckle "Oh my daughter's awake" i giggle and waved at Camila and Dinah who was smiling at me. "How'd you sleep?" Camila ask i smile "I slept really good" i said Dinah chuckle "Because you were laying down on Lauren's boobies?" Dinah said raising an eyebrow at me. I blush and looked down, "it's okay Y/N! Lauren and i always lay on Dinah's" Camila said i look at them weirdly and they laughed.

"I'm gonna order pizza and chicken wings" i said standing up "OH YUS PIZZA!" Camila said i laughed then got my phone walking outside my room to the living room. After i ordered, i sat down on the couch and saw Lauren walking to me "Hey" i said she then sat next to me "are you okay?" i ask her she shrug "i'm fine, but do you have classes tomorrow?" she ask me while she got my hand and intertwine our fingers. I stare at our hands then look up to her eyes "u-um... n-no.." i stuttered, UGH i'm so lame and embarrassing. "Can the girls and i sleep over?!" she asked excitedly i giggle "Are you sure? i mean your parents won't look for you?" she chuckle "Mmm... maybe i'll just grab some clothes and then tell them i'll sleep over" i smile excitedly and hugged her tight. "YAY!! Sleepover!" she laugh and wrap her arms around my waist, when i realized our position i blushed furiously since i was straddling her and my arms are wrapped around her neck as hers wrap around my waist.

"When are you gonna get your clothes?" i ask her "Hmm... i should go now so that i won't have to go later" i nodded and got off her, she stood up and kiss my cheek "I'll be back" i smile widely and nodded. She then walk to my room "Hey guys, i'm sleeping over tonight are y'all gonna join me?" she asked Dinah and Camila who nodded "YES! We need clothes though" Lauren nodded "That is why i'm going home to pick out some clothes and come back" she said Camila stood up "i'll come" she said "Oh Mila, can ya get mine too?" Camila rolled her eyes "Ugh Cheechee why can't you just get by yourself?" Dinah pout and Camila groaned "Fine" Lauren chuckled at them and walk to the front door. "We'll be back Y/N!" Camila said waving i smile and nodded and then they left, i sigh and quickly did my homework.

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