All My Sons

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     Once the song was over, everyone cheered loudly. I clapped and cheered like a crazy person.

     Josh walked over to me. "Did you really like it?"

     "Like it? That's not doing it justice. That was amazing!" I gushed.

     He laughed and pulled me into his arms. "I'm glad to hear that."

     "Just don't let me turn into a fangirl," I joked. (Lol too late). Josh laughed and pecked me on the cheek.

     "Is that song new?" Patrick asked.

     "It's one of the songs from Regional at Best, one we decided not to put on Vessel," Tyler replied, walking towards us. (Which is a damn shame since that song gives me life)

     "It was awesome," Brendon said, clapping his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

     Tyler thanked him and headed to his keyboard to set up for the next song.

     I gently disentangled myself from Josh's arms and walked up to examine his drum set.

     "Twenty one pilots," I read aloud.

     "That's what I decided to call the band," Tyler explained.

     "Why that name in particular?"

     "It's based on a play by Arthur Miller about a guy who works on airplane parts during World War Two. The guy knows he has faulty parts and has to decide whether he sends them out and gets the money, or he doesn't. He decides to send them out and it causes twenty one pilots to die. It's a constant reminder that we, as a band, have the decision to make with our music. Do we just put out what we know will make money? Are we willing to lose sight of ourselves and our message? Will we send out faulty parts?"

     "Whoa," I replied, "that's really deep. I'm really impressed."

     "Thanks," he smiled widely.

"Your music is so different. I honestly have never heard anything like it. And I mean that in the best way possible."

"I just want the music to be true to what we want, whether we have ten people watching us play or ten thousand. I don't ever want to be a slave to the concepts of fame or success if it means losing sight of who twenty one pilots really is," Tyler said with a gleam in his eye.

"Atta boy Tyler!" Dallon shouted from where he was sitting.

Tyler rolled his eyes but grinned nonetheless. He beckoned Josh to come over to start playing again. They announced the song titles before they sang them; Taxi Cab, Forest, Car Radio, Kitchen Sink, and Slowtown. I couldn't even pick a favorite, they were all so good. Tyler's rapping skills were absolutely incredible.

Once they wrapped it up, we were discussing ideas for what to do.

"How about we go to a bar?" Brendon suggested.

"I'm fine with that. It's been a long week," I agreed.

After a general mutter of agreement, we decided to meet at a bar in the downtown area since we didn't all fit in one car. Jennifer, Brendon, Dallon and I went in my car and everyone else rode with Josh.

Josh's POV :o
"Hey did anyone invite Jack?" Pete asked as we were heading towards the bar.

"No, let me text him," Tyler answered, "but knowing him he's already there. It's Saturday night."

"You make it seem like he's always drinking," I said with a laugh.

"Yup he's at the bar already," Tyler said, laughing at the response from Jack.

"Sick, sounds like a good time," I replied.

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