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I sat there and watched him, debating internally. I wanted to talk to him, but to say I was nervous was an understatement. I very much doubted that I would be able to form a coherent sentence. My mind was buzzing, overthinking like always.

What if he's not even my soulmate? What if he's just some cute guy that I wasn't meant to be with?

My heart sank at the thought. I really was hoping it was him. Then another idea came to me.

"If he isn't the person I'm meant to be with, I have nothing to lose. He's a stranger, so either way I have everything to gain. Who knows, he could become my friend. It doesn't have to be romantic," I told myself.

With that mini pep talk, I got up and started walking slowly around the pond. I couldn't help but notice that my legs were shaking. Take it easy. This is no big deal.

As I approached him, I accidentally cast a shadow on his face. He lifted the sunglasses he was wearing and sat up.

Now that I could see him up close, I could see how good looking he really was. His dark brown eyes bore into mine and he smiled again, causing the adorable crinkle. He had a nose ring that fit with his style perfectly.

In a burst of newly obtained courage, I decided to say something. Before I could give myself a chance to overthink what I was going to say, I just let the words flow.

"I don't know what you think of me, but I think about you all the time," I told him, my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

He looked at me for a moment with a sweet smile and said, "I cannot stop thinking about you."

I blushed deeply and laughed to try to stop feeling so nervous. I desperately wanted to check my stomach, but doing so in a public park seemed a little strange. Josh got to his feet and stretched his hand out.

"Now that we've officially met, my name is Josh," he said with a grin. I couldn't help but notice that he had a great smile. I took his hand and shook it. Once I let go, he pressed his arms up against his sides.

"Hi Josh, my name is Sam," I replied with a grin of my own.

My eyes wandered to the parts of him that I could see. I didn't see any words forming anywhere.

"So what brings you to this park?" Josh asked me.

"It was a nice day and I really needed to relax. The park is close to where I live," I explained.

"Really? Where do you live?"

"In the apartments down the street."

His eyes widened in excitement. "I live there too! I actually just moved in yesterday."

     "No way!" I exclaimed, laughing. "That's so cool!"

"It's sick as frick! If it's not too weird, you want to come check it out? I could use some ideas for decorating," he said excitedly.

I thought about it for a second. Should I really be going with a complete stranger that I just met? Although we do live in the same complex...

"Sure, I'll come," I smiled. We walked to the apartments without saying anything to another. It was a comfortable silence. However, my mind was in a frenzy.
So I don't see the words on him. Maybe he's not my soulmate after all. I've had people say those words to me before. Doesn't mean we can't be friends.

I've been having a terrible day and writing is one of the only things that takes my mind off of my problems.

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