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I sighed deeply and continued filing my papers at work. I was a bit on edge since I missed Josh so much. He and Tyler have been working on their album like crazy, which meant I hardly got to see him anymore. I was very excited to see the final product, although I was a bit sad it meant being away from him so much.

Text message from: Josh
Josh: want to come over later? I miss you :(

Me: I don't want to intrude..

Josh: Tyler's fine with it! I really want to see you.

Me: okay. I'll drop by after work. Love you

Josh: love you too

     Admittedly, I was a bit wary of going to see them since I was terrified I would mess something up. However, seeing Josh outweighed my fear of being a klutz.

     I pulled up to Tyler's house after work and was greeted by a beaming Josh.

     "I missed you," he said, wrapping me in a tight hug.

     "Me too," I whispered, burying my face in his shoulder.

     "Come on, let's go inside," Josh said, taking my hand and leading me inside.

     "Where are you guys writing?"

     "In the basement."

     We walked down to the basement. Tyler was scribbling on a piece of paper next to his keyboard.

My name's blurryface and I care what you think

     "Why blurryface?" I asked curiously.

     "He's a personification of my insecurities. He has black hands and a black neck, but his eyes are red," Tyler explained.

     "Do you hear blurryface in your head?"

     Tyler looked at me intently for a moment. "Yes..."

     "My anxiety sometimes talks to me too," I elaborated.

     "Did you name it?" he asked quietly.

     "No. I just let it be."

     "What does it sound like?"

     "Like me, but meaner. More harsh."

     Tyler swallowed hard and glanced at Josh. "You should name the voice in your head."

     Josh looked at Tyler with surprise. "Why should she do that?"

     "I feel like if she names it, she'll feel like she has more ownership of it and can control it better. People are people. People are flawed. People have demons inside. Why not do what you can to make it easier?"

     "I hadn't thought about it that way," I admitted thoughtfully.

     "Just try it. You never know," he shrugged.

"Are you guys excited for the show? It's in just a few days!" I asked. Josh didn't seem to keen on pursuing the topic at hand, so I wanted to get his mind off of it.

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