Believe Me, Natalie

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     As I got to my apartment, I paused as I reached the door. What sounded like the television seemed to be on. Odd, I don't remember turning on the tv. Should I be concerned?

     Hesitantly, I slid my key into the lock and turned it, while gripping the pepper spray in my purse with my other hand. I stepped in cautiously and looked around.

     Sure enough, the tv was on. A bag of chips was on the coffee table, and what looked to be some soda was spilled on the floor.

     "What the-"

     "BOO!" someone yelled from behind me.

     "AGHHHHH!" I shrieked and turned, instinctively spraying the pepper spray.

     "STOP! IT'S ME!" who I realized was my favorite cousin Natalie shouted, doubling down and rubbing her streaming eyes.

     "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I wailed, pulling her to the kitchen sink to wash out her eyes.

     "Fuck Sam, I was just trying to scare you!" she moaned.

     "I freaked out," I cried. I turned the tap on and gently guided her head under the water. I kept a firm grip on her short, curly hair.

     Natalie sighed with relief as the pepper spray began to wash out. I would definitely have to make this up to her.

A knock sounded from the door.

"Sam are you okay? I heard screaming," Josh's anxious voice called from the other side.

"Come in, door's open," I called out.

The door opened and a very worried looking Josh entered the room. His expression flipped from worry to confusion. I imagine the scene was a bit much to take in--I had my green-haired cousin bent over the kitchen sink and probably looked like I was attempting to drown her.

"What happened?! I heard screaming and I thought something was wrong," Josh said uncertainly.

"This is my cousin Natalie," I sighed. "I accidentally pepper sprayed her."


"To be fair I did kind of let myself in," Natalie admitted.

"Wait how did you even get in anyway?" I asked suspiciously.

"Please, you keep your spare key in the most obvious spot ever," she scoffed.

"Anyway," I continued hastily, "I heard the tv but I knew I hadn't left it on so I got a little scared. I came inside to see if anyone was here and this little brat scared me from behind."

     "Right, remind me never to try to scare you," he chuckled.

     "I think I'm good, Sam," Natalie said, pulling out from under the stream of water and drying her face off with a paper towel. "Who's this?"

     "This is Josh, my, uh," I faltered for a second, unsure of what to call him. My what? Soulmate? Hopefully the future father of my children?

     "Friend," Josh offered.

     I felt a slight stab of annoyance as he referred to me as that.

     "Well yes, my friend," I shrugged. Natalie rolled her eyes.

     "Judging by the look in your eyes that's not what you want, but that's none of my business. Let me clean the soda I spilled before the ants come and carry me off in the middle of the night," she said, grabbing a rag and going to the living room. Her personality has always been as colorful as her hair.

     "So what's this look in your eyes she's talking about," Josh said with a grin, the corners of his eyes crinkling and tongue poking out ever so slightly.

     "Shut up."

     "Someone's testy," he teased, causing my cheeks to flush a faint pink.

     "I'm fine," I shrugged again.

     "Well now that I know you're not getting murdered, I'll go now so you can spend some time with your cousin. Goodnight again, Sam," he said, pecking me on the cheek.

     He waved goodbye to Natalie and left. The second the door closed, she rounded to me, a knowing look in her eyes.

     "Friends, huh?"

     "It's...we're not..." I stuttered.

     Natalie smirked and suddenly yanked my shirt up.

     "Hey!" I shouted in surprise, trying to pull my shirt down.

     "I see you've met your lover boy," she laughed, releasing my shirt.

"Shut up," I pouted, slightly embarrassed. She laughed and plopped on the couch.

"He's very good looking. I approve," she said with a nod.

I stuck my tongue out at her and sat next to her.

"How's Alex?"

"She's good. She's getting out next month and we've been talking about where we want to move," Natalie responded with a smile.

"I bet you're excited. I knew she would get off for good behavior if it meant being with you sooner," I beamed.

Natalie met Alex a few years ago and they hit it off right away. Sure enough, when they started talking Natalie's tattoo bloomed. Hey there pretty lady. Short and to the point. However, it wasn't exactly easy to see since hers was placed a bit under her breasts.

     Unfortunately, Alex got arrested for getting involved with the wrong crowd not long after she met my cousin. Alex promised her she would try to get out as soon as she can to be with her. I could tell she was crazy about Natalie.

     "Anyway, that's why I came down here. I wanted to check out the apartments available here and see if Alex would like it," Natalie continued.

     "That would be so cool!" I exclaimed happily.

     "I know. I set up an appointment for tomorrow to check out some of the rooms," she replied, stifling a yawn.

     "Bed," I said at once.

     "Okay," she nodded with a laugh. "I'll crash on the couch since I almost gave you a heart attack."

     "Are you insane? I pepper sprayed you. You're sleeping with me on the bed," I insisted.

     "Fine," she rolled her eyes but got up all the same.

     Natalie fell asleep almost immediately, but my thoughts were consumed with Josh.

     Of course I don't want to just be friends, but I don't want to push it to be more than that if that's not what he wants. Being soulmates doesn't change the human condition. You still have to grow to love someone. He just doesn't love me...yet.

     I sighed and closed my eyes until I let myself be taken by sleep.

This chapter is dedicated to VanessaGarcia131  Love you boo 😘

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