Fish, Chips and Bottoms

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And now back to your regularly scheduled point of view

After a quick stop at the gas station, we arrived at the bar. We went inside and searched for everyone else.

The guys were a little further inside, having a very loud discussion about what I gathered was to be about pants being optional. The main person that was all for not wearing pants was none other than Jack.

I turned to Jennifer to tell her, and laughed at the expression on her face. She looked downright terrified.

"Oh my gosh, he's here," she whisper-yelled at me.

"What are you waiting for? Go talk to him!" I responded with a little push.

Josh spotted us and walked over. "Hey, we invited our friend if that's okay."

"Oh it's more than okay, isn't it Jennifer?" I quipped.

Josh looked at both of us with a bemused expression on his face.

"Jennifer has a thing for your friend," I said teasingly.

"Hey Josh, you going to introduce me to your friends or what? I could use some backup on the fight against pants," Jack yelled.

"Now or never," I said and I yanked Jennifer with me as I walked towards the guys.

"Hi, I'm Sam, and this is Jennifer," I said brightly.

     "I remember seeing you at the coffee shop, I'm Jack," Jack replied thoughtfully. Right, he doesn't know we know his name. His eyes wandered over to Jennifer, who remained quiet.

     "Nice to meet you. Sorry about my friend, she's a bit shy," I said, giving her a little nudge. She glared at me but still didn't say anything.

The bartender then approached us to take our orders, so we sat down on the wooden stools. A few margaritas later, Jennifer and I were a giggling mess.

     "Okay, I dare you to turn around and say something completely outrageous to the first person you see," I laughed.

"This ought to be good," Josh said.

     "Done," Jennifer said.

     Someone was coming up behind her, so as she was turning she said, "You remind me of fish that has been left out in the sun all day and chocolate chips."

Her eyes widened in horror as she realized that the person standing in front of her was Jack.

Everyone was in stunned silence for a second, until I exploded with laughter.

     "Jennifer, what did you say?!" I screeched in between laughs. The guys joined me in my raucous laughter, including Jack.

     Jennifer stood with her mouth gaping open for a second before shaking her head slowly.

     "I definitely did not think that one through," she admitted, her face still scarlet.

Jack didn't seem fazed by what just happened and said, "You are the reason why I find this world beautiful."

     "Ah! He said it!" I squealed, clapping my hands together.

"That's why I came up here. I just wanted to give it a try and see if that was it. Definitely wasn't expecting that," Jack laughed.

Jennifer beamed as she took her jacket off to reveal the tattoo on her shoulder.

     "So are you two officially soulmates then?" Josh chuckled.

"Yeah Jack, let's see the tattoo!" Tyler insisted.

"NO!" Patrick and Brendon shouted.

"Do you know where it is?" Pete said in mock horror.

     Tyler, Josh and I shook our heads.

     "Do it! Do it! Do it!" chanted Dallon, laughing like a crazy person.

     I looked over to Josh in complete bewilderment as Jack went to unbutton his pants.

     "Oh my god it's on his ass!" Tyler screamed, shielding his eyes.

"Yup!" Dallon cackled.

     I buried my face in my hands and laughed harder than I think I ever have before.

     "Alright you guys can look up," Jack said with mock indignation. "I'll have you know I have a great ass. And I'm pretty sure I would get kicked out if I really pulled my pants down."

     "Well Jennifer, you did say you wanted the experience to be more organic," I choked out. Jennifer laughed and shoved me into Josh. I guess I deserved that.

"You know, we really didn't think Jack was ever going to find his soulmate," Brendon said.

"Why is that?" asked Josh.

"We couldn't figure out who the hell would say something like that," Patrick answered, laughing.

"I called it, I knew she wouldn't be sober!" Pete chimed in.

"And of all places it just had to be on my ass," Jack shook his head but smiling all the same.

"Can't wait to see it," Jennifer winked.

"Oh look who stopped being shy," Tyler joked.

"Get a room you two!" Dallon teased.

Jack grinned and shoved Dallon off his chair so he could sit next to Jennifer.

"I want to get to know my soulmate," he said, causing Jennifer to blush.

"Aw, you guys are so sweet you're going to give me diabetes," Tyler laughed.

I laughed pretty hard while I wrote this chapter because I'm so hilarious.

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