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Have you ever just plunged into writing? Blindly, enthusiastically, cluelessly. Been there, done that. Sometimes we write things that seem amazing to us, but nobody else thinks likewise. Or vice-versa, we write something, we know it's bad, we just don't know why. So the question remains.


I can't answer that in a word, or a sentence, or a paragraph. I'm devoting this whole book to this cause. Now, I can't guarantee you that what I have to offer will make you a perfect writer, not even close, but I do hope it will make you a better writer. I hope my content will you leave you acknowledging that you know at least one thing more than you did. That is my purpose here. And I hope I fulfill it. I also want to clarify that this book is mean for fiction in general.

Comment your requests if you want me to discuss a certain subject, I'll dedicate the given chapter to you! Without further ado, let us begin!

Also, special thanks to Adrienne Gray, the Fox-ishCat, for editing and suggesting behind the scenes!

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