Writer Habits

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I've found that some writers have pretty weird habits, especially myself. Tell me if you can relate to any of these!

Passive Aggressiveness. This is by far the most common. Writers can be very straightforward as people, but we all know that longing to seize that one gossip girl that hates you by the throat and throw her into a pool of hungry alligators--in our books. Adopting writing has made me a very passive aggressive person. And I find myself staying calm in the most undesirable situations just waiting to later spill it onto paper.

Google Searches... One tip for all the nonwriters stumbling on this point: Never go through a writer's search history, because I swear we aren't criminals. Sometimes, we just need to know how long it takes to drown a person or what it takes for a brutally stabbed person to cough up blood, for research's sake. 

All of you amazing writers who know how to do their homework, cheers, we await the arrival of the FBI.

Acting It Out. Some people imitate their characters expressions as they're thinking about a scene, or giving a full-fledged performance of their antagonist's death. Writers just need to envision what's sitting in the back of their minds and let it all out. I don't generally write with my other writer friends, for fear I might intensely stare at them and let a death threat from the text slip through. 

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