Read, Read, READ! Then write

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There is no simpler way to put this. Reading is the essence of writing, because it's a writer's purpose. If a writer wants their work read, then he needs to read. Read with a writer's mindset. How did the author keep you turning the pages? What made the book's setting so intriguing? How did the author manage to pull you into the book, and make you feel as if you were the character? 

Read classics, read books you would not usually read, read bad books. Yes, read bad books too. The differences between a good book and a horrible book will definitely make a difference in the way you look up to the little things you learned.

I can tell you, from personal experience, it sucks. My writer's mind can't seem to shut up while I try to read a good book. I can't simply enjoy a book. I go through stages of jealousy, self-hatred, and acceptance. But before I know it, I know one thing more than any other writer who hasn't read that book. Reading is writing; Writing is reading.

So, turn your writing brain on, catch all the beautiful levels of details books have and absorb.

I'm not stopping at books. I'll go on to say that movies and entertainment in general will assist you in your writing skills. They have the very same core as books. A message, a storyline, a sole purpose for existence. They can definitely assist you on a different level.

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