Opening Hooks: Part 3

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How To Start With Conflict. As I've previously mentioned, many Wattpad writers are masters of starting with a bang. It's completely logical to do anything of the sort because readers on Wattpad are equally skilled at putting a book down and never picking it up again. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a compelling beginning, but here's what not to do:

-Irrelevant Scenes. I'm amazed to find that there's not a huge amount of this on Wattpad, but still, there is. These scenes are usual very interesting, but have absolutely nothing to do with the plot or introduction. Oftentimes, they may seem connected to the introduction or exposition, but if the story could just as easily sound the same without them, then their obsolete. The most common embodiment of these are dreams. Dreams are not only misleading, but have no connection to the plot or introduction whatsoever, unless they do, which is rarely the case.

Once I watched I watched this horrid Indonesian movie with my mom. The opening scenes properly introduced the setting and character. Then boom, the main character gets hit by a car. The following fifteen minutes of screen time was an emotional battle of her recovery. When she recovers, her friend takes her on a trip around the world, that's where the plot begins. So, this begs the question. Who on earth directed this movie? Who in the right mind would waste fifteen minutes of screen time with a cumbersome recovery that has zero connection to anything the movie is about? Wait, let me answer that, because it's interesting and captivating. Who doesn't like car crashes and emotional recoveries. But what's the point of having a captivating beginning if, by the end of the resolve, it virtually leaves your audience right where you started. The point is these scenes are empty and deceptive.

Now don't deny it yet. Instead, answer this question: Would the plot be any different with your capturing opening scene? If so, it's most likely irrelevant, but if it is relevant to the plot, then you're safe.

-Misleading Openings. Very often associated with irrelevance, but are also an unwanted bonus. These scenes are not only irrelevant, but lead readers to believe they are reading one thing, then it transforms into the real plot, and readers must force themselves to adapt to the true picture. Dreams, as I have previously stated, are an accurate picture of this. The dream may be fantasy and action-themed, then the main character wakes up. Big surprise. Then the story carries on into a teen fiction novel. This brought your readers to believe they were reading a whole different genre. Never begin your novel with a false impression.

-Cliche openings. I've discussed this. Avoid them at all costs.

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