Plot Twists: Part 3

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Out-of-the Blue Plot Twist. These are the most unexpected, truly plot-twisting plot twists. They come at a price. Either they take the book to a whole new level or completely destroy the it. These are the plot twists that have exactly zero clues leading up to them. It could go as far as a love interest being a long-lost brother (please don't use it, that's just plain creepy). Maybe put more emphasis on how easy it is to ruin your book with this plot twist. Here's a huge tip on how to not ruin your book:

Keep it within the genre. I you're writing a teen fiction novel, which should mostly consist of realistic, down-to-earth problems, don't throw in aliens! It's just... why? How can anyone think this is a good idea? Keep your crazy plot twists within your writing category. 

Speaking of which, not too long ago, Fox-ishCat challenged me to write a romance scene. If you want to see how to not write Out-of-the-blue plot twists, this is an amazing example:

"Hey," Ferna said.

"Hey," Edward said in a nervouser tone. "I know we just met… like the other day… but I'm in love with you1!!1!1!1"

"What?" She replied, pulling arms into a cross.

"Guess what?" He said, edging closer. "I'm awesome." They stared into the awesomeness of the unromantic setting for a few seconds, reflecting on life.

"What about it?"

"I'm a vampire."

She gasped, it couldn't be true, but it could. She only stared at him for a few seconds. Then stared back at the crooked tree that represented their perfect, newfound love.

"Guess what else?" He said very vampirically.


His voice became very darth vadery, "I am your father!!!!!!1!!111!"

Oh dear, not too mention almost everything else is wrong with this. Hopefully you've learned one thing more than how to not write this category of plot twists: never challenge me to write a romance scene in under fifteen minutes.

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