Tagged! (Random Bit)

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Thank you Nocturnal_Narrator for tagging me! I really don't take interest in most tags, but I'm pumped to do this one.

1. Do you like someone?

Yup, classified information.

2. Do they like you?

Nope, he doesn't have a clue. Hopefully it'll stay that way..

3. Taken or single?

Taken! I'm married to my dear loving portable chair, Johnny, and living happily with him and my two darling children, Alfred the other portable chair and Celeste the guitar.

In other words, I'm single and proud to be.

4. Middle name?

Joy. And I live up to that very well by being super pessimistic and telling everybody that they'll fail miserably. Well I'm not that bad, let's just stick with hypocritical idealistic realist.

5. Last person you texted?

Priska. Apparently we were last talking about how we wished we were black guys, in caps lock...? Yeah no, I'd feel deeply sorry for you if you chose to stalk our conversations.

6. Last song you listened to?

I Found by Amber Run. It's so special and personal to me in a weird way..

7. Battery Percentage?

100/0, if I take out this charger, boom, my laptop would die.

8. Best girl friend?

I have so many close girl friends, and I have to choose one? Blasphemy! I have too many amazing friends. As far as writing goes, I'd have to say Lindsey Williams the Lindster. She's nothing but a bundle of positivity and support.

9. Best guy friend?

Right now I don't have too many guy friends... Well, I've only known Andrew Cervantez for over a month, but we just clicked and are practically best friends.

10. Favorite OTP?

AGH! Do not get me started! As far as movies? I am currently obsessing over this crossworld ship between Jyn from Rogue One and Merlin from BBC's series, Merlin. Come on, tell me they're not born soulmates!

Book ship? Oh my gosh, totally Chloe's Asha and Ray from Human. 

In real life, I'm so shipping these two cats. Fox-ishCat's cat, Beryl, and this stray black cat, Jack. They're just too perfect for each other.

Sorry, that was way over the limit. I just crush on ships even more than the boys I like..

11. Why did you create a Wattpad account?

Essentially because everybody else I knew had one, so why not. Then I fell in love with it.

12. Current lock picture?

A notification slide with a tree in the background. You'll find tree pictures and trees everywhere in my life: my screensaver, my wall paintings, my wallpaper, me...

13. Your birthday?

October 6, day of the great... Gabriellesaurus. I was born in 2000, so does that give me good luck or something? Because I highly doubt it. It's been scientifically proven I'll die accidentally eating rat poisoning. I recently turned 16, but I still can't drive, so a whole lifetime of living up to this moment means nothing. But otherwise, I'm such an independent person. I can open a soda can.

14. Recent awkward moment? (This wasn't originally here, but hey, it's my specialty, and let's be a little more human for once.)

Yesterday a random biker was flirting with me and my friend, shouting out "I love you!" in a broken Indonesian accent. Then I flipped my head sideways and exclaimed in a woman's voice crossbred with a dying cow that just woke up, "love you too, honey!" with the most gorgeous, double-chinned, scrunched-up face. Great mental image to keep in mind..

Yeah... this is why I'm single.

Ok, I tag everyone reading this! But especially y'all down below:

GlitzyDiamond (Yes, Chloe tagged you, but I'm tagging you again because you're one of my Wattpad besties)













Am I missing some people? Well I'm tagging all of you readers!

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