Opening Hooks: Part 1

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As requested by Harayadem!

A lot of writers on Wattpad are incredible at starting with a bang, which is completely understandible. But sometimes their initial conflicts just aren't capturing, even though they're full of danger and suspense. Why? Capturing readers from the start has always puzzled me. I have to say that some people know how to do it, and some people don't. But I have learned a couple tricks.

Introduce Your Characters First. First off, you can't play a game without setting it up first. You may disagree with this, but I have found this technique put to use in multiple bestsellers and successes.  If you're diving right into action, forgetting to give readers a glimpse of your protagonist's personality and background, then it's all in vain. Why do you expect readers to care about your character's initial conflicts if there's nobody to care about? So, firstly, invest your readers in the character, then bring in the action.

Of course, you can mix the initial conflict with the introduction, though incredibly tricky to focus on both assets. Most of the time, the conflict and background just can't mix with the character's introduction. In that case, don't mix it; introduce your character first.

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