Plot-driven Versus Character-driven Storylines

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Some writers write better with smaller crowds, more directed plotline, and close-knit characters. While others, may do well with a vast group, more complex plot line. This highly depends on your writing technique and preferences. I'm merely here to tell you that they coexist; they're both valid. 

Do you wonder why your web of issues and various subplots are bombing your head with frustration every day? Maybe an author influenced you to write this way because you started with the thought that this would suit you, but maybe it doesn't. If this style of plot stresses you out, don't do it. It's not your plotting style. Reduce the amount of supporting characters and create a more close-knit community. There's a fresh start. As for vice-versa, if writing cozy, character-focused stories bore you to death, amp it up. Focus more on the plot than the characters.

There are two named categories for these types of plot lines: character-driven plots and well, plot-driven plots. What do you value more, the story itself, the message, or the character behind the purpose?

Just because you're a plot-driven writer doesn't mean you should withhold from personalizing your characters; it merely means you take the characters on the bumpy roads and through difficult situations, you focus on characterization through your plot. And of course it doesn't mean you have to have vast crew of characters. Just do you. As for character-driven writers, you can imagine that you may see it the other way around. Your characters are the plot. Characterization is what drives the plot. Their writing is more dependent on the actions of the protagonist than how the plot will progress.

Character-driven writers tend to communicate their messages through the characters themselves and the character's actions, mostly narrowed down to the main character's actions. Plot-driven writers typically show their message through references in the storyline, and how the story is carried out in a whole. To a character-driven writer, we are watching the journey of a character rising against weakness, and being more than a victim. To a plot-driven writer, he or she is showing us a story a, take us on a rollercoaster of emotions and themes, and conveying purpose through storytelling.

So who are you as writer? What do you value more, your characters, or your plot?

Thanks so much for your support everyone! You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I just want to give a huge shoutout to one of my biggest supporters, Nocturnal_Narrator. She is absolutely amazing! Please check out her work!

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