Guest Entry By Chloe Bird

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Hi Everyone! 

So I am the author of mainly fictional books. I also write poems, but my main focus is my novels Hybrid and Human.

Now Tyra, who is a friend and inspiration of mine, asked me to write a few words on writing. How could I refuse!

So here goes!

1. Enjoy yourself.

If you don't like what you are doing. Change it so you do. Add a character like yourself, change the plot, start again. Just don't force yourself to write because other people want you to.

Its not their book. It's yours!

I don't give a $#*** if someone doesn't like my book. I'M WRITING IT! If I wanna kill someone I shall, if I want my character to love. They shall. 

If you don't like it.... Well I can point to where the door is.

If someone doesn't like a book. They shouldn't be reading it and negatively commenting. If its moral critism then sure but not some paragraph about how unrealistic your concept is..... Its bloody fiction! Get the hint!

So yeah. Enjoy writing it for you. Not someone else.

2. Write about something you are comfortable with.

Don't write a book about werewolves if you don't know anything about em.

Research first. I did with Hybrid. I also study geography, so Human was also built on knowledge.

Basically, if research bores you, read a book that is similar to your genre. Make notes and ask questions. It's important that it sounds realistic. Even if it isn't and you introduce some clever idea, people will believe!

For me, love and romance is a tricky topic.... I tried and now I have had to ask for help (I have no experience whatsoever) but being a girl I can fantasize and then write something down.

3. Read. Read. Read. 

Read other books. Other genres anything! Just widen your perspective. You might find you have a soft spot for poems. Trust me, I did. I never ever thought I would but poetry seems to be something I'm good at also. 

Try to read and write when your emotions are high. If you've just had a fight or a bad day. Write or read, it calms me down and fuels my inspiration. Honestly try it. Read and write when you're mad or upset, you'd be surprised what your emotions make you capable of. Or if you are ill, or happy. I dunno but they help. 

That's all I have really. They're my top tips for writing. Hope they were okay! 

Chloe Bird


I've asked my amazing Wattpad friend to write a guest entry. She goes by the name Nocturnal_Narrator. Don't hesitate to check her out. Her work is far more amazing than mine will ever be! I found this wildly empowering, didn't you?

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