Chapter 2 || Edited

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It was Sunday of the first week since I got here as the other transfer student. The wind was still cool and I'm thankful that the Spring sun wasn't as harsh as it was back then. The caws of the crows and the way it flapped its wings ferociously disturbed me. Not to mention, the eerie atmosphere this old looking structure—with all those vines clinging to its walls and the not-so modern design—made it look like a haunted house despite the fact that the sun has already blessed the land with light. 'Ghosts aren't real.' I kept on chanting that one line repeatedly inside my head.

How long was I here? I cannot recall the exact time but I guess, I've been standing here for about ten minutes already. I coughed to clear my air passage then gathered up all the courage I need and rang the doorbell, twice.

"Who's there?" A raspy old voice of a woman answered behind the door as it creaked open. "And you are...?" She asked once again since I was unable to introduce myself beforehand. She was wearing a striped black and orange long sleeves and an apron but what caught my attention was her spiky gray hair.

"Takeshima Rumi... Higarashi Saeko's daughter." I politely introduced myself just like what mom instructed me to do a while ago over the phone.

The old woman cried in glee, clasping her hands like a young teenager before welcoming me to her humble abode. Her eyes landed on the plastic bag I was carrying after she literally dragged me in. She kept on babbling about the dorm and its Golden Era, which starred two men and my mom. Then if there's one thing that actually bothered me, that was the silence the interior offered aside from Daimado Fumio-san's storytelling time.

The plastic rattled as I take out the ingredients from it. We were already in the kitchen at that time and she was sitting at one of the stools...I do not even know where she got that but none of that matters as of now. But then, I'm impressed that they actually owned a decent kitchen though, I admit, I didn't think they'd have one after seeing what it looked like on the outside.

"Your dorm seems to be really quiet for some reason. Is because of the shokugeki?" I asked while prepping the turkey.

Fumio-san hummed shortly as if she was confirming my thoughts. She had her arms folded across her chest while she was watching at me intently as I move around her kitchen with no extra unnecessary movements.

"I see. That child has already earned everyone's ire, huh?" From her tone, I could tell that she was entertained with Yukihira-san's actions. I silently chuckled, a small smile seems to be gracing my face. My heart was at ease and my breathing became slower to show how comfortable I was in this four-walled kingdom.

"Well, he started at the wrong foot so of course, it's not far-fetched to think of that." I answered. The cluttering sound of the knife, pans and the buzzing sound coming from the pre-heated oven, were the only "music" to our ears. To me, our conversation was only a 'spice' to what I am currently doing right now. We continued to chat like a grandmother to her granddaughter here and there while waiting for the turkey to be fully cooked. Suddenly, a man wearing our school uniform appeared stating that he was attracted by the smell that my dish was creating.

"Elite Ten's Seventh Seat, Isshiki Satoshi. But for you, beautiful lady, you can just call me, Isshi-senpai~" At the end of his introduction, I think I saw a heart flying out of his hand. Not only that, he even winked like a little girl!

'I heard all the rumors but I can't believe my own eyes!" I mentally screamed inside my head while keeping my outer appearance's poker face. Just as I was about to open my mouth, the oven's distinct timer went off. I stood up, took a peek at the turkey inside then grabbed the mittens from the counter. "Takeshima Rumi, a transfer student like Yukihira-san." I introduced myself too before taking the turkey out from the oven.

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