Chapter 23

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10 years ago...

The rustling sound of the leaves and the peaceful atmosphere that this place offers--everything was so serene. I crouched down, touching that cold marble stone in front of me. "I won, nii-chan. Just like what I've promised." I whispered, a tear streaked down my face which I quickly wiped using my sleeves.

'Takeshima Rin'

His name was beautifully carved by the artist and a small photograph of him grinning widely with a diploma in hand was placed at the foot of his gravestone. "Rumi-chan?" My head shot up to the direction where I heard that familiar voice.

"Uncle Gin!" I was about to rush to his side when I noticed another person behind him. Someone I am not quite familiar of. Uncle must have noticed it because he cleared his throat then introduced me to his companion.

"Rumi-chan, this is Director Nakiri Senzaemon, the man that I am working for and Nakiri Erina, his granddaughter." He introduced but all of my attention went to that scary man behind him and a very young girl around my age.

The old man knelt in front of me then smiled. "Nice to finally meet you, Rumi-chan." His raspy voice did not help reduce his scary image. I felt my hand grabbing uncle's sleeves then he picked me up from the ground.

"He looks scary but he's a good man, Rumi-chan." He joked lightly earning a stern cough from the other man. Uncle froze and big drops of sweat ran down his face. "Now please, I do not wish to lose my job or else you might find me living on the streets." He whispered.

I gasped sharply then looked at him. "Does that mean uncle cannot spoil me anymore?" I asked.

"W-Well, maybe..."

"No!" I hugged him tightly and he laughed while gently patting my back. Then he moved to the side while the old man and the little girl paid their respect to my brother.

"Cake Grand Prix?" I heard Erina mention the name of the competition I just participated in. She looked at me with those cute adoring eyes while I just grinned widely towards her. I nodded with a small hum of affirmation. "Did you win?" She asked, now the old man was also paying his attention to me.

I nodded once again then burrowed my head on uncle's shoulders to hide my glowing cheeks. "That's great, don't you think so too, Erina?"

"Amazing! Hey, let me taste your work before I could say that we're friends!"



"I feel so jealous."

I snapped out from that mini-flashback I had only to notice Eishi's face was merely an inch closer to mine. I blinked then noticed he was getting drowsy. "Why would you be?" I asked. He sighed then sat right next to me before using my shoulder as his pillow.

"You were staring intently at the screen. You did not even bother answering any of my questions." He mumbled, grabbing my left hand with his right. He held it tightly then I felt his thumb rubbing the back of my palm in a circular motion repeatedly. I took a deep breath of his scent before ruffling his hair.

"I'm sorry, senpai. I just remembered something, that's all." I explained, pouring my attention back to the screen. He purred in my touch then he squeezed my hand.

"Do not think or speak of other guys in front of me."

"Okay, okay." I laughed. I never knew he could be this cute at such crucial times. "But can I think of my immediate male family?"

"Rumi~!" He whined because he knew that I already know the answer. I admit. I am teasing him because part of our agreement was to treat each other like best of friends aside from that romantic ones. The second my laughter died down he said, "You better win this match or else, you'll work for me as my full-time aide."


Nakiri Erina's POV

Like always, I am watching Yukihira's match from the lounge designated for the VIPs and the Elite Ten. Other than that, I am actually anticipating for the next match. I want to see myself how much she has grown since then. If I remember it correctly, her hair was as black as the night sky back then but right now, it's already that typical blonde type. Even her name changed. Everything about her did and so am I.

'Once the election is over, I'd like to challenge her once again. It shall become my revenge.' I thought.

"Um... Erina-sama, are you okay? Do you want me to bring you some medicine?" Hisako's head popped in front of my view. I jumped in my seat then composed myself later. I did not even noticed that I was crumpling some paper until now.

"I-I'm okay, Hisato." I answered while diverting my gaze from her scrutinizing eyes.

"If you say so..."

"But that reminds me, we have a student that has the same first name as that friend of yours from the past, right?"

I froze. It took me another minute to respond calmly. "Yeah, and that's the only thing that 'connects' them." I mumbled. I pushed back my hair and smirked as soon as the contestants appeared on stage.

"This is the day that I should be thankful to Alice."


A/N: I feel like I should write more but my brain is already at its limit for this day. Huhu. No worries, I shall be back with more chapters to come... I promise! >-<

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