Chapter 26

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A/N: Finally, after months of squeezing the words out of my brain, I finally updated this! But I do have to apologize for the unformatted chapter. You know, the missing italics and all. I'll fix this as soon as I'm done with my training (work) so yeah, enjoy this chapter! Oh yeah, I'd like to ask your opinion about the story so please drop them at the comment section.

Food industry—one of the most competitive businesses existing in this world. Chefs of different calibers continued to hone their skills to pave way for their lifelong dream. To create a cuisine that will satisfy a person's six senses in relation to their profession, to create new flavors, to explore the vast potential of their 'wasteland', and to build a solid foundation for their future plans— just to name a few of those visions. 

"In this era where young talents are more outspoken and ambitious, it is our job to polish these so-called, "diamonds" and deliver them to the whole world. Equipped with the right tools, expertise and excruciating experience, they will continue to spread their influence and explore this vast field for us!" Nakiri Senzaemon, Director of Tōtsuki Academy, once said. 

"On that note, Director, next week is the annual Autumn Elections, right?" I asked in behalf of our interested readers. "Is there anything that we should look out for?" 

The influential man's raspy voice reverberated around the room as he laughed and tapped his knees, seemingly entertained with my query. His ruby orbs landed on mine before they formed in to tiny slits. "You'll be surprised with these young ones! In fact, I am already keeping an eye to a handful of these talents." He admitted. 

"That was one assuring statement you have there, Director." I complimented. "Do you have any words to impart?" 

"Listen well, chefs of the past, owner-chefs of today, CEOs of influential food enterpriseswho are reading this! We, at Tōtsuki, will continue to polish these rough diamonds until they'll graduate. Watch them drift along the current of their dreams." 

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Takeshima Rumi's POV


"Now that they're out of the picture, let's discuss something privately." Uncle Gin spoke as soon as all of my visitors retired for the day. He looked so serious that at some point. I thought, he would reprimand me for issuing an unofficial shokugeki right then and there. He urged me to sit beside him, to which I obliged, before he clasped his hands signaling that he is unsure about something. 

'Is it about me and Tsukasa-senpai?' I nibbled my inner lip, feeling guilty of something that I should be proud of. A light cough escaped my throat and out of nowhere, uncle slid a sealed envelope across the table from his side. Looking at it, I could sense the foreboding premonition that my guts were wary of.

"It's an invitation...more like a challenge sent by the other camp." Uncle answered the question that has been plaguing my mind. Was it because of my face?I lightly shook my head to clear my mind from any displeasing thoughts and looked at him. "Tell me, Rumi,are you having fun here?" He unexpectedly asked, his eyesgazing into mine as if he was hoping to find some truth in what I am about to answer. 

I timidly fiddled with my fingers and broke my eye contact with him. I stared at the empty wall across us then down to my hands. "Uncle, you did mention that you and mom had a friend and that friend endedup disappearingright before your graduation, right?" 

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