Author-san's Drabbles

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Hello, it's the author here! Call me Ren or nif, or even...*whispers* senpai *clears my throat*, or anyway you like; I'll appreciate it.

So to all who's wondering...

"How did Author-san came up with this kind of plot and why is her style of writing so confusing?"

Well, to answer the first question, the whole plot just came into the picture after I imagined Eishi with different sides, you know, that mysterious, and impulsive kind of guy kind of thing while keeping in mind his original character. Ahemheactuallyvisitedmydreamworldsoyeahithelpedmealotahem.

Then, I tried to create Rumi's persona and character storyline based on that and as a typical Tōtsuki student who's obssessed with serving the elite class. (As seen by one of the chapters wherein Rumi worked for a diner—a class below her forte.)

As far as my writing style is concern, this is the only book that I have which features a lot of point of views. My other books are being rewritten as a whole to suit one or two styles of writing. I never intended to write Heaven's Tale in this kind of format but, thinking about this semi-AU plot, I thought, "maybe I should make some of the chapters or parts in someone else's POV rather than delivering it as pure Rumi POV kind of thing."
However, if you want me to stick through one POV, then just tell me, I'll fix the entire thing and rewrite it...again to suit your tastes.

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"Author-san, why are your main characters always exhibit strong personalities?"

One answer: clichés.

I find the typical female characters in anime being denoted as "baka" or that typical "klutz". There are only a few (as far as I've known and watched) whose characters show intellect, prowess and actual skill. I guess, it's because some men find smarter girls intimidating. (Take note, SOME men, not all).

Anyway, I don't intend to make Rumi as omnipotent being here unless if it were set in a magical world and all else.

Sooner or later, you'll find out why she chose the Grand Prix, who delivered that letter of challenge (something Gin passed along to her that time when she was sick), and probably, an in-depth view of both families as well as Eishi and Rumi's relationship. So it might be really complex and full of drama but no worries, Shinomiya is there to ease the tension with his usual banters and sweet look out for his dearest student crush. ;)

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"Why are you so slow in updating?"

I actually, wondered about that too. It seems like having Internet is hindering my imagination (since having one will enable me to access other authors' works). As what I've explained, the plot became a semi-AU after Rumi chose to join the Grand Prix instead of keeping her first promise to Eishi and Soma, so I have to keep my brain alive and well. It even got to a point wherein I asked myself, "Why did you write this kind plot again?"

Other than that, I have rl duties to do and negative thoughts and emotions are following around.

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"Why's your interaction with your readers so minimal? It's like you don't appreciate them."

To be honest, I am an introvert, you know the social introvert type. I am careful whenever I interact since real life incidents (rumors, backstabbing and everything else that's not nice) left a deep scar and resulted to this kind of behavior.

I actually am afraid that you might find me weird as an author. 'Cause y'know, I am too hyper or perhaps viewed as an annoying one (happens a lot in real life). So yeah...

Don't get me wrong though, I really appreciate everything from the reads, to the votes, to the comments and down to the messages. I do laugh whenever I spot some interesting or funny comments. I smile when I read those, "Please update soon!" comments and many more.

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Well...that's about it. I hope I've answered some of the questions you don't want or are afraid to ask. Lol. But if you have more, drop them down and I'll answer them as honestly as I can through message or comment. :)

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