Chapter 20

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Higarashi Saeko's POV

"Oi, Joichirou! Are you nuts!?" I was stomping my feet while catching this worldly renowned chef's pace. He and I are currently working together in one of Italy's prestigious hotels as guest chefs. He's practically a celebrity chef while I'm just a dim star staying beside his spotlight. Well, that's what the others are saying.

The man laughed like he was enjoying my tantrums behind the scenes. "If it's about my son, I can't help you with that. But if it's about Rumi-chwan, then call me anytime. I'll come to her rescue." He was making this kissing sounds when he mentioned my daughter's name. He's like a girl going noomba over something.

I mentally slapped myself whilst my physical appeared to be cracking my knuckles. Imagine an aura of a dragon soaring in the heavens trying to seize its territory. "Stop acting like a pervert and do something about your son." I warned.

"Now, now, Saeko-chan. They might not be enemies right now but it doesn't mean they could avoid each other until they graduate, right?" He asked while leaning against the terrace. He was apparently nibbling a dried squid, something he'd always do since he left the Academy.

I stood there in silence bearing holes in his head. I hate to admit but he's right. They're part of the finalists of the Autumn Elections after all. That dreaded competition I once participated along with everyone in the Polar Star Dorm. "But Joichirou-"

"Saeko, I think it's better for them to face each other right now or else, everything will go against our plan."

I opened my mouth to say something but ended up closing it again. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. I glanced at the hand and noticed the gold band around his ring finger.

"My dear!" I exclaimed when I saw my husband smiling down at me sweetly.

"I'm back." He said before placing a kiss at the crown of my hair. "Long time no see, Saiba-san." He greeted.

"You're still as sickly sweet as ever, huh?" Joichirou laughed and shook my husband's hand.

"I can't help it." The man beside me smiled sheepishly before clearing his throat. "Anyway, about that man..."


Takeshima Rumi's POV

I woke up from the sounds I heard outside my room. There were multiple voices bickering and there were some who were laughing.

"I'm surprised you survived that kind of temperature, dumb brat." That oh-so-familiar voice echoed in my room. I arched my brow wondering as to why he's here. "Ah, you were mumbling my name like, 'Kojirou-nii, Kojirou-nii' in your sleep so I had to rush back to this country." He imitated my voice while wrapping his hands around his waist to complete the act.

"Ah, it suits you so much!" I reacted with a laugh. In a flash, I saw his fist fly above my head. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth to prepare for impact when his warm hand touched my forehead.

"Good. Your fever has subsided." He mumbled then flicked my forehead. "Stop making us worry like that, idiot. We don't have infinite amount of cash to sponsor our flights back and forth." He scolded.

I smiled bitterly knowing that I made another inconvenience in his part. "Sorry, Kojirou-nii." I apologized.

Hearing him sigh made me feel more apologetic and guilty. "Go and meet everyone outside. They all rushed in here after they heard your circumstance." I heard his footsteps moving away from the edge of my bed.

"Need anything?"


"Then I'll ask Hinako to assist you."

In the middle of wiping my body with water and disinfectant, the door suddenly opened revealing that time-insensitive legume. "Hoi, Hinako hurry...up..." his voice trailed off and I followed his gaze.

My face burned brightly and I grabbed the pillow with my right hand while my left hand grabbed the duvet to cover my once-exposed chest.

"PERVERTED LEGUME! STAY AWAY! NOOOOO!" I screamed while throwing random things at him.

Hinako, upon realizing what was happening, glared at her own senpai. She took out a Swiss knife and I don't even know where she got that! "Shinomiya-senpai, are you really that desperate?" She asked with pure malice. Her eyes glowed like a beast as she kept on playing with the knife on hand.

"N-N-No! I d-didn't expect that to happen! I didn't plan it, I swear!" Shinomiya-senpai's voice trembled.

'I can't marry anyone now. Mom, Dad, Tsukasa-senpai, I failed you.' My conscience cried foul over this matter. 'Wait, why am I even thinking about Tsukasa-senpai!?!?!' I think my head just blew its fuse once again. Really. I do not know what is happening with my ownself right now.

"Hm? Shinomiya. I didn't know you were in to girls that young."

"I told you it was an accident!"

"Poor, Rumi-chan~!"

It took me 15 minutes to recover from that traumatizing event in my entire life. People from the Polar Star dorm, Nakiri Erina, Mizuhara-senpai, legume, and Hinako-senpai were all present that time. I heard that the rest of the alumni can't leave their restaurants today. Erina informed me that I was down with fever for three days and that the semi-finals for the competition will begin the dollowing week after next week. She was even kind enough to inform me of my topic which was, "Ramen."

I made an eye contact with Yukihira-san and remembered a dream that I had once during my fever. I placed a finger on my chin, tapping it slow then hummed. "Okay!"

"What's wrong, Rumi-chan?"

"Yukihira Soma, I challenge you to a Shokugeki. An unofficial one, that is."

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