Not An Update

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I've been receiving a lot of notifications ranging from: having this book added to your reading lists to comments urging me to update. Even though I no longer update or post on your feeds, please know that I really do appreciate it. Gosh, reading the story again and again is embarrassing. You know, with the childish grammar and all else.

Anyway, please be patient with me since I can only write when I'm not busy writing programs/systems for my project and all else. (And yes, I'm taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and soon, will have the degree if my health permits) Frankly speaking, I even thought of discontinuing the story since I do not want to disappoint any of you.

But then, my other self would always sneak in to intervene.

"Why not stick around until you're through? You already have the foundations. What you lack is the spirit to finish and the inspiration."

So yeah.. I'll try my best to update this story at a certain speed and improve my style of writing. So again, please be patient with me. If you have ideas, you can always message me. I will listen.

To those who upvoted this story, added this to their reading lists, followed me and left me messages, thank you very much. Your actions will always pull my spirit up even when its already in the abyss of shadows.


Ren (niflheimr14)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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