Chapter 11 || Edited

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

I slumped my shoulders in gloom trying to count the one of the many instances of me becoming a victim of bad luck. 'I think someone placed a curse on me.' I sighed deeply as that thought kept on repeating inside my head. Currently, I am staying at Kobayashi Rindo-senpai's place for the mean time since Tsukasa-senpai's assistant was still filing for a request for new key. If you do not recognize her, she holds the 2nd Seat of the Elite Ten but left all of her work to Tsukasa-senpai—well, that was what I concluded after senpai grumbled a lot of complaints to her.

"Here," a hot brewing tea was served in front of me by Kobayashi-senpai. Compared to the First Seat, she has this easy-go-lucky kind of atmosphere radiating around here. Not to mention, her cat-like features are distracting me for some reason.

"T-Thank you and I'm sorry, senpai." I uttered my apology to which she just brushed with a short hum. I felt the couch dipped because of a weight then Kobayashi-senpai's face drew closer to mine beyond my comfort. I blushed furiously and all she did was laugh.

"You're such a cutie, kouhai-chan. Not to mention, you're cuter than Kawashima-chan!" She remarked while hugging my head. I squirmed out of her grasp and released a 3-second nervous laugh. I am not sure as to what I should say but my guts tell me that I am quite in danger whenever she's around me. "Anyway, I have prepared a bath for you and I placed some spare clothes in the basket. Use them as you wish~" She bid me goodnight after saying that. I guess, she was already tired long before Tsukasa-senpai and I showed up in her doorstep.

"You're welcome~! Ah, be careful not to catch any cold 'kay? I don't want you to have some severe sneezing like a while ago." She added before a short click echoed throughout her entire place. She didn't wait for me to give my response so I guess she was really sleepy now. Well, of course it is a given. It is almost midnight when senpai decided to bring me here instead of letting me stay in his place. There was sort of disappointment bubbling inside me for who knows what reason. I shrugged my shoulders and started to drag my feet towards the bathroom.

Ripples and splash resonated in this 5-star-like bathroom space. The familiar hint of rose scented aroma greeted my nose. I actually do not necessarily like roses as they remind me of something from the past. However, this aroma was not like the strong kind ones. It was a kind of smell that will leave you searching for it unconsciously. I sighed in relief after feeling my cramped muscles starting to relax in the hot waters. I was in the middle of massaging my shoulders when I remembered something that happened hours ago. Like a broken player, it kept repeating inside my already-overworked brain until I couldn't take it any longer.

I was about to dip my head when I remembered that this was a "hot bath" for a reason. I shook my head to keep that certain memory out of my head. "T-That was nothing! It means nothing, Takeshima Rumi." I kept on repeating that line to myself like a mantra of good luck. 'That certainly was just a reflex and it means nothing to him.' I thought once again. Several seconds later, I felt my face burn in embarrassment once again and this time, to quell it, I dipped my entire body despite the heat coming from the external side.

'Dear god of sweets, please let me sleep peacefully.'

Sizzle, sizzle!

That certain noise and the aroma of herbs deliberately disrupted my peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes despite feeling a little bit sluggish from the events yesterday and glanced at the wall clock across my position. "8:30 a.m..." It stated. I blinked several times to confirm that I was in another reality or state wherein I felt awake when in fact I'm still fast asleep. When the time didn't change, I pinched my cheek quite hard to check if I am really awake.

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