Chapter 29

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Author's Note:

I never knew my mind could be this productive after the Wi-Fi  got cut off..  O.O anyway, I might be able to update this book consecutively or every other day, depending on my speed, just like my V.K. fanfic.

On the other hand, I'd like to thank the people who added this book to their reading lists, voted and/or read this for countless of times! This book reached 1.15+ of votes thanks to you guys! And this reached the higher 200s in terms of ranking. I'm so happy! ;;

Oh, and another thing, reading your thoughts actually helped me climb out from the anxiety, stress and depression I have over the past couple of months. So a deep and a big thank you to all!

P.S.: I'm doing this during my free time so yeah. I know I'm late but I'm trying my very best to post all of my responses to your comments and walls. ;A;

P.S.S.: Same as always, feel free to drop comments, suggestions and all other things you want to do! For those with criticisms/any other else, my inbox is free for you to abuse. Lol.

It was one of the dreams that I have. Every night I find myself running in a vast open field full of blooming flowers. The air carried a string scent of vanilla and freshly baked goods. The smell made my stomach grumble for a long time.


I opened my eyes and saw a silhouette of a man. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't see his face. However, he seems to be taller than I am—at least what I think...or not.  Glancing around, I noticed the scenery have changed from a field to this sweet smelling kitchen. Apart from that, it looks like I am shrunk to a body of a young child. I must be a 2 year old naïve girl judging from the size of my fingers.

"Do you like sweets?" Asked him, who carried me up to a stool.

I felt myself nod and attempted to suck my thumb. The man laughed; his flour covered hand grabbed my tiny ones. He opened my palm and slipped a tiny version of plastic fork. My head tilted then I heard a plate being dragged across the table.

I followed his line of sight and gasped when I saw what was in front of me. Sweets that dazzled like gemstones covered the whole table. From cakes to chocolates, then down to several pastries known in France. But, what took my attention and curiosity is the cake he motioned for me to eat. Red, plump, strawberries contrasted the snowy white finish of the cream. The glaze he brushed over the strawberries placed more luster to the fruit.

He laughed, brushing my bangs away from my eyes. I felt his body warmth to my right side as he guided my hand to take a little slice out from the petit four. My eyes appreciated the perfect lined strawberries and the powder pink finish of the filling. Just looking at it made me more hungry. This is a strawberry shortcake if I remembered it correctly.

Without further ado, I shoved the piece into my mouth. I closed my eyes as I indulged myself to the melt-in-your mouth kind of sponge and the sweetness from the fruit and filling that blended perfectly with the fresh cream icing.

I, probably, am looking at this man with sparkling eyes. My heart, at that time, was filled with warmth while his laughter became a music to my ears. He wiped his hands on his uniform then said, "Are you interested in my world now?"

I woke up to a room showered with a natural sepia tone. I dragged an arm to cover my eyes from the light and felt it getting soaked.


I immediately shot up to the sound of my name. My inner self heaved a sigh of relief when I saw who it was. Although, my heart felt disappointed when I saw his face. "I-Isshiki-senpai, how long have you been here?" I asked after I noticed that he was standing in front of a shelf.

"Long enough to notice your tears." He said, dragging his feet to a vacant seat. The couch dipped and squeaked under his weight. Leaning in, he placed a book he got from the shelf down to the coffee table then asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

I shook my head. "No, it's nothing." I replied then shifted my attention to the blazer draping on my lap.

"Tsukasa-senpai." He passed me a box of tissue with a smile that says, he knows what I was thinking.

Heat crept to my cheeks. I really wish to disappear now if everything that I'm thinking is really that obvious. "He's currently on a run to have a bunch of papers signed." He added which confused me even more.

He laughed while I took this chance to grab four sheets of tissues from the box. He told me that while I was sleeping, Aldini lost to his opponent and the latter got Soma to create another commotion. Students challenging others to a shokugeki was a norm for the council but, it was their first time to handle a consecutive and impromptu issuance.

" expected from him," was the only I could say after he summarized the events that happened throughout the day. "Anyway, why are you here, senpai?" I asked politely as possible. If that is considered as one.

His eyes formed into slits once again as he wore his usual expression when he's pleased. "Well, our senpai asked me to guard his little princess." He teased.

My face felt burning a hundred times because of that. I threw him a pillow to which he blocked with a hand. "Stop teasing me..." I pleaded to the lowest volume I could muster.

He laughed once again, throwing the pillow back to me. I caught it with my hands then settled it on my lap. "Oh, and Takeshima-san, I'm sorry if I'm not Tsukasa-senpai." He suddenly apologized while bowing his head. When he raised his head, I quickly noticed that smirk plastered on his face.

My lips parted a bit in panic and I shifted my position to face this big of a tease.


❖ ❖ ❖ ☪ ❖ ❖ ❖

"I don't think you're just here to punish Gin." Fumio crossed her arms over her chest while glancing back and forth from her two former 'children'. The, once-proud-muscular man got two big bumps on his head and his suit was slightly covered with dirt. As to how he got it, let's just say, Poseidon was not happy with him.

Saeko's face turned solemn and Gin, who noticed it first, can already guess a thing or two. "I shoved everything to Joichirō. He knows what to do and I need to do what I have to do." She answered, swirling her wine glass with her hand.


Saeko gave another glance at her wine before announcing, "I miss my daughter!!" She wailed so suddenly that her companions fell from their seats animatedly. They rubbed their noses in comfort and when they landed their eyes on her, the color of their complexion drained.

The youthful woman grabbed the bottle of wine and threatened to swig it down her throat. Using his long reach, Gin immediately held her thin wrist and snatch the bottle away from her grasp. "You're drunk, for...the love of food!" He had a choice to use profanities but chose not to for the sake of the readers.

They watched her sink her head to the table and mumbled, "Anyway...I'm here because of Chapelle-sensei's request."

Gin looked at their dorm mother while the latter just smiled in relief. "Well, at least you're taking responsibilities now." She mumbled.

"Just don't do anything reckless, idiot." Gin flicked the unconscious woman's forehead. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket then dialed a number before pressing it against his ears.

"Fumio-san, can she borrow a room to stay?" He asked while waiting for the other end to pick up his call.

"She's not staying with Rumi?" The old woman asked. She saw Gin's lips forming a thin smile while shaking his head.

"The circumstances with her in-laws are more complicated than we think it was...and Rumi is trying to fix it with her own hands just like how Rin..." His voice trailed off.


"He's Rumi's...adopted brother."

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