1st Date

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A/N: WARNING: Possible OOC from Eishi. Please forgive me! TT.TT I just wanted to do something with Eishi's timid and anxious self so there... read with caution. >.<


"Are you alright?" I heard Tsukasa-senpai asking me as we walk along the streets from my new 'job'.

"I'm still alive, I think."

He laughed with my answer to which I responded with a glare. "Sorry, it's just that, it was too much." He admitted while pushing back his white hair with his fingers.

"I should ask senpai the same thing." I pouted for the first time in my life. "Are you even eating well? I heard from Kobayashi-senpai that you tend to skip meals when you're too busy. And, you don't have to wait for me outside my workplace every day." Uhm. Is it just me or am I starting to sound like him?

He blinked for a couple of seconds before wrapping his arm around my shoulder in public. "I see, you're worried about me. Then how about quitting those sidelines and work as my full-time aide, hm?" He suggested. He's timid but I never knew he could be this coy and open when it comes to me.

I could see people staring at us and whispering something to their friends. "A-Anyway-"

"Are you free tomorrow?" He suddenly interrupted me. He tucked his hands inside his blazer to keep it warm.

"...I am. Why'd you have to ask?"

"Then let's go on to a date. I'm afraid if I won't do something like this, you might fall for someone else other than me. I haven't got your response so I have to do my best and more after that." He openly revealed to me his plan in a straightforward manner. I guess I might have my mouth wide open because he just pushed my jaw and said, "Flies might enter your mouth, Rumi-chan."

Okay. That's it. That was his final strike. I think my heart just leaped a thousand times after his speech. I can't believe it. That someone with a beating heart managed to torture me like this other than my beloved food.

"So?" He asked with a sweet smile plastered on his face.

I huffed and broke our eye contact before accepting his "date" term.

=== Timeskip ===

We agreed to meet up at exactly 9 o'clock in the morning outside the apartment complex I'm living in. I hopped out from my bed and started preparing for this date.

After half an hour of mix and match, I decided to wear an acid-washed jeans, white shirt and a pastel pink long cardigan. After which, I tied my hair the same way as I tie it in the kitchen. Though I have to admit, I used a hair scrunchie this time.

I grabbed a small brown leather backpack fit just enough to contain necessities such as my wallet. I glanced at the clock for the last time before leaving my apartment to meet with him.

"Ah, Takeshima-san!"

There he is wearing a navy blue diamond patterned sweater over his white dress shirt and a dark denim jeans. Instead of getting off from the car like he always used to, he motioned for me to come in with one hand while his hand pointed towards the trees in front of the complex.

I complied to his gestures then the car drove us off to our destination.


Tsukasa Eishi's POV

It was almost 10 o'clock when we arrived to this Amusement Park that Rindo suggested. I really do hate crowds but for Takeshima, I'm willing to do anything. Sounds so clichè but it's true. "Um.. Takeshima-san," I called while glancing from her and the crowd watching us.

She turned around using her heels then clasped her hands behind her back. "What is it, senpai?" She asked so innocently despite what she's doing to my heart.

"C-Can I hold your hand? Somehow, i-it helps me relax." I was deadly nervous asking her a shameless request but to my surprise, she took my right hand with her left without further questions. On occasions, she'd squeeze my hand when she's excited or when she's scared. What surprised me even more was that I was the only one who got "scared" with the Haunted House.

Lunch came and we settled at the empty tables prepared for all visitors. I nodded at one of Totsuki's agents who were following us from afar to bring the bento I prepared for this day.

"Eh, you could've told me to prepare a bento!" She whined so cutely that it drew other people's attention to us while I was spreading the boxes separately on the table.

"I was the one who initiated this so I have to take responsibility." I stated then handed her a pair of steel chopsticks. I didn't mean to sound so cool but I think I just saw other women stare at Takeshima in jealousy while the other men were glaring at me with a threatening aura.


I purposely let her dig in first to watch how she'll react. There was a slight pink hue flooding on her pale complexion but for the next moment, she pursed her lips tightly as if she's trying to figure out something.

My heart dropped its steady beat. Obviously, I fear the day when someone tells me my dish is disgusting. "Is it bad?" I asked worriedly then her blue orbs made contact with mine.

She waved her hands frantically in front of her denying my claim then hummed for a second. "It's just that..." she began with a doubting voice. "I can't feel or see senpai's personality or passion in any of his dish." She finally ended her contemplation.

"It's because it is a taboo in my style." I revealed which stunned her completely. "I created a void in that part so I could allow the ingredients speak for me." I explained.

For a minute there she did not utter any other word. My anxiety increased as I watch her lips form a frown. "But you haven't tried putting 'yourself' in your dish, right?" She asked and I nodded my head in confirmation.

She looked around trying to find something then faced me with that determined looking face. "I'd love to show you what's it like to place your personality but sadly, we're outside of the Academy so we can't expect a kitchen to pop-up out from nowhere." She said.

I laughed at her choice of words. Really. There is no dull day whenever I'm around her.

=== Another Timeskip ===

The sun was about to set when we decided to go for our last ride which was the Ferris Wheel. Legend has it that when you kiss a person at the summit, you'll end up having a strong relationship and would stay forever.

'Dear heavens, if you can hear me, please let my wish come true.' My inner self desperately prayed. She was sitting right beside me facing the sea. I felt her squeeze my hand in silence then as soon as we reached the summit, I called her name. She turned her head and that was when I leaned in to kiss her.

"I'm clinging to this legend right now. That's why even if you haven't given me your answer yet, I won't hand you to any other guy." I whispered.

'Damn. I've never felt so possessive in my entire life! What is happening to me???' I could hear my subconscious screaming out of this insanity while my physical self continued to burn in embarrassment.


A/N: Whaaattt?? Eishi stole Rumi's first kiss and is now possessive of her?? What in the world is happening??? *le gasp* Okay, that was...kinda so cheesy and fluff of me to place this kind of date for the two. Hahaha. Tbh, I ran out of dating ideas. But please, if you have any other dating ideas, please do suggest them TT.TT

I can't let their love story end just there, right? ;)

P.S.: How'd you like their 1st date after the Festival? Ohohoh.

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