Chapter 4 || Edited

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A/N: So, I just noticed that I was not able to post the real chapter 3, and instead, I posted Chapter 4 as the aforementioned. And there are missing chapters too. Gah, I must've been half-asleep all those days. *note: I usually write the chapters from midnight until early morning of my time so yeah...* This truly sucks... Anyhow, here's chapter 4 for all of you!


Totsuki Hotel Group

Training Camp

"I am Shinomiya Kojirou. I'll be your instructor for today." A stern man with a coral hair and sharp amber eyes introduced himself to us. It was not his first time though. In fact, he had already fired one student due to his citric scented hair. It was an absurd criterion to base on but he was right. Such strong smell would definitely divert and disrupt the kitchen's work flow. "I am handing out a recette for all of you to follow. You only have 2 hours to complete this dish." He started to explain his kitchen rules for starters then later on, I managed to slip behind the group when I caught his sublime green signal.

I followed the instructions word per word to avoid from getting expelled by his demonic tongue. Though, two students were unfortunately fired for helping each other. Tension and pressure was evident with the rest as Chef Shinomiya's attitude drew us closer to the edge. At the corner of my eye, I could see his amber eyes darting towards me every now and then. 'I never liked him at all when he's in the kitchen. Not in this kind of personality.'

Memories of working with him in France were brought back to light. I never created any mistake but I've seen him verbally lashing out his own employees which made me fear him though it was for a fact that I have a great respect to this person. 20 minutes later, I wrapped up in plating the terrine he asked us to make then presented it to him.

He glared at me in irritation while his brows furrowed together. He had already taken a bite of my work when that expression flashed on his face. "I told you I won't tolerate anyone who'll change my recette." His voice roared inside the kitchen momentarily stopping everyone's tracks in surprise.

"What are you saying, chef?" I asked with an equal dominating tone. "I would never do something so trivial that might hurt your ego." I intentionally smiled. I could totally feel his head bursting with curses for me when I said, "This is merely a difference between your skills and mine."

I heard him click his tongue in annoyance. His eyes were still staring at the plate for a while before it landed on me. "Takeshima Rumi, you passed." Bitterness was obviously dripping in his voice when he announced it. I grinned and mouthed him my thanks before going back to my station.

'Was he actually anticipating to fire me?' I cocked my head in wonder over his spiteful attitude that he displayed just a second then shook my head to bring these thoughts off my mind.

=== Timeskip ===

Our synchronized footsteps echoed along the halls of the building. After he was done judging the last person in my class, I followed him outside yet I still managed to keep a short distance between the two of us. His words still were disturbing me but I shouldn't let that affect me or else he'll have a reason to think of things that suits his taste. A thought suddenly came across my mind—a very, very, fun thought. My strides became wider in every second until I was already in front of him, blocking his path.

"You're fired."

I imitated seamlessly his arrogant pose and his voice which irritated him quite well. His hands were shaking, probably he was just controlling himself from snapping my head off. "Are you testing me, Rumi?" His intonation went deeper than I thought it would be. He was clearly annoyed. Was it something in relation to that call or was it something else? I do not know personally but it's fun teasing this person to the end of his patience.

"You can't fire me. You know that quite well, Chef Shinomiya." I held my hand in front of my lips, hiding the smile that appeared on my face. He clicked his tongue in irritation and glared at me for a second before brushing me off. He increased his pace hoping that he would get me off of his tail but to his disappointment, I easily matched his strides with my light feet. "Stop following me, idiot!" He turned around, extended his arm towards my forehead and was about to flick me when I pointed the exit which was already on our view.

"But, I have to pass this way to go back to the hotel, right?" I asked in an innocent voice.

He gasped sharply and I laughed. "You're an idiot, Shi-no-mi-ya-se-n-pai." I purposely broke his name in syllables before skipping towards the exit. Once outside, I breathed in the fresh air that greeted my whole body after hours of getting locked inside this building. I saw him walk towards our bus and I am impressed that he knew which is which...or rather, he remembered the face of the driver. I quickly followed him and boarded the bus while he was stuck outside, waiting for the rest of my class.

We managed to arrive at the hotel just in time for our dinner. It was then that I saw everyone from the Polar Star, minus Megumi and Soma, trying to keep themselves in high spirits. How did I know them? It was Isshiki-senpai who introduced me to them after I made a surprise visit at the middle of the week. It was more of an errand though, rather than a visit. After all, I was just there to deliver a package from my mother to Fumio-san. I raised a hand to my shoulder level after they found me among the sea of students.

"Rumi-chan, where's your class?" Sakaki Ryoko, a chef whose specialty is fermentation as what she revealed back then. I pursed my lips then stared at Chef Shinomiya at the corner of my eyes before giving all these concerned people the answer.

"Oh, them? They all failed...we had the most ferocious instructor, you see. Someone who can't be moved unless you can move a mountain." I shrugged.


"She's the only one who survived Chef Shinomiya's class?"

"Oi, oi, you've got to be kidding me."

I mentally slapped myself when I overheard the others whispering among the other students. I am now expecting a string of rumors along my name from now on. Suddenly, Yuki suggested me to transfer to their dorm to which I politely declined for now. Moments later, Soma and Megumi arrived in one piece just like everyone except for Marui, who already had his color drained from him. "Now, all that's left is our bountiful dinner!" Yuki said with a strong anticipation in her voice. She was practically glimmering as she continued to blabber stuffs regarding the hotel and the feast that we were about to get. As we were about to enter the building, I caught a glimpse of Chef Shinomiya's smug look. 'Ah, so that was not the only thing that's in store for us.' I concluded and followed Ibusaki silently while tying up my hair once again.

Our next and final task for today was to create 50 servings of meat for the students from Jowan University. It was then explained that we are to create our own meals throughout the entire camp. Now, everyone is trying to keep up the university students' requests while here I am about to serve my last 10 plates. The air was filled with different kinds of smell that overpowers one another. Students were fighting over their servings while there were those who were fighting in their line.

"Impressive. Takeshima Rumi, 50 servings complete. You may now go." Chef Sekimori Hitoshi announced which surprised those who have heard it. What can you expect? It's only been 15 minutes since the challenge has started and for someone to pass this impossible feat is just quite something. I bowed towards him and my 'customers' in appreciation before making my way towards the community bath. After all the hard work, it's only natural for someone to get rid of the sticky feeling they had all over their body and hot water is best for that.


Someone spoke like she was surprised to see me already dipped in the water. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that it was the infamous Nakiri Erina, the "God Tongue." "Good evening," I greeted nonchalantly while massaging my slightly sore muscles. It's been a long time since I served in that speed and with that quantity.

"H-How long h-have you been here?" She asked, dipping her body inside the tub after a long pause of silence between us.

"About 10 minutes, I guess."

She stared at me for a couple of minutes before opening her mouth. "Are you Takeshima Rumi?"

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