Chapter 13 || Edited

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

"Mhm...not good enough."

This is the third time I scrapped my experiment for the "Curry" themed preliminaries. I sat on the bar stool I moved behind the counter and placed both of my hands on the table. I tried to juggle my past memories to recall any curry recipes that I've tasted from around the globe. This is the part where I am grateful for being a daughter of one elite businessman. Nevertheless, I am still quite in distress over one single recipe to get an inspiration from. I groaned in hopelessness before grabbing my phone. "I feel like my head is going to burst." I mumbled while dialing a number I've etched inside my head in case of emergency.

"Ah, dad? Do you have any second to spare?" I asked right after I heard that distinct click from the other line. I heard him gasp in surprise. 'I guess he didn't look at the screen before answering my call.' I thought, smiling awkwardly.

"To finally receive a call from you... are the crows getting white now?"

"Dad!" I whined when he started to joke around. With a small thump, I hit my forehead with my palm and narrowed my eyes to the empty space in front of me. "There is technically a white crow. The albino kind so everything is possible." I dismissed his exaggerated speech with that one fact I read from a reliable source.

"Nonetheless, I am very happy, my dearest daughter!" He said in glee.

I groaned when he used the same endearment he rarely does to address me. "Can you please stop acting like mom?" I pleaded when I saw the pattern of their speeches and intonation eerily the same. I rubbed my temples before tapping the counter repeatedly.

"You got me." He chuckled and finally, I could sense the atmosphere starting to clear. "You sound so distressed. What is happening down there?" He asked me to which I gladly explained everything within a minute.

"Can you send me the following ingredients tomorrow? I need them for the Autumn Elections as soon as possible." I asked him a favor right after he expressed his sentiments.

On the other line, I heard him hum like he was trying to process everything then he chuckled. "I'll ask your mom's assistant to gather them. I'm not really an expert in culinary so..."

"Dad, stop degrading yourself. But thank you very much for helping me despite your schedule. However, mom will get furious with you."

He cackled in laughter and I could imagine him shrugging his shoulders at this point. "No matter what they're going to say, you're still my daughter and your mom is the woman that I love."

Sheesh. These two are still acting like newlyweds. But, I am grateful for it. You know, dad and mom are sort of separated in terms of familial things because of dad's background. Dad's family didn't accept mom because she's just an "average" Tōtsuki graduate. That's why they secretly married each other and had me the following year. Their parents were furious when they learned the truth. I think mom's side has already accepted my dad based from what I could see from their interactions. But, dad's side is the most complicated one. I think the author will reveal everything about me soon. So please wait for it.

Anyway, I thanked my dad then wished for him to be safe before we ended the call.

=== Timeskip ===

August 31

Tōtsuki Teahouse Culinary Academy

Autumn Elections

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