Chapter 16 || Edited

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

When was the last time when someone or a group of people leaped on their feet to protect me? When was the last time when I felt, my role reversed from protecting to protected? Because in all honesty, everything happened in a flash. I was just trying to protect Shinomiya-senpai from these tactless beings due to his image and a second later, he, along with uncle and the director, came in to the picture and protected me from getting hurt. However, the price didn't come so light as the atmosphere around us got heavy due to these big shots. "I appreciate all of you for saving me but, seriously...?" I jabbed the air in front of me with both of my hands while looking at uncle.

I was about to open my mouth once again when the buzzer went off. This is the start of the actual elimination: the judging. Everyone should already feel less tensed right now but apparently, their presence didn't help the ire I felt from the other students. I guess all of them are now suspicious of my relationship to all of these people. These three over-grown and too muscular men were sitting comfortably while I am there fidgeting for comfort. With me and the director in the middle, Shinomiya-senpai on my right and Uncle Gin to the left of the Director, of course, who would sit around there without getting scared of their presence? I sighed thinking that in any moment from now, I might turn into a Pokémon.

"Isn't this fun? We're like a family watching the Elections from this height." Uncle Gin remarked while laughing.

A bead of sweat appeared on my cheek. If there's anything wrong with this set-up, that would be their reputation against mine. 'Is he proud of intimidating other students?' I thought to myself. Unable to say anything further, the Director cackled. He ruffled my hair just like what he did back when we first met each other. "Your feisty attitude truly reminds me of your mother." He said. Unfortunately, this is the part where I couldn't help but feel, undoubtedly, useless and trapped in my mother's shadow. "You've grown into a fine lady, Rumi." His voice became softer as he called me by my first name.

The students who heard it quietly gasped in their seats. I wouldn't blame them for their surprise. I've kept my relationship with the alumni as a secret and now the Director has given them a hint as to what it was. I gave him a faint smile as an answer to his compliment. I turned my attention back to the stage then said, "Why don't we just watch the entire thing in silence and without that menacing aura, please, Shinomiya-senpai." I gave him a few taps on his knees before glancing at him sideways. "This is why you'll never get a girlfriend, senpai." I shook my head in disappointment while sighing.

It took him a millisecond before his hand touched my head and gripped it like how a crane machine does. "Ah, by the way, Senzaemon-sama, are you sure you're fine here? I mean, the other hall has more interesting cast." I reminded them. I didn't actually mind Shinomiya-senpai's glares and hand. To be honest, it felt like...him.

"Hm? That reminds me, I need to watch how his son fairs."

What he said just completely puzzled us. I felt Shinomiya-senpai's hand loosening its grip around my head because of it. Director Senzaemon quickly excused himself together with Uncle Gin. Both of them were heading down for Hall A. I turned around to face the coral-head then asked, "Did I miss something?"

"Beats me." He shrugged.

=== Timeskip ===

3:00 p.m.

Polar Star Dormitory

Shinomiya-senpai and I left the hall when there were only 4 contestants left to judge. Now we are at the dormitory's kitchen under Fumio-san's permission. With ingredients, trays and plates laid across the island counter, both of us silently worked our own magic in the kitchen. We are working with 3-course meal and I am in-charge with the dessert like I've always been in his flag restaurant while he is dealing with the others. It's not like I don't have enough guts to do more under his tutelage. He just trusts me with the final course with all of his heart. I remembered that time when I heard he got angry at one of his chefs who tried to change the recette for the chocolate dessert served in his restaurant. I pitied that chef. I mean, he did that to accommodate the financial situation of SHINO's but this coral head was not happy.

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