Chapter 17 || Edited

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

We treaded the hallway in silence. Our steps resonated the empty hallways of the Polar Star Dorm. He was walking a step ahead of me. His right hand held the keys that Fumio-san lent us for the night while his left—well, as usual, tucked neatly in his jeans. "Why didn't you take the challenge?" He questioned my decision a while ago when Yukihira-san challenged me to a Shokugeki. I arched a brow and stopped for a moment to stare at him. "So, you WERE awake then." I concluded. He huffed like it didn't matter and continued to walk until he was 3 feet away from me.

"I haven't earned my reward yet!"

After mentioning that, Shinomiya-senpai completely froze in his spot for a minute. I ran towards him like a kid welcoming a family member back to their humble home. I bended my torso to my left, blocking his path then grinned. "My reward." I repeated in case it slipped behind his thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He fixed his glasses before resuming to walk in a brisk manner.

"Now, now, you have to honor your promise, Kojirou-nii." I teased him using his first name. He clicked his tongue, knowing that I already knew that calling him by his first name would only annoy him more thus, explains his glare and that weird flash from his glasses directed towards me. It took me every ounce of my sanity to control my body from pouncing him right there and then.

I guess he saw that I was being serious about it as he reluctantly crouched with his back facing me. "Hurry up or someone will see us." He demanded much to his annoyance. A subtle smile appeared on my lips after seeing his fingers twitch to accompany his expression. "Hurry, idiot!" He hissed.

I laughed softly when he cursed under his breath. Slowly, I leaned on him with my arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist respectively. Feeling the warmth of his body, I inhaled his scent while he lifted me with ease. "Just as I still have that faint cinnamon smell on you." I mumbled at the crook of my arm. "Yet, you expelled a student because of his citric smell."

"Stop reminding me of that." His voice sounded so deep and it hit that perfect spot that makes my heart flutter like a typical young teenage girl with no worries in life. But, probably, that's because my ears are close to his chords.

"That...or you purposely attached a bunch of cinnamon sticks to your body secretly."

"If you're just going to complain there, I'm dropping you down." He sharply countered my attempt to annoy him further. I yelped when he pinched my calf to which I returned with a light slap on his shoulder. He groaned and lost his grip around my knees. I almost screamed in his ear only to hear him chuckle. I glared at him but that did not stop him from showing me his mischievous grin.

"Koujirou-nii, thank you..."

That night, the deserted hallways of the Polar Star Dorm, was filled with laughter from their unexpected guests.


Shinomiya Koujirou's POV

'Damn it. Why am I so weak in front of this child?' I asked myself right after I arrived in one of the rooms we borrowed. It took me several minutes of questioning to notice that this kid on my back was already fast asleep. I carefully opened the door without dropping her then laid her on her bed. Pulling the sheets over her body, I stared at her admiring the little illusion of her moonlit complexion and her serene face. 'She's definitely an angel when she's asleep.' I remarked, stroking her golden locks.

"You did quite well this time." I whispered, dropping a kiss on her forehead then left the room.

Sitting by the window sill in this dim room, I glanced up to the cloudless night sky and continued to stare at the moon. The silence this abode was offering tempted me to become a sentimental person that I was in my childhood days. It pains to admit but sometimes, Rumi's remarks are as accurate as her mother's. There are even times when I'd doubt if they're humans or not.

I took a deep breath while sinking in to this once in a blue moon relaxation. I stretched my limbs as far as it could go. I was about to head to bed when my phone vibrated in my pocket for too long. I cursed inwardly and took the device out.

"What is it, sensei?"

"Kou-chan, long time no--wait! Did you just call me 'sensei'?" I heard her burst into tears, which I actually thought was just one of her exaggerated acts in history. I ran my fingers my fingers along my hair line trying desperately not to get annoyed with this mother and daughter duo.

"Should I take it back then?"

"Ahem. Anyhow, I heard a kid challenged you to a Shokugeki and resulted to a draw." Her teasing voice clearly reminds me of her daughter's face as she does that. Now that I think about it, there's no boundary to these two really!

"If you're just going to talk about that, then I'll end this ca--"

"Now, now, don't be such a sour puppy, Kou-chan."


"ANYWAY, are you with my daughter right now? She's not picking up her phone."

Oh yeah, this woman I'm speaking of is none other than Higarashi Saeko, an alumna of Tōtsuki. She's part of the 69th class of the Academy alongside with Doujima-san and some notable people in the industry. She's the master when it comes to pulling other people into her challenges which is why I'm here, as a matter of fact.

"That same kid is challenging your daughter too, if you want to ask." I diverted the topic to avoid any tease.

I heard her hum like she was entertained by the turn out of events. "What's his/her name?" She asked.

"Yukihira Soma."

I think I heard a sharp gasp from the other line which is a first coming from her. 'Maybe I should mention that kid over and over again once I'll meet her in person.' I thought as part of my revenge.

"Shinomiya, those two aren't meant to clash with each other."

Puzzled by her statement, I wanted to ask her for more details but the sudden snap on the line made me realize that she ended the call without warning.

"What in the world is happening?"


Takeshima Rumi's POV

It was 5 o'clock in the morning when I decided to hit the kitchen to make some breakfast when Yukihira-san greeted me in his diner's uniform.

'Ah, do I have to deal with this idiot or something?' I thought and yawned for a second. "What is it?" I asked, dragging myself to the kitchen half-asleep.

"You already had a good rest, right? Now accept my challenge to a Shokugeki!" He exclaimed.

His personality reminds me of that other red-head from another anime I watched back when I was not helping dad's hotel. What was the name again...? Was that...Kagani...? Ah, yeah, Kagami Taiga.

Just as I was about to ignore him, I felt his ominous aura targeting me and my frail self. I sighed for the first time of the day then turned around to face him. "If you can serve me an original recette that will talk about you as a chef, then I'll take your challenge. But if you can't, then forget about being the First Seat. You'll never reach him." 

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