Chapter 22

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Takeshima Rumi's POV


After locking the door securely, I grabbed my things which were placed on the floor then smiled in satisfaction. 'Today is the day.' I thought.

A smooth set of fingers slowly grazed along mine while the other set were touching my shoulder in a squeezing manner. "Let me help you." Tsukasa-senpai's smooth velvety morning voice brought me back to my senses. Blood made its way to my cheeks painting them with different shades of red.

He took the plastic bag full of my prepared ingredients for today's match except for the noodles since Totsuki promised to prepare it themselves. I heard him yawn lightly and rub his eyes for about twenty seconds. I looked at him and definitely saw his dazed state. "Senpai, did you sleep?" I asked, arching a brow.

His sleepy bubble popped, alerting him with my presence. He yawned once again then apologized for his lack-luster demeanor. "I just couldn't sleep. Now that I think about it, I'm way too nervous for this day." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. He was looking sheepish at this moment to which I find so adorable. I giggled for once telling him to relax and he should remember that I'm the participant, not him. I could see visible sweat forming on his cheek as he turned more awkward and timid at the same time.

I took my handkerchief from my left pocket; reached for his face then wiped his sweat using the cloth. Stunned, he paused to look at me; his face: completely red. "S-Sorry!" I quickly apologized. I was about to walk away from him when I felt his hand gripping around my wrist then turned me around so we could face each other. 

"Why are you being so shy now, hm?" He teased, his breath now tickling my lips. 

"And why are you being such a flirt, Eishi-kun?" 

I think I was a little bit too harsh with it since he was hanging his head too low to the point that I could see the back of his neck. Suddenly, he wrapped his free arm around my waist before using my shoulder as a support for his head. "I'm sorry, I just have to do this. Let me calm down for awhile." He exhaled a shaky breath. 


As I called him, he brought his arm back to his side and in a second, his smooth fingers glided their way to my hand before locking our fingers together tightly. I stared at him, slightly surprised with his bashful appearance. Him, covering his mouth with his other arm while looking at some place other than me. To complete the package, there were different shades of red to show how flushed he was. "Let's go?" He asked, tugging my hand.

If this was not enough for you to guess our relationship right now then let me tell you. We are currently in that getting to know stage as we have decided to take things in a slow pace since both of us are studying as chefs in this elite institution. When did we start? A day after I challenged Yukihira to a Shokugeki. Since Uncle Gin was there, I took that as a chance to consult him regarding Tsukasa-senpai's actions.

=== Flashback ===

It took them 5 cups of Ryoko's Rice Juice to be completely knocked out while 3 half glasses of wine for the alumni to follow my peers in their state. The only ones who are still wide awake were me and uncle. "Uncle, can we talk in private?" I asked, gathering all my courage to ask something that's out of our field of study. 

"Then, let's talk in the kitchen. I'll wash your clutter for tonight." He suggested while lending me a hand to stand. I took his offer and grabbed his muscular arm. Seriously, when did he have a time to go to a gym? I heard Totsuki had him around their little fingers. Or am I just really exaggerating things again like mom?

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