Chapter 19

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

Today is the most unfortunate day I could ever have next to that time when I lost my keys and forgot my phone. I'm a bedridden puppy with a fever that reached more or less 39.8°C. I could feel my energy getting sapped by a mysterious force binding me from doing extra movements.

'And this is the part where living alone is not the best advice I could give.' I tried to roll once to my left side where my phone was placed on the beside table. It took me like, all my muscles to do this and when I finally got what I wanted, I dialed Shinomiya-senpai's number since I know he'd be like a dashing madman if he'll know my current state.


"Ah, Kojirou-nii? Where are you?" I tried not to sound sick and am forcing myself not to cough so violently as before.

"I'm in France of course, baka."

Of course. His typical speech. I clutched the sheets covering my body and with every ounce of strength, I asked him to call Uncle Gin for me and used my bribing technique to close a deal. I'm thankful enough for mom who showed me how to do it correctly.

I waited for three hours but there was still no signs of uncle. My throat is dry and I need to eat something before taking any medication. Groaning, I forced myself out from the bed. Sure I was dizzy but that won't stop me from doing what I have to do.

With my palm pressed against the wall, I dragged my cold and ticklish feet to the kitchen. I think I just cleaned my path using this thick duvet I covered myself with. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet then poured some water on it, which apparently messed up because my vision showed two glasses at some point.

There was that shrilling ring from the doorbell and I was about to invite them from this far when I remembered about the double lock. 'Someone remind me to change my lock to an automatic one.'

What seems to be short in reality became long and tall. Not only that, I could see steam coming from my own mouth as I exhaled the hot air accumulated in my lungs. That's just shows how bad I'm feeling right now.

So, to reach the porch, I literally rolled like a chibi being used as a bowling ball. I stopped just a few inches away from dropping to the doorstep which is a miracle. I mustered up all my strength to stand and unlock the door for my visitor.

"Hm? Uncle...and Nakiri Erina...?" I rubbed my eyes just to be sure. The people standing at my frontstep was none other than Nakiri Erina THE Erina.

"You should go back to your bed, Ms. Rumi." Uncle's voice sounded so sarcastic when he mentioned my name. I could've made a very good comeback if only I'm not sick.

I moved aside and sat at the corner of the porch. I got too dizzy as of this moment and moving too much might knock me out. Uncle, upon seeing my ultimately flushed state, rushed to me and carried me in a bridal style. In a second, my vision went black and I could barely hear the voices of the people who came here to visit me.

I found myself back at the Polar Star Dorm helping Yukihira-san with his recette. The thing is, I don't even recall forming an alliance with him. Anyhow, I'm here watching him do some experiment with those squid tentacles.

I could literally see a dark aura reeking from that container as soon as he faced me with that sneering face. "Now, accept my challenge or you'll face the wrath of my failed dishes." He threatened.

"This is just a dream, Rumi. Wake up! Rumiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!"

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