Chapter 28

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

I can't breathe.

Ever since Eishi's guest appeared, I find it harder to breathe a single ounce of oxygen in this room. Fear crawled to every nerve in my body when I met his eyes. It was the blackest of all black; the true nest for all malice.

His lips moved but my ears were unable to pick up any sound. I stood there with my mouth agape as he walked closer towards me. My instincts were screaming to move but my legs weren't functioning in response. It felt like I was standing on a hardening cement. Then, I saw him reach out for my cheek with his gloved hand yet, it never grazed my skin.

"Azami-dono, I believe your business for today has something to do with me alone."

Eishi's voice ripped this kind of paralytic state away from me. His right hand softly squeezed my waist before pulling me behind his body. I noticed how his white eyes glared straight to its counterpart. If I was shaking with fear, the opposite is happening inside him. It was like he found courage to stand up against the older one.

A light grimace from the other side made me realize that Eishi grabbed the other man's wrist before it could even touch me. "She has nothing to do with whatever you're planning." He added while tightening his grip on Azami's wrist.

"Oh, it has to do with every student in Tōtsuki, Tsukasa-san." A sinister smile played on Azami's face as he snatched his hand away from him. Seeing his smile, another great wave of fear washed my entire senses and started to dominate my mind.

The hand that was once on my waist move up to my shoulder prompting me to look up at Eishi's face. He smiled warmly then leaned in to my ear. "Be a good girl and wait for me in my office. I'll be there as soon as I'm done." He whispered as he pushed me towards the door.


Tsukasa Eishi's POV

A click from the door to my office was enough for me to shed this mask I've been holding on to. I grabbed my usual seat at the round table and sat with my legs crossed. With my right arm outstretched, I motioned for my guests to sit down wherever they see fit for their taste.

"It looks like you have your own conditions set for that girl." Azami-dono began to express his amusement. He snapped his fingers prompting for his assistant to pass me a folder.

"I'd appreciate it if you'll spare her from trouble." I replied, setting the proposal down on the table. "Besides, you have no right to demand when your presence is no longer wanted."

A chilling wind brushed my body. I involuntarily shivered as part of my body's defense mechanism and quickly restored my composure. I looked at him noting how his face contorted with discomfort due to my remark.

"Why are you willing to go that far for her?" He asked.

Because of her enigmatic nature.

I have every right to fear my own girlfriend. I know she spells danger to my own style of cooking when I first saw her work. Back then, I was quietly assessing her to see if she could keep up with my speed and she greatly exceeded my expectations.

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