Chapter 8 || Edited

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Takeshima Rumi's POV

The sun was up at this moment but I don't feel like moving an inch from my own bed. It was just yesterday when the most revered General Head Chef of Tōtsuki Hotel Group uncovered the greatest secret I kept hidden away from the general public. Now every alumnus present at that time, and Chapelle-sensei, knows about it.

I lied there in my bed still half asleep while staring at that dull, white ceiling of my bedroom. Speaking of, I think they mentioned things about the Elite Ten being the most powerful council next to the Director himself. They are similar to those legislative department of a governing body. Five minutes later, I found myself washing my face and brushing my own teeth when the doorbell rang for about three times. I hastily wrapped up my first two routines during my lazy days and ran towards the door. Hair disheveled, pajamas in disarray, I think my head blew a fuse the moment I saw my first visitor this morning.

"G-Give me five minutes, senpai!" My voice was in a higher pitch than my normal one due to my embarrassment. I quickly closed the door, jumped in to a fresh pair of clothes, cleaned the entire living room of clutter, sprayed some air freshener around the corners and opened the balcony windows to invite some fresh air inside. Fixing my hair, face and breath, I opened the door once again then Tsukasa-senpai smiled towards me.

"Sorry for disturbing you at such an hour." He apologized smoothly. I was waiting for him to rain me down with concerns but when none of those came, it actually surprised me. I raised both of my hands in the air, waving them in front of me for a few seconds then clasped them behind my back while pushing the door wide open for him.

"It's okay, senpai. In fact, I should be the ones to apologized. You saw me in my most inappropriate attire and I even slammed the door in your face moments ago." I apologized while gesturing him to come inside. He took the offer gladly and I noticed a box wrapped in a dark purple cloth in one of his hands.

"That is fine but you should not let other guys see you in such state in the future. Who knows what they are going to do while you are alone?" His statement was more of a tease type than a puzzle. I led him to where the dining table was before I made my way to the kitchen behind the marbled counter to prepare some tea for both of us. I do not know, but I had this feeling that senpai likes green tea or anything related to traditional sweets and cuisines. But he does not specialize in that. He knows how to bring his chosen ingredients back to life but I could not sense him inside it.

With a light thud, I placed the tea cup on his side while he arranged his own style of bento on the table. My lips slightly parted upon seeing this luxurious type of lunch but it is what I expected of him. I sat across him and we ate in silence. It was not that annoying type of silence though. In fact, with just his presence alone, I felt overly comfortable for some strange reasons.

"Just as I thought. Did it taste weird?" His voice was filled with worry; turning softer and softer towards the end. I took a sip of my tea then looked at him with a smile.

"In contrary, it is the opposite. It was close to perfection. The only thing it needs is 'personality'." I remarked. Is it just me or did his eyes flashed something closer to uncertainty after I revealed my thoughts. "Never mind that, what brings you here, senpai?" I asked to dismiss this awkward atmosphere between us.

He snapped out of his thoughts and flashed me with one of his mysterious smiles. It did not really help that the lighting made him more of a king than his notable image as a knight as far as the rumors are in concern. "Congratulations in surviving your first camp, Takeshima-san." He congratulated me after a few seconds of silence.

"Thank you, senpai." My voice sounded so weak and I could not even handle his intense gaze at me.

"Will you accompany me somewhere, Takeshima-san?" He asked.

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