He Saved Me.

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Chapter One.

There I sit... Tear filled eyes. Blood all over my hands from cutting. Why does it matter if im here? Living... No one would miss me. Why dont I just end it?

Life would be way better without me in the picture. I grab the knife and hide it in my dresser so nobody can find it. I walk in the bathroom to wash all the blood off my arm. Makeup running down my face. I stare at myself for awhile... Deeply.

"Emma! Dinners almost ready!" My mom shouts from the kitchen. I wipe away any tears. I cant let her see me like this. I grab my jacket to cover my cuts.

I head down stairs to see whats for dinner. Sloppy joes? Ill just eat salad.

"Hey honey how was your day?"

"its was ok" it was terrible

"oh what did you do?"

"Oh you know hanging with my friends" Sit in the corner of the bathroom alone.

"Cool ok so I want to tell you something!"


"Ok so I was walking down the hall and my Co worker John glaced at me"

"And how is thi-"

"And then next he walked over and asked me out!"

"Oh thats great mom!" Another guy? Lets hope he doesnt hurt you like last time. I dont want to see you heartbroken. Your the only person in my life that cares.

"So theres this new kid in the neighbor and his names Xavier. He also has a sister your age, uhh Moriah"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to go great them. Say hello or something that teens do"

"I cant I have.... school! Yeah school" I played that off well.

"on a Saturday?"

Dang she caught me.

"ill say Hello to them tomorrow, Okay?"

"Ok just eat your dinner and go to bed" I start walking upstairs and then I glance back at mom to see her dancing.

"Mom! Stoppppp!"


"I hope you dont do that when John comes over" She gives me a weird face and then shoos me up stairs. Crazy parents.

I walk to my bed and look out the window. Falling alseep to the sounds of rain drops.


Hey guys! I hope you like it. Hey this is a Niall book he just comes in a weird way so please stay tuned.

Love Hana :*

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